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Tag Archives: thesis statement

Argumentative research essay. 2022 Best

Argumentative research essay.

This assignment involves writing an argumentative research essay. For this essay, you will take a position on a topic that’s important to you, make a strong claim, and argue for that position.

Argumentative research essay.

Paper details For this essay, you will take a position on a topic that’s important to you, make a strong claim, and argue for that position. You must support your claim with valid reasoning, and with outside sources (your research sources). You must also effectively acknowledge potential counter-arguments, and address them. Begin with an introduction that provides enough background for your reader to understand your position or subject. Your introduction should end with a clear thesis statement, which presents your central claim and summarizes your supporting reasons.

Argumentative research essay.

The body of the paper will go into detail on those supporting reasons, backing your claims up with the evidence gathered throughout your research. Here are the guidelines for this assignment. Your finished essay should: Be 5-7 pages, properly formatted according to MLA guidelines & carefully proofread. Your Works Cited page is not included in this page count. Present a strong central claim that is clearly stated in a thesis statement. Provide the background information necessary for your reader to understand your argument: Support your central claim with good reasons, utilizing outside sources when appropriate.

Argumentative research essay.

Include properly formatted MLA in-text citations each time a source is used. Address potential counter-argument(s). Maintain a credible, academic tone throughout. Have an interesting and appropriate title Cite a minimum of five (5) research sources. All sources must come from academic databases, unless your instructor has approved an exception. Include a Works Cited page which lists all sources. Citations must be complete and correct, in MLA 8 format. See Chapter 52 of the textbook for templates and other guidance. Your argument should present good reasoning along with outside sources (a minimum of five) to support your central claim and address potential counter-arguments.

Argumentative research essay.

You should strive for an academic, authoritative tone in this paper to assure your reader of your credibility. You must use correct and complete MLA citations, both in-text citations and a correct Works Cited page. Since this is the final essay for the course, there will be no revision period in place – keep this in mind, and take extra care with this paper. Composing a careful, well-structured argument and being meticulous about source use will serve you well here! If you would like to see sample essays, you will find one in the Lecture and Readings folder for this section and additional examples in Chapter 64 of the textbook.   https://youtu.be/WLvwoWw1nJM

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Integration of college sports 2022 Best

Integration of college sports

This paper explores the integration of college sports by Black athletes. Paper instructions: For this assignment you will be writing an 2-3 page research essay with a clear argument. This essay must contain an introduction that engages the reader, presents a thesis statement

Integration of college sports

The Integration of college sports by Black athletes.  For this assignment you will be writing an 2-3 page research essay with a clear argument. This essay must contain an introduction that engages the reader, presents a thesis statement, and provides any necessary background information, definitions, or context. This essay must also contain a body that thoroughly supports your thesis statement with at least 3 findings and 5 academic sources. Finally, it must contain a conclusion that resolves your argument, includes a discussion of your findings, and offers recommendations or looks to the future.

Integration of college sports

This paper must utilize APA formatting and use at least 5 sources from the library databases. The following is my topic and argument : One example that comes to mind for me is the idea that sports were a huge part of why universities across the nation decided to segregate. Not everyone agrees with this idea. There are plenty of people who hold the position that universities were just more forward thinking than other institutions. Looking at the history of it, you can see that many of the earliest colleges to integrate were those with high end or budding sports programs.

Integration of college sports

Some of them were heavily against integration UNTIL they had to play schools with elite black athletes, and then suddenly they changed their minds… Would like this question explored asked and answered: Was integration at the collegiate level fueled by the desire for minority athletes in high end programs? https://youtu.be/INR_Q6mL2uQ

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Symbolism in the hero’s journey.  2022 Best

Symbolism in the hero's journey.

This assignment entails writing a research paper that explores symbolism in the hero’s journey.  Research Paper details: The theme of your research paper later in the semester will involve the symbolism connected to the theme of the hero’s journey in one of two novels, which you must purchase or check-out )

Symbolism in the hero’s journey.

Research Paper details: The theme of your research paper later in the semester will involve the symbolism connected to the theme of the hero’s journey in one of two novels, which you must purchase or check-out ) The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Any work that does not meet the word count requirement, is submitted late or is about a story or poem that was no assigned will receive a zero. Length (does not include the wc page): Rough draft: 700 words Final draft:1000 words A paper that does not have the required number of no quotations/citations will receive a minimum grade of 70%(this is where I start grading).

Symbolism in the hero’s journey.

A paper that has quotes that are not introduced, or uses 1ST or 2nd person , or have repeated past tense verbs minimum grade of 80% (this is where I start grading) The Research Paper Process: There are several stages of the Research Paper Process: topic choice, outline and thesis statement, and Works Cited page. At any point in the process, a student can contact or visit with me in person to receive advice and feedback. You need a minimum of 5 outside/secondary sources for both the rough and final draft. If you need to add additional sources for the final draft that is acceptable.

Symbolism in the hero’s journey.

Papers that do not meet the minimum length requirement or do not contain direct quotes from both your secondary and primary sources will not pass the assignment. Also, this is a final draft, which means he should have made changes based on the feedback you received. If I see no changes have been made from your rough draft, you will receive a grade at a maximum of a C on the assignment. Sources must come from a college library and examine something beyond plot General Guidelines: The papers should be typed in Times New Roman font. Each intro and concluding paragraph should be at least five sentences.

Symbolism in the hero’s journey.

The body paragraphs should be at least six sentences in length. Only use third person and make sure that all of your verbs are in present tense. Each direct quote within your body paragraphs( there should be no quotes in your intro and concluding paragraphs) should be introduced. You must have 1 quote from the story and 1 from a secondary source (at minimum) 1+1= 2 quotes per body paragraph The title of your story should be in quote marks…not italics! Sparknotes or Wikipedia are not acceptable sources.

Symbolism in the hero’s journey.

All websites that you plan to use (that are not connected with a college library must be approved by me in advance. For the final draft of the research paper, I will not accept a final draft, if you have not submitted a rough draft Drafts (both rough and final draft)s that are submitted below the word count limit, containing no internal citations, or without direct quotes from ALL secondary sources will not receive a passing grade!! https://youtu.be/F3YKLLumYys

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Importance of Happiness. 2022 Best

Importance of Happiness.

This paper explores the Importance of Happiness. Essay Prompt: So much of our discussion, study, and writing in this class has been about the difficulties we have in the world.

 Importance of Happiness.

Essay Prompt: So much of our discussion, study, and writing in this class has been about the difficulties we have in the world. For this essay, I want you to discuss happiness. What is happiness? Is happiness possible? How do you become happy? How can you tell if you’re happy, or not? How many people are actually happy in your world? What do you do to create happiness in your life? Can you create happiness for other people? Now, go deep. What makes you happy, if anything? What do you do to make yourself happy? If you’re not happy, what do you usually do about it? Do you think that there really such a thing as happiness?

The Importance of Happiness.

Is it a permanent state or is it fleeting? Please don’t just answer these questions. They’re given to help prompt some introspection on your part, so you can look inside and write about your relationship to happiness. Discuss your relationship to being happy, creating happiness for yourself and others, and what you can do to fill yourself up with more positive and happy thoughts. Give examples, discuss thoughts, examine possibilities—all about happiness.

 Importance of Happiness.

Must write a 2-page, well-organized, carefully thought-out, college-level essay using the following prompt. Organize the essay using the following: hook, thesis statement, introduction, body, conclusion, main ideas/topic sentences, supporting details, and concluding sentences for each paragraph, evidence and examples. https://youtu.be/M6XAmM_gACw

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Safety in Healthcare Environment. 2022 Best

Safety in Healthcare Environment.

This paper explores Quality and Safety in Healthcare Environment. Paper details Your assignment this session is to provide a full outline, including topic headings and bullets of content you will present in your Quality and Safety in the Healthcare Environment Paper.

Safety in Healthcare Environment.

Outline and Reference Page.  Paper details Your assignment this session is to provide a full outline, including topic headings and bullets of content you will present in your Quality and Safety in the Healthcare Environment Paper. Literature to support your paper should be from the evidence-based literature, respected websites, and/or from experts in the field. The references you provide in this assignment should be strong examples of the sources you will use to write the body of your paper.

Safety in Healthcare Environment.

Your final paper should have at least five respected references in addition to the required texts for the course. Start your outline by writing a thesis statement that clearly identifies your position on the topic. This thesis statement must be included in your introductory paragraph and be supported throughout your paper. The outline should be in bullet format and must include: introduction (with a thesis statement), three to five main points with at least one scholarly reference per point, and a closing. https://youtu.be/vPni8KSmVME

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Genetic engineering for humans 2022 best

Genetic engineering for humans

For this assignment we will explore whether CRISPR be used as a form a genetic engineering for humans. For help with argumentative essay writing (Links to an external site.) or APA formatting (Links to an external site.) visit the Purdue Online Writing Lab

Genetic engineering for humans

Your essay should be written in APA format, include a reference page, and be at minimum 3 pages long. For help with argumentative essay writing (Links to an external site.) or APA formatting (Links to an external site.) visit the Purdue Online Writing Lab which has really great resources and examples for essay writing. Thesis Statement Essay clearly states thesis answering the question, “Should CRISPR be used as a form a genetic engineering for humans?” https://youtu.be/klo-rSlsju8

Genetic engineering for humans

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Essay Body Essay provides well thought arguments to support thesis statement. All possible sides of the issue have been clearly addressed and evidence based rebuttals been provided. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Formatting Essay is written in proper APA format. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Length A well thought out essay of 3 pages minimum. References A works cited/reference page is provided and in-text citations are cited properly throughout the essay

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The Vegetarian by Han Kang. – 2022 Best

The Vegetarian by Han Kang.

For today’s assignment we will focus on the Vegetarian by Han Kang.  Requirements: The essay should be approximately 1000-words (about four pages double-spaced); try not to go over 1200 words.

The Vegetarian by Han Kang.

Requirements: The essay should be approximately 1000-words (about four pages double-spaced); try not to go over 1200 words. Narrow your topic so you have room to go into it in some depth. Make sure your essay contains an identifiable thesis statement and that your paragraphs are structured around clear topic and concluding sentences. Quote liberally from the text to support your analysis. We will talk about how to do this effectively in class Goal of the Assignment: Craft an original argument about The Vegetarian based on your own interpretation or opinion of evidence found in the text.

The Vegetarian by Han Kang.

Have a clearly defined thesis statement that reflects on the larger significance of the novel according to you. Use evidence from the text to support the claims your thesis statement (or main argument) is built on. Organize your argument in a manner that is logical and easy to follow–including direct topic and concluding sentences. Write a conclusion that reflects on the greater significance of your argument/opinion in terms of other existing conversations about the text. Practice correct citation format according to MLA guidelines. Checklist: ❏ Essay formatted according to MLA guidelines ❏ Creative Title ❏ Works Cited Page which sites YOUR edition of the novel. https://youtu.be/H8Njmv8DB9k

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