Tag Archives: visions of spiritual life
Dante the Pilgrim and Doctor Faustus – 2022 Best
Comparison discussion between literature works (Dante the Pilgrim and Doctor Faustus). Paper details Be sure to use specific quotations, incidents, images, or scenes to illustrate your points. Your in-text citations should use act numbers, scene numbers, and line numbers for play
Dante the Pilgrim and Doctor Faustus
Paper details Be sure to use specific quotations, incidents, images, or scenes to illustrate your points. Your in-text citations should use act numbers, scene numbers, and line numbers for plays; canto and line numbers for Dante; and/or page numbers for other works. (You do not need to include a Work Cited list.) 1. Do both Dante the Pilgrim and Doctor Faustus demonstrate that they have the capacity to repent? Discuss the experience of Dante the Pilgrim in one canto of Inferno by Dante Alighieri (including one direct quotation) and the experience of Faustus in one scene from Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe (including one direct quotation) to support your answer.
Dante the Pilgrim and Doctor Faustus
(Maximum 3 paragraphs or 600 words) 3. Both Rumi, as a Sufi poet, and Voltaire, as a French satirist and philosopher, expressed non-traditional visions of spiritual life and religious faith. Using at least one direct quotation, discuss one stanza of Rumi’s poem “Who Am I?” in terms of the Sufi beliefs it reflects. Then, using at least one direct quotation, discuss Candide’s experiences with religion in Chapter XVIII (18) of Voltaire’s Candide. In your opinion, what ideals about religion and/or spirituality do both writers share in common? (Maximum 4 paragraphs or 750 words Use only mentioned works, no research needed. https://youtu.be/YbCEWSip9pQ