Wieners Uncanny Valley 2022 Best

Wieners Uncanny Valley

In an essay of at least 1,200 words (about 4-5 pages), chose a topic from Wieners Uncanny Valley about which you can make an argument based upon a claim of value.

Wieners Uncanny Valley

In an essay of at least 1,200 words (about 4-5 pages), chose a topic from Wiener’s Uncanny Valley about which you can make an argument based upon a claim of value. You MUST use one of the topics in her book as your focus. Based upon the topic you have chosen, make a judgment that is based upon standards that measure the worth of an action, belief, performance, or object associated with that topic. You will need to use at least three outside sources in your final draft. One of those sources will, of course, have to be Wiener’s book. Use MLA format when introducing and citing sources.

Wieners Uncanny Valley

You will also need to include a Works Cited list that includes all of the outside sources you used in your final draft. The Works Cited list does not count toward the minimum word count. For the Thesis and Rough Draft Workshop, you will need to have made a tentative selection of a possible topic and located at least one outside source other than the assigned book. You should have also considered what standards and/or criteria are appropriate for making your claim of value related to the topic or issue you’ve chosen. And you should have considered what an opposing viewpoint to your claim might be.

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