Tag Archives: trade balance

Economy of a country : 2022 Best research

Economy of a country

This assignment is a research regarding the economy of a country. The research  includes data such us GDP, Inflation, unemployment, trade balance etc.

Economy of a country

Firstly, the assignment is a research regarding the economy of a given country. Secondly, the research should include data such us GDP, Inflation, unemployment, trade balance etc.… Thirdly, the presentation lasts 10 to 15 minutes per group of 3 to 4 students. A written report and PPT presentation are submitted the day of the presentation. The choice of the country should discuss about the incidence of Covid-19 for all the following requirement.

Economy of a country

Requirements: The general topic is the following: based on the attached two International Monetary Fund documents related to the World Economic Outlook, published in October 2020, you are asked to select a particular country from the MENA region or from other regions and assess its macroeconomic performance in recent years and comment on the forecasts of the main economic variables for 2017-18-19-20. Use Excel graphs and eventually other presentation tools in order to illustrate the performance (You will find useful statistical annexes at the end of each document).

Economy of a country

The detailed questions to be addressed in your report are as follows: 1. GDP growth in constant prices in recent years and projections for 2020-21: first define real GDP and its growth, then analyze and illustrate graphically the growth trend and use relevant group or groups countries for comparison. What is your overall conclusion for the growth performance and prospects for the selected country? https://youtu.be/DQq-zJPSf4U

Economy of a country

2. Assess the unemployment situation in the selected country: define the unemployment rate, illustrate graphically and analyze trends in unemployment. So, based on graphical illustration, do you notice any relationship between GDP growth and the rate of unemployment? Is unemployment too high or too low?

Economy of a country

3. Inflation: How does the report measure inflation and what is the meaning of the indicator? Illustrate graphically and comment on changes in the inflation rate for the country you have selected. Do you consider inflation to be too high or too low in that country (by reference to relevant comparisons). What do you think would be the risks if the level of inflation recorded in the country persists in the future? 4.  Illustrate graphically and assess trends in the deficit of the country you have selected. Is the country running large or small deficits? What are the implications for that country’s indebtedness?

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