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Cultural beliefs. 2022 Best

This paper explores Cultural beliefs. Culture is defined as “the dynamic and multidimensional context of many aspects of the life of an individual. It includes gender, faith, sexual orientation, profession, tastes, age, socioeconomic status,
Cultural beliefs.
Culture is defined as “the dynamic and multidimensional context of many aspects of the life of an individual. It includes gender, faith, sexual orientation, profession, tastes, age, socioeconomic status, disability, ethnicity, and race. Cultural competency, or cultural awareness and sensitivity, is defined as, “the knowledge and interpersonal skills that allow providers to understand, appreciate, and work with individuals from cultures other than their own. It involves an awareness and acceptance of cultural differences, self-awareness, knowledge of a patient’s culture, and adaptation of skills.”
Cultural beliefs.
Learning Objectives – The student will: · Identify their cultural beliefs regarding the chosen population prior to reading the book. · Interpret the culture represented based on the content in the selected book. · Differentiate their attitudes towards the selected culture after reading the book. · Illustrates unique cultural implications for nursing for selected culture. This paper will evidence the student’s understanding of Cultural Literacy (SPCC Core Skills). Assignment: Select one of the books on the provided sign-up sheet. There are a limited number of slots, so sign up early if you have a specific book you want to read. You will respond to the following questions in your paper.
Cultural beliefs.
· Why you selected that book? · What was your impression of the culture described in the book prior to reading it? (You should write this before reading the book) · What changed or what did you learn after reading the book? Use direct quotes from the book to show what you learned. · Use two peer reviewed journal references published in the last five years to discuss unique nursing implications for the culture you are discussing. · How does this project impact your approach to treating someone from this culture as a nurse? https://youtu.be/VrYmQDiunSc
Cultural beliefs.
Specifications: 1. 4 pages, double spaced. Arial 12 pt. font. This does not include the title or reference page. No handwritten papers will be accepted. Majority of paper should not be written in 1st person however personal reflection is permitted. 2. APA format – If you are not familiar with this, please ask or seek assistance at the writing center. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ 3. If your cumulative average is above an 80, this paper will count for the last 6% of your grade. 4. This paper must be turned in to safe assign via Moodle by September 23rd at 8am.
5. This paper must also be uploaded to Taskstream to be evaluated for SPCC CORE SKILLS by September 23rd, 8am. 6. No papers will be accepted after September 26th, 9am. Student will receive a Zero for this assignment.