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Tag Archives: utilitarianism

Ethical theories of Ruth Benedict 2022 Best

Ethical theories of Ruth Benedict

For this assignment we will explore the main features of the ethical theories of Ruth Benedict and James Rachels, Plato, Aristotle, Kant, and Mill. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of ethical relativism, ethical egoism, virtue ethics, deontological ethics, utilitarianism, and other major ethical theories discussed.

Ethical theories of Ruth Benedict

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®. Instructions Purpose This assignment presents another “What would you do?” scenario that necessitates ethical reasoning. Though it might seem a bit far-fetched, we often encounter similar situations. This assignment clarifies the importance of one’s ethical frameworks and demonstrates how different might be our decisions when operating under different ethical frameworks. This assignment supports the following unit objectives: Explain the main features of the ethical theories of Ruth Benedict and James Rachels, Plato, Aristotle, Kant, and Mill.

Ethical theories of Ruth Benedict

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of ethical relativism, ethical egoism, virtue ethics, deontological ethics, utilitarianism, and other major ethical theories discussed. Tasks Read the following thought experiment from Philippa Foot and then write an essay that answers the questions that follow: “Let us consider […] a pair of cases which I shall call Rescue I and Rescue II. In the first Rescue story we are hurrying in our jeep to save some people – let there be five of them – who are imminently threatened by the ocean tide.

Ethical theories of Ruth Benedict

We have not a moment to spare, so when we hear of a single person who also needs rescuing from some other disaster we say regretfully that we cannot rescue him, but must leave him to die. To most of us this seems clear […]. This is Rescue I and with it I contrast Rescue II.  In this second story we are again hurrying to the place where the tide is coming in in order to rescue the party of people, but this time it is relevant that the road is narrow and rocky. In this version the lone individual is trapped (do not ask me how) on the path.

If we are to rescue the five we would have to drive over him. But can we do so?

Ethical theories of Ruth Benedict

If we stop he will be all right eventually: he is in no danger unless from us. But of course all five of the others will be drowned.  As in the first story our choice is between a course of action which will leave one man dead and five alive at the end of the day and a course of action which will have the opposite result. Be clear in explaining Mill’s recommendation, and how he would justify it. In doing so, you must include a discussion of the following: The Principle of Utility and how it would specifically apply in this situation—who gets “counted” and how?

Ethical theories of Ruth Benedict

What would Kant tell the rescuer to do, in Rescue I and Rescue II, according to his deontological theory? Be clear in explaining Kant’s recommendation and how he would justify it. In doing so, you must include a discussion of the following:  The first version of the Categorical Imperative and how it would specifically apply in these two situations (hint, you have to say what the maxim would be and what duty would be generated according to it).  https://youtu.be/CXM04q1rJOA

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Religious views and treatment options 2022 Best

Religious views and treatment options

This paper explores religious views and treatment options/Balancing facts and data with a patient’s personal or religious beliefs. For this assignment, you will write a 1250-1500 word scholarly APA nursing ethical dilemma paper.

Religious views and treatment options

For this assignment, you will write a 1250-1500 word scholarly APA nursing ethical dilemma paper. In Module 2, you selected a population focus listed below for this final assignment. Students will use at least four references, to include the assigned textbook for the course. Include at least four appropriate sources: the textbook, two scholarly, peer-reviewed articles, and the fourth may be an organizational/government/professional organization website or additional scholarly article or book. References will be 5-7 years or newer.

Religious views and treatment options

Step 1: In Module 2, you chose a nursing practice ethical dilemma from the populations/situations listed below, or another topic of your choice. Religious views and treatment options / Balancing facts and data with a patient’s personal or religious beliefs Step 2 Write the introduction to the assignment. Set up your paper according to APA level headings: Level I headings (Dilemma and Reflection); Level II headings (Challenges, Role, Ethical Theory, and Action(s) Recommended. Introduction (Use Title of Paper as your Heading, not the word Introduction). Describe a nursing dilemma from the focused population above.

Religious views and treatment options

Discuss the Challenges that the nurse addresses with this patient or situation. Include at least two. Do not use cases described in Chapter 2 of the text (Ethical Theory). Discuss at least two contributing factors (cultural, economic, and/or social) to the ethical dilemma. Describe the nursing role in ethical dilemma applying the Nurse Code of Ethics. Discuss an ethical theory (utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, or moral particularism) related to the dilemma and how it provides a framework for this ethical dilemma. Describe actions you would recommend, based on the evidence you reviewed. https://youtu.be/vWd0Jgxo4ao

Religious views on treatment options

Provide a personal reflection 1) on your beliefs/values related to the dilemma and 2) on the ethical demands on nursing today and what should be done to provide quality care in the future related to this dilemma. Review for APA format of the paper, citations, and references.

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Moral Theories and Lying. 2022 Best

Moral Theories and Lying.

This assignment we will focus on questions about moral theories and lying. Answers must show sufficient and accurate knowledge of the reading material ——Please Number the answers——- DP3: o Which moral theory best seems to reflect how you make moral decisions? Explain why with an example.

Moral Theories and Lying.

Answers must show sufficient and accurate knowledge of the reading material ——Please Number the answers——- DP3: o Which moral theory best seems to reflect how you make moral decisions? Explain why with an example. o Can you think of a situation in which a leader should lie to the public? Explain the circumstances in detail and include whether you think Bok would agree with you and why. Questions for RQ7: Moral Theories and Lying 1. What is a moral subjectivist? Also, can a moral subjectivist say that some horrible event, like the Holocaust, is universally and always wrong, regardless of who does it? Explain.

Moral Theories and Lying.

2. Explain why lying is wrong according to Kantian moral theory and give your own example to help explain it. 3. In the reading, there is an example about a surgeon who sacrifices one healthy patient for five sick ones. How does Act Utilitarianism differ from Rule Utilitarianism in determining the moral value of the surgeon’s actions? 4. Evaluate the example of a lie from the end of our reading about Joe on his deathbed. Was this lie (or lies) good, bad, or neither? Defend your answer. Questions for RQ8: Bok 1. How do rulers who tell “noble lies” think of themselves and those they rule?

Moral Theories and Lying.

2. What was President Johnson’s lie (or group of lies) about himself during the 1964 election? Why did he lie and were the lies justifiable? (pp.170-3) 3. According to Bok, should leaders tell lies when telling the truth “at a particular time might do great damage,” such as when the government is making a change in financial policy? What are her reasons? (pp.177-8) 4. At the end of the reading, what does Bok say is the only way leaders can justifiably lie in a democracy (p. 181)? Explain with an example. Questions for RQ9: Stern and Martineau

Moral Theories and Lying.

Why do they think they in particular have the right to lie, when compared to the rest of the public? (pp.167-9) 1. From Stern: 1. Explain what turns a person into a gaslighter. Also, is the gaslighter always aware of what he (it is most often a “he”) is doing? 2. According to Stern, why are men more likely to be gaslighters and women the victims of gaslighting? Do you find her reasons to be true? 2. From Martineau: 1. In 2010, were experts optimistic or pessimistic about the influence the Internet would have on society? For what reasons? 2. What are some of the major motivations for deception online? Give examples from the reading. https://youtu.be/jomMfhpMwpU

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The Rifleman series 2022 Best

The Rifleman series

For this assignment we will focus on the Rifleman series, the episode called “Miss Milly.” List of character names in the story to focus on: Lucas McCain – the Rifleman Miss Milly – new store owner Micah – the town Marshall Mr. Adams – the collector of the money Hattie Denton

The Rifleman series

Video found on YouTube of the Rifleman series, the episode called “Miss Milly.” List of character names in the story to focus on: Lucas McCain – the Rifleman Miss Milly – new store owner Micah – the town Marshall Mr. Adams – the collector of the money Hattie Denton – former store owner Jim Oxford – friend of Lucas McCain Answer the following questions based on this video: 1. What is the premise of the story, and what is Miss Milly’s interest in Mr. Adams in order to get the story going? 2. How does Miss Milly defend her working relationship with Mr. Adams? 3. What moral problem occurs between Miss Milly and Mr. Adams?

The Rifleman series

4. Is Mr. Adams’ work ethic based on utilitarianism, duty, virtue, power or Aristotle’s mean? Choose only one of these and provide support for your answer by writing how Mr. Adam’s work ethic is NOT one of the other moral theories. 5. Is Lucas McCain’s personal ethics based on utilitarianism, duty, virtue, power or Aristotle’s mean? Choose only one of these and provide support for your answer by writing how Lucas McCain’s personal ethics is NOT one of the other moral theories. 6. Is Miss Milly’s work ethic based on utilitarianism, duty, virtue, power or Aristotle’s mean? Choose only one of these and provide support for your answer by writing how Miss Milly is NOT one of the other moral theories.

The Rifleman series

7. In this story, Hattie Denton is the foil. How is Hattie Denton the foil to Miss Milly, and how does this literary device help teach a moral lesson that Miss Milly needs to learn? 8. The Marshall seems fair and understanding, but firm. What ethics system does he belong to, just name one, no need to write a support for the choice: Duty, utilitarianism or virtue? 9. Some people will argue that there are no ethics in business. Either make a case in favor of this position and use an example from the film to support your argument, or, make a case against this position and use an example from the film to support your argument.

The Rifleman series

10. In Plato’s “Myth of Er,” he discusses one being either good or bad at his/her craft. The importance of the craftsperson is as the supplier of the city. If someone is a bad supplier, then that person corrupts the city with bad supplies, and the city cannot function correctly. List one of the story’s characters’ comments about how the store should be run in terms of who would be considered a good craftsperson and who was a bad craftsperson based on one of the five questions found in the Peter Drucker video. https://youtu.be/r1QISlASrXs

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Patients and prescription drug – 2022 Best

Patients and prescription drug

For this assignment we will explore ethical problems related to patients and prescription drug use OR patients in a state of poverty. Develop, in detail, a situation in which a health care worker might be confronted with ethical problems related to patients and prescription drug use OR patients in a state of poverty.

Patients and prescription drug

Show you care.  Paper details Instructions Develop, in detail, a situation in which a health care worker might be confronted with ethical problems related to patients and prescription drug use OR patients in a state of poverty. Your scenario must be original to you and this assignment. It cannot be from the discussion boards in this class or any other previous forum. Articulate (and then assess) the ethical solutions that can found using “care” (care-based ethics) and “rights” ethics to those problems. Assessment must ask if the solutions are flawed, practicable, persuasive, etc. What moral guidelines for using that kind of healthcare technology should be used there?

Explore such guidelines also using utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, ethical egoism, or social contract ethics. Say how social technologies such as blogs, crowdfunding, online encyclopedias can be used in either case. https://youtu.be/YXVXShMASJ4

Patients and prescription drug

What moral guidelines for using that kind of healthcare technology should be used there? Develop such guidelines also using utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, ethical egoism, or social contract ethics. You should not be using any text from discussion board or assignment for this class or any previous class. Cite the textbook and incorporate outside sources, including citations. Writing Requirements (APA format) Length: 3-4 pages (not including title page or references page) 1-inch margins Double spaced 12-point Times New Roman font Title page References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources)

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