Tag Archives: survey
Civil Rights and Racial Discrimination 2022 Best
Civil Rights and Racial Discrimination. Introduction: · In one paragraph, explain your research question and summarize prior research to justify your research topic.
Civil Rights and Racial Discrimination
Paper Item: Civil Rights and Racial Discrimination. Introduction: · In one paragraph, explain your research question and summarize prior research to justify your research topic. · Be very clear when succinctly explaining your research question Research Method: · Identify the proposed research method (experiment, quasi-experiment, survey, A-B-A-B, single case design, survey, mixed-methods, etc.) · Explain why you chose the design Human Subjects Considerations: · Describe procedures to be taken to protect research subjects; identify areas of potential harm and specific measures to ameliorate harm.
Civil Rights and Racial Discrimination
Sample: · Describe sampling method (e.g., random, convenience, purposive, stratified, cluster, systematic, mixed, etc.) and explain why you chose the method · Identify study site and anticipated problems in procuring subjects · Describe recruitment and selection process of subjects Measurement and Instrumentation: · Identify dependent and independent variables · Describe operational definition of each variable and how they will be measured · Describe your measures (standardized measures are recommended, provide references for each if used). · Discuss the reliability and validity of the measures used.
Civil Rights and Racial Discrimination
Describe data collection method in detail. (i.e., Will you conduct a survey? Use secondary data? When will individuals be asked?) Trustworthiness of Research Design: Internal and External Validity: · Assessment of Internal and External Validity: Discuss EACH threat and why you think it is or isn’t a threat to your study. How are the threats controlled? Study Limitations: · Discuss the potential limitations of the study (sampling, ethical, political, feasibility) · Focus on methodological limitations Possible Study Conclusions: · What do you think the conclusions of this proposed study will be?
Civil Rights and Racial Discrimination
What are the social work practice and policy implications if your hypotheses are supported? What might be the implications for social work practice and policy if your hypotheses are NOT supported? · What other issues might need investigating when focusing on your research question? · What are your conclusions concerning your proposed research topic, question, and social work practice, policy, and research? Overall quality: · APA 7th style throughout paper · Organization of paper and clarity of statements. https://youtu.be/dtRTvu1RMw0
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Accountability Self-assessment. 2022 Best
This assignment focuses on accountability Self-assessment. Step 1: READ THE TEXT & TAKE THE ASSESSMENT: After reading the textbook, take the Self-Assessment Survey (Appendix A, pp. 247-251) and review your results.
Accountability Self-assessment.
Using the text, Crucial Accountability, you will be making some key discoveries about areas that you both succeed and struggle with in keeping yourself and others accountable. Follow these steps: Step 1: READ THE TEXT & TAKE THE ASSESSMENT: After reading the textbook, take the Self-Assessment Survey (Appendix A, pp. 247-251) and review your results. The survey is divided in the seven chapters of the book that cover the crucial accountability skills (five questions each). You will need to read each chapter in order to understand your results and the process of holding healthy accountability conversations.
Accountability Self-assessment.
You will be handing in your completed Self-Assessment Survey worksheet in a separate Moodle dropbox for the professor to review before you complete your paper AND you will be attaching the same document to this paper as Appendix A: Self-Assessment Survey. Step 2: ANALYZE & EVALUATE: Choose TWO (2) of the SEVEN (7) areas where you scored the most “YES” answers and observe, analyze and reflect on those specific areas. Consider answering the following in your submission: Summarize the key points the authors make in the textbook in these two specific chapters.
Accountability Self-assessment.
Share examples and citations to support your statements What does this score mean to you about your ability to hold yourself or others accountable? Discuss. Does it accurately reflect some areas of weakness in your accountability? Discuss and explain your answer with examples from your life Consider how your MVS shows up in the area of accountability. Include any insights you may have about SDI results and your Crucial Accountability Survey results. For each of these 2 accountability areas you wrote about, make 2 recommendations how you can improve your accountability to yourself and others as you navigate bad behavior and broken promises in your work/home/school/ life relationships.
Accountability Self-assessment.
For example, if you are evaluating, “Describing the Gap”, what two recommendations can you make for yourself in this specific area to improve your ability to describe the gap when holding an accountability conversation. Do this for both of the sections you are analyzing. Step 3: RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on what you have learned from the textbook, online lectures and activities answer this question → Why do you think accountability is an important leadership skill – personally and organizationally?
Accountability Self-assessment.
Provide support, citations and an example or two to support your thinking from all course material to date and other outside sources as applicable. PLEASE NOTE: You will be handing in your completed Self-Assessment Survey worksheet in a separate Moodle Dropbox for the professor to review before you complete your paper AND ALSO you will be attaching THE SAME COMPLETED DOCUMENT to this paper as Appendix A: Self-Assessment Survey. https://youtu.be/-C-J3Je1vR0
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Obesity and low back pain 2022 Best
The research question is to Generate a protocol study to determine the incidence of obesity and low back pain in the UAE. Treatment patterns, limitations in treatment and care as well as the satisfaction of service amongst patients.
Obesity and low back pain
The research question is to Generate a protocol study to determine the incidence of obesity and lower back pain in the UAE. Treatment patterns, limitations in treatment and care as well as the satisfaction of service amongst patients. below is the instruction (notes) from my professor for selected topics: the key word here is satisfaction with care service, so in other words if we break it down into epidemiological terms this would be: exposed group/study group: patients with back pain who are obese outcome measure: satisfaction Now, choose a title based on this information (for example this could be assessing level of satisfaction and outcomes of obese low back pain patients with pain management services).
Obesity and low back pain
Your next plans is following the proposal template provided is to think about: 1. what your objectives will be . So if your bigger aim is to examine satisfaction rate with pain management services provided to obese patients with low back pain then your 3 objectives could be to a) first examine how many people have low back pain (and obese) and access pain management services in regions in the UAE (choose and specify the regions) b) measure their satisfaction (this is a general term and you need to break it down to whether you want to look at satisfaction in terms of quality of life, or function/disability outcomes or pain outcome or psychological well-being? choose specific satisfaction measures).
Obesity and low back pain
2. Because this is ultimately based on satisfaction which is dependent on patients’ opinions your only option is to make it a survey cross-sectional study. However, think about your study design in details e.g. what type of survey this will be, when you will survey (over a year, months, weeks?), where you will survey, how to validate the survey etc. 3. Next think about the setting: are you conducting this study in primary of secondary care (e.g. primary healthcare clinic or hospital? This will entirely be depended on where the service is provided, thus gather this information from the literature such as google scholar or pubmed). https://youtu.be/brBAOhndxI0
Obesity and low back pain
4. Next think about your study subject: so we know you will gather data from patient with low-back pain and obese, but think about how you will define the measures of back pain (how is this diagnosed or confirmed) and obesity (how will you confirm this) and if there are specific inclusion/exclusion criteria you would like to impose e.g. are you targeting young adult or older patients, UAE nationals or also international citizens, those with medical history or exclude some with some medical history? etc. etc. etc.
Here you want to be able to examine similar studies in the literature and gather some idea of reasons behind some selected criteria, then make your judgement as to which criteria you will create and why.
Obesity and low back pain
5. Next think about sample size and sampling technique adopted and be able to justify the reason why you have chosen this particular technique. 6. Next think and finally think about once you collect the data where will you safely store it for analysis, are there any particular ethical approval to seek, what analysis techniques will you use to meet your specific objectives and what data software will you use? If you are able to follow the template provided in the project folder, use and critically think about the above as well as gain 2-3 past literature on the topic of back pain and pain management service opinions.
Obesity and low back pain
Read the literature for inspiration, resource use and to gain accurate information but try not to use similar objectives, try to create ones instead. However, inevitably there are things that is unavoidably going to be similar such as the standards of pain scale or disability scale or quality of life scale etc etc.