Tag Archives: synopsis
Effects of Oral Care Protocol 2022 Best

This paper explores the Effects of Oral Care Protocol on the Incidence of Ventilation-Associated Pneumonia in Selected Intensive Care Units in Jordan. This activity is a culmination of all activities and concepts covered in this class. You will summarize and appraise a quantitative study to determine its potential usefulness to inform nursing practice.
Effects of Oral Care Protocol
The Effects of Oral Care Protocol on the Incidence of Ventilation-Associated Pneumonia in Selected Intensive Care Units in Jordan. Paper details: This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®. Instructions Synopsis/Appraisal Final Paper Overview and Instructions Purpose: This activity is a culmination of all activities and concepts covered in this class. You will summarize and appraise a quantitative study to determine its potential usefulness to inform nursing practice. As part of this analysis, you will determine the rigor of the investigation and appraise credibility.
Effects of Oral Care Protocol
You can do this by answering some key questions about the integrity with which they collected and analyzed data and employed techniques to reduce bias. Assessment: The final paper is worth 157 points and represents 25% of the final course grade. Graded according to the rubric at the bottom, right hand section of this Brightspace page. Instructions: Research the importance of the topic and write an introduction that includes these main points: Obtain relevant background information from a credible source other than the article Explain why the topic is important for researchers to explore Write a study synopsis that includes these main points:
Effects of Oral Care Protocol
What known and not known about the topic and what gap in knowledge this study intends to fill research design and setting sample sampling method number of subjects inclusion/exclusion criteria attrition, loss to follow up, or response rate (if any) important characteristics of the sample how the study was conducted explain how the data was collected include measurement instruments and what they measured if the study involves an intervention, how the intervention was carried out Appraise the article in narrative format by answering the following questions. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the sampling method, as applied to this study? Give a rationale for your claims. https://youtu.be/xR4gwaMFE0Q
Effects of Oral Care Protocol
Be sure to consider the inclusion/exclusion criteria, if any, and extraneous variables that the criteria control for. Were the measurement instruments reliable and valid? Why or why not? If the study was experimental, was the intervention performed consistently? Why or why not? Were the conclusions of the study supported by the results? Why or why not? Include key statistical results and p-values as part of your rationale. Consider study limitations when appraising conclusions with respect to results. State your analysis of the nursing implications based on the findings of the study. Take statistical significance into account. DO NOT use implications to nursing from the article; provide your own analysis. Complete the APA Checklist session.
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New venture development and planning. 2022 Best

This assignment is about new venture development and planning. Paper details Individual project: A business plan of 3500 words (90%) to be submitted via Canvas.
New venture development and planning.
Business Plan. Paper details Individual project: A business plan of 3500 words (90%) to be submitted via Canvas. This individual work will be based on each student’s perspective relating to the team’s discussions on the project. Each plan needs to be written individually without input from other team members (no matter, whether, in the end, results are similar). Each team’s work will be checked carefully to make sure that each submission is individual, and this is particularly the case in relation to the financials which will evidence the individuality of the work.
New venture development and planning.
3500 word business plan The individual project of 3,500 words should follow the format of an expanded business plan. The word count does not include the appendices. You should include the following: MAIN STRUCTURE OF THE INDIVIDUAL PROJECT: 1) Executive Summary max 100 words [Here you can summarize the most important aspects of your business idea. In a few words, try to explain WHY your idea is good and why people should invest in your business. The executive summary is a synopsis of the key points of your entire plan. That’s why, even being the first to read, it makes sense to write it last.
New venture development and planning.
It should include highlights from each section of the rest of the document – from the key features of the business opportunity through to the elements of the financial forecasts.] 2) Venture Overview: [What business will you be in? -What will you do? -Company Goals and Objectives -Business Philosophy -Describe your industry -Company strengths and core competencies] 3) Financial Plan Overview [Here you should present the pricing strategies for your products and services. Be prepared to answer what the competition is charging for similar products. 2 Here you start making assumptions about the business figures.
New venture development and planning.
You know what you are selling and at what price. But how many units do you think you can sell? Here you have to discuss and justify the assumptions you are making. You can also make quick calculations about an average month…] 4) Business objectives 5) Source of competitive advantage 6) Critical risks/threats and opportunities 7) Market analysis (overview) 8) Competitor Analysis (overview) [This section shall highlight the competitive advantages of your competitors, what do they offer and what they do not offer? From this, it shall emerge a gap for your business to fill. https://youtu.be/Ovp2czsX5Rg
New venture development and planning.
You shall focus on the main competitors and describe their source of competitive advantage, their market share and any relevant information. You can use the appendix to provide more details if needed] 9) Management Team [this section shall outline the management team you identify and can this can be different from the one described in the group coursework] 10) Operations plan [In this section you shall try to address as many questions as possible as recommended in the relevant lecture on Operation Plans; this section will suit your specific idea, so not all questions apply equally to all new venture creation;