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Tag Archives: United States

Enforcement of drug laws 2022 Best

Enforcement of drug laws

For tis assignment we will identify and discuss the major policy statements or legislation that had significant effects on the enforcement of drug laws in the United States.

Enforcement of drug laws

Identify and discuss the major policy statements or legislation that had significant effects on the enforcement of drug laws in the United States. The assignment should be presented chronologically beginning with the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act and end at today’s date. This assignment may contain a chart. The narrative portion of the project should be at least two full pages of text. For each piece of legislation or policy statement the narrative must also contain: a detailed description of the event an assessment of its impact on drug and/or alcohol control public attitudes/responses to the event.

Enforcement of drug laws

Format Requirements: Paper must be double spaced, 11 or 12 pt font and 1”margins all around. All APA 7th edition format requirements must be followed (cover page, in text citations, reference page). Refer to APA/UMGC – learning resources found in the content page of this course. You must have resources to support your thoughts/information. These must be cited both in text as well as at the end of the document. Your paper should not contain direct quotes, sourced material must be paraphrased.  https://youtu.be/zJZhPF8CuaM

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Model UN Simulation paper 2022 Best

Model UN Simulation paper

In this Model UN Simulation paper you must demonstrate your knowledge of the situation, critical thinking, and diplomacy/negotiation skills by creating a fictitious but historically plausible transcript of the UNHCR conference in 1979.

Model UN Simulation paper

Model UN Simulation Alternate Assignment 1) You still have to turn in the position paper for the country you were assigned with Chicago style citations and bibliography 2) Instead of participating in the all-day Model UN Simulation you must demonstrate your knowledge of the situation, critical thinking, and diplomacy/negotiation skills by creating a fictitious but historically plausible transcript of the UNHCR conference in 1979. You are still marked in all four categories a) You must have at MINIMUM the following countries present i) United States ii) Vietnam iii) YOUR Country iv) One other country of “first asylum” (see the country backgrounders)

Model UN Simulation paper

b) You must have at minimum 3 moderated caucuses. c) Minimum 4 pages, double spaced, size 12 font d) The transcript must demonstrate historical country perspectives and use professional language as would be done in the MUN simulation. e) The final page must be a Draft Resolution (see MUN package) i) The resolution must demonstrate a logical solution and a justified compromise among nations f) You must have a bibliography demonstrating adequate research with at least 5 sources and 1 primary source. https://youtu.be/BYYwBLJ9q5E

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Privacy and security. 2022 Best

Privacy and security.

write a paper that discusses the ethical issues as they relate to individual privacy and security. After reviewing the resources on surveillance ethics, privacy, and the Fourth Amendment, choose one of the case studies (Carpenter v. United States or China’s Social Credit System)

Privacy and security.

Written Assignment 3. After reviewing the resources on surveillance ethics, privacy, and the Fourth Amendment, choose one of the case studies (Carpenter v. United States or China’s Social Credit System) and write a paper of 500 to 750 words (approximately 2 to 3 pages) that discusses the ethical issues as they relate to individual privacy and security. Use one of the ethical frameworks discussed in Module 2 to support your case (utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, social justice and social contract theory).

Privacy and security.

If you select the case of Carpenter v. United States, choose either the side of the court or one of the dissenting opinions and make your case in favor of or against the ruling. If you select the case study, China’s Social Credit System, take a stance either in favor of or against this emerging practice. Be sure to cite the sources you use in your assignment. You may choose either MLA or APA format as long as you are consistent. https://youtu.be/6K-tTaxLqJQ

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Adversarial system of criminal trials – 2022 expert Comparison

Adversarial system of criminal trials

For this assignment we will compare and contrast the pros and cons of the adversarial system of criminal trials in the United States and the inquisitorial system of criminal trials in a country of  choice.

Adversarial system of criminal trials

Firstly, in a three-page paper , students are to compare and contrast the pros and cons of the adversarial system of criminal trials in the United States and the inquisitorial system of criminal trials in a country of your choice. Examples of countries that use the inquisitorial system include France, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy, among others FORMAT: Paragraphs 1-2 should introduce the topic, the purpose of the paper and the countries of comparison.

Adversarial system of criminal trials

Paragraphs 3-6 should describe the differences between the inquisitorial and adversarial systems of criminal trials including their origin. How they operate, and the strengths as well as the weaknesses of each. In paragraphs 7-8, reflect on whether you believe the adversarial system as practiced in the U. S  is fair and balanced and whether it should be changed. Also, be sure to base your argument on a factual source of information. Finally, include a references page of works cited and use APA citation style. https://youtu.be/PuJpulVMJOU

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Abolishing the Death Penalty – 2022 Best

Abolishing the Death Penalty

This assignment focuses on abolishing the Death Penalty. The death penalty should be abolished in the United States because it does not deter criminals, that is a Punishment that cannot be taken back, and it makes a public spectacle of an individual’s death.

Abolishing the Death Penalty

Death Penalty Thesis: The death penalty should be abolished in the United States because it does not deter criminals, that is a Punishment that cannot be taken back, and it makes a public spectacle of an individual’s death. 1. Refutation The Punishment should fit the crime. Giving a killer the death sentence will stop them and others from doing it again.   2. Deter Capital Punishment is the sentence of ordering that someone is punished. In addition, there is no credible evidence, meaning the evidence is based on jury’s opinions. Has no effect because they never actually suffered from the crime.

Abolishing the Death Penalty

3. Cannot be taken back. No coming back once the penalty has been done it cannot be reattracted. Loss of family member, grieving process. Mistake of wrong death 4. Public Spectacle of individual’s death Embarrassment to them in the public’s eye. Also, increases the ability to be cruel, along with control. Violates rights to life, when initially it is not one is right to determine. https://youtu.be/qUakJegELlQ

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