Tag Archives: WW2
Research on Labor union. 2022 best

This is a research on Labor union. The general story about unions is that they played a big role after WW2 but since Reagan have dwindled, especially in the private sector.
Research on Labor union.
For the final essay, use the format for the introduction posted on Blackboard. It’s hard for me to tell what will part of the introduction and what will be part of the problem section. The research question should be whether or not the PRO act should be passed The general story about unions is that they played a big role after WW2 but since Reagan have dwindled, especially in the private sector. This has led to inequality and low wages and bad working conditions. Currently, there is an upsurge in union organizing among low wage workers.
Research on Labor union.
This is the context for the PRO act and it normally would include relevant statistics demonstrating the decline of union membership, the growing inequality, the low wages, and the increase of strikes and union organizing campaigns. The PRO act should be described in some detail in the problem section, as you have done. The paragraph describing the tactics of the bosses that make the PRO act necessary is not clear. There should be a clear statement of the tactics used to prevent unionization and of the right to work laws. It is normal to mention the history of the bill–who proposed it, when, etc.–and before elaborating on the various provisions.
Research on Labor union.
The paragraphs you label left-wing arguments are not arguments; they are descriptions of the provisions of the bill. However, it makes sense to do what you have done, i.e., describe the bill and at the same time mention the reasons and advantages of the various provision. You then do not need a section on the left-wing arguments, as these arguments will also state the advantages of the bill according to its supporters. It would be good to mention larger issues, beyond the specific provisions of the pro act, such as its anticipated effects on inequality, according to its supporters. In the right-wing arguments section you rely very much on the article by Greg and Skylar.
Research on Labor union.
It is not normal to rely so much on a short article from a newspaper. The longer more developed articles that show up in the right wing search engine have more depth and give you more to work with. There is repetition in the right wing section. Consider devoting a separate paragraph to the right to work issue. It seems as if you are summarizing various articles that list the various issues, so there is repetition. It is better to use articles that go into detail about a specific issue. The 2nd paragraph in the right wing section turns from an anti-union argument to a pro-union argument.
Research on Labor union.
You should sometimes name authors in your sentence– As Smith (year) writes…) You should not only use in text citations at the end of the sentence. There should be paragraph numbers in the citations. There should be more short quotes that express ideas rather than information. The right wing section could start with a paragraph on the traditional conservative opposition to unions. I have attached two articles that argue that the unions have only themselves to blame for their dwindling fortunes. the conclusion should be 5 paragraphs and refer back to the sources you used. https://youtu.be/fdnYtfVJd9Y
Research on Labor union.
If you support the pro act you should show why the right wing arguments are wrong, or right if you support the act. Also, work on the writing. It is not wordy but there are unclear sentences and paragraphs that can be improved. I have also attached a left-wing criticism of the pro act. (Jacobin is left wing). Perhaps you can do something with it. Please acknowledge below that you have read these comments. https://jacobinmag.com/2022/02/labor-unions-density-pro-act-organizing-strategy https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/unions-are-bullying-democrats-into-giving-them-more-power https://cei.org/studies/the-case-against-the-protecting-the-right-to-organize-act/