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Tag Archives: Summary

CDC Noticeable Disease 2022 Best

CDC Noticeable Disease

This paper focuses on a CDC Noticeable Disease—– Cholera. Paper details: For this assignment, you will present information about the CDC Notifiable Disease that you signed up for earlier in the semester

CDC Noticeable Disease

Paper instructions: For this assignment, you will present information about the CDC Notifiable Disease that you signed up for earlier in the semester. The presentation should be in the form of a power point which will be presented in a discussion assignment as a recording. There are several options for recording. You may record using “Studio”, available in the green left hand menu of the course shell. Youtube is another option. You might also use Videothread. One of the simplest approaches to to record within the power point application. There are video tutorials for using these applications in the next page of this module.

CDC Noticeable Disease

If you have questions about how to make your recording, please let me know. After recording, save the file (power point gives you the option to save as an MP4 file). You might also embed the recording (studio) or insert a link (Videothread). Then upload the power point file to this assignment. Note that you must save your power point presentation as a pptx file separately from the power point recording you make and save as an mp4. In Office 365 this means you need to make a copy of the pptx file to record over and save as an MP4 file. The mp4 will be uploaded to the discussion and the power point pptx file to this assignment for grading.

CDC Noticeable Disease

To prepare the presentation use one or more peer reviewed publications and cite these publications either on the slide in which the information is presented or at the end of the presentation. Your presentation should not exceed 10 slides, including the Introduction and summary slides. Remember that you are presenting a summary of what you have learned about this CDC reportable disease/microorganism. You may add details in presentation that are not included on your slides.

Be concise and succinct in preparing your slides. The rubric for this presentation may be accessed by clicking on the 3 little dots in the right hand corner above. https://youtu.be/FjfMGdulEiU

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Knowledge Management 2022 Best

Knowledge Management

This paper explores Knowledge Management (KM) and Its Impact on Learning. INSTRUCTIONS: Please Read Scenario As if you were Joanna draft an email to Helmut explaining the following: – A summary of the situation. – Why sharing information is important to a company.

Knowledge Management

INSTRUCTIONS: Please Read Scenario As if you were Joanna draft an email to Helmut explaining the following: – A summary of the situation.  Why sharing information is important to a company.  A discussion of the relationship between knowledge management and competitive advantage.  The benefits to Helmut in sharing the information. Include a recommendation to Joanna for a possible incentive or motivation to encourage Fredrick to share. Helmut listened to his colleagues from London and Chicago;

Knowledge Management

What is the influence of communities of practice on knowledge sharing within a company and what should Joanna say to Helmut about both CoPs (Community of Practice) and his role within a CoP?  Review GDD Corporate Profile You must use provided course material to support responses and APA in-text citations with a reference list. REFERENCE LIST Introducing Organizational Learning Hajric, E. (2010). Organizational Learning. Knowledge-Management-Tools.net. https://www.knowledge-management-tools.net/organizational-learning.html Organizational Learning and Communities of Practice Hajric, E. (2018). Communities of Practice. https://youtu.be/mFNh4jp4yBo

Knowledge Management

How to motivate knowledge sharing using gamification, goals, recognition, and rewards How to motivate knowledge sharing using gamification, goals, recognition, and rewards. (n.d.). Www.linkedin.com. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-motivate-knowledge-sharing-using-gamification-goals-stan-garfield How to motivate knowledge sharing using gamification, goals, recognition, and rewards. Garfield, S. (2022, January 27). How to motivate knowledge sharing using gamification, goals, recognition, and rewards. Medium. https://stangarfield.medium.com/how-to-motivate-knowledge-sharing-using-gamification-goals-recognition-and-rewards-6611457be603#:~:text=Solution%3A%20Establish%20and%20communicate%20clear Copy text

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Perspectives of wisdom. 2022 Best

Perspectives of wisdom.

For this assignment we will explore different perspectives of wisdom. I. Watch the 3 Bible Project videos from the “Wisdom Series” IN ORDER (they tell a story as you go from one to the other). Proverbs https://bibleproject.com/explore/video/wisdom-proverbs/

Perspectives of wisdom.

I. Watch the 3 Bible Project videos from the “Wisdom Series” IN ORDER (they tell a story as you go from one to the other). Proverbs https://bibleproject.com/explore/video/wisdom-proverbs/ Ecclesiastes https://bibleproject.com/explore/video/wisdom-ecclesiastes/ Job https://bibleproject.com/explore/video/wisdom-job/ II. FINAL ESSAY The final essay is worth 60 points (compared with 30 points for all other assignments) and is broken up into two main parts. In part 1, write a 300 word minimum summary of each of the 3 videos (300 words per video would make 900 words TOTAL in this section) in which you…

Perspectives of wisdom.

1) Capture the main ideas and key words from the video and 2) Summarize what each of them has to teach us about “living wisely”. In part 2, write a 700 word minimum application of the concepts from these videos to your own life by reflecting on the following questions. Explain and describe which of the three perspectives of WISDOM that you lean towards most? Why does that perspective resonate with you? Which of the Wisdom perspectives is the hardest for you to accept?

Perspectives of wisdom.

Why is it difficult for you? Based upon the videos, which areas of your life do you need to work on to learn how to better “live wisely” in the fear of the Lord. **ALL WORDS COMBINED (900 part 1, 700 part 2) SHOULD MAKE 1600 WORDS TOTAL FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT** Type your paper into a Word document and submit through Blackboard. Do not use any outside sources – only the content from the videos will be accepted as source material. https://youtu.be/DCvnGYIK9VQ

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Film Critique and Synthesis 2022 Best

Film Critique and Synthesis

This film critique and synthesis paper focuses on a documentary film from the list of DW documentaries (Money, happiness and eternal life – Greed (1/2) | DW Documentary)

Film Critique and Synthesis

This is the film that it needs to be on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PudZNM276CY.  Length: 5 page minimum—five full pages You will write a critique of a documentary film from the list of DW documentaries provided in the Week 5 Module. Select from within your theme. In your essay, you will closely view your chosen documentary film and analyze how the film works. How it addresses important issues in the world today. You will include the film and any outside sources you might decide to include on a Works Cited page, which is the last page of your essay but does not count toward the page count.

Film Critique and Synthesis

Instead of saying, I found film X to be a a clear insight into rabid baboon behavior, simply say “Film X was a clear insight into rabid baboon behavior due to stunning camera work, long term studies, and excellent explanation. For instance…” Please do use your They Say I Say book to guide you. I will be looking for signs that you are integrating the information from that book. There are excellent examples and scaffolding there. Be sure to pay special attention to what they say about incorporating sources, about how to fully incorporate them through in text citation. When we critique something, it does not mean criticize in a fault finding manner.

Film Critique and Synthesis

It means we weigh up the value and importance of the piece. So, criticizing or critiquing the film means weighing its worth and analyzing it. General guiding questions your essay should answer are: 1.What is this this film arguing and how is it doing that? 2. And how does the director arrange that argument (logos)? 3.How is credibility established? (ethos)? 4.How(not just where) does the film create an emotional response in the viewer (pathos)? 5.What are the most compelling moments in the film and what makes the compelling? 6. What does the film leave the viewer with–Thoughts to think? More information to seek out? Actions to take?

Film Critique and Synthesis

You must include the following in your paper: An opening paragraph within your introduction that lays out the title of the film, the name of the director and producer if those are available, its focus, when and where it was made–like what you did you your summaries. A short summary of the film. No more than a paragraph. Worked in where you think it fits best. This ensures readers who did not watch the film get a short/sweet/basic understanding. optional outside research on the topic of the film to set things into context of strengthen your points if necessary.

 Film Critique and Synthesis

It’s good to know a bit about the subject matter, but this one is optional. Specific quotes and descriptions from the documentary cited correctly within the text–that means with a time stamp instead of a page number. You can find examples at OWL at Purdue–the free online site. All quotes should be integrated. This means you introduce the quote, insert the quote, and analyze what you’ve put there. See samples in They Say I Say. A strong and correctly-working conclusion that sums up the paper and pushes your thoughts a bit further. Correct citation applied to both in-text citation and the works cited page in MLA format. https://youtu.be/h67AHvHMtxY

Film Critique and Synthesis

Remember, the OWL at Purdue is the best source for many citation and grammar examples and explanations:http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ Thoughtful word choice. Your audience is other college students and professors as well as the public who might like to see your documentary. Proper grammar and punctuation. Here are the steps you should follow in writing this paper: 1. Select the film you would like to work with from the list in Module 5. 3. Watch the film with a notepad and pencil to take notes. Some people prefer to watch twice.

Film Critique and Synthesis

Once just to see it and then a second time to pick out parts they want to include in their essay. 5. Decide on your thesis statement. What’s your main takeaway? 6 Outline your paper, developing sections that support your thesis statement. 7. Draft your paper. 8. Revise your paper. 9. Edit your paper. 10. Hand in your paper.

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Mid-Range Theory Application 2022 Best

Mid-Range Theory Application

Tis assignment involves crating a Mid-Range Theory Application Presentation. The presentation should include the origin of the selected theory, how the theory is applied in practice and how the theory is of benefit to nursing research and/or practice.

Mid-Range Theory Application

Students will develop and present an overview of a selected mid-range theory. The presentation should include the origin of the selected theory, how the theory is applied in practice and how the theory is of benefit to nursing research and/or practice. Next, the strengths and weaknesses of the theory are presented. Examples of at least two nursing research studies that has used the theory are highlighted to include a summary of the study and how the theory supported or did not support the study interventions and/or findings.

Mid-Range Theory Application

*You should have about 10-12 slides of content, a title slide with your name and theory title, and a reference slide. Grading Rubric: Mid-Range Theory Application Presentation Criteria Points Value Total Earned Theory Discussed. · Identify origin for the theory presented 10 Application to Nursing Practice · How/Is the theory beneficial to nursing research and/or practice. 10 Summarize strengths and weakness of the theory 20 Discuss nursing research that utilized the theory. https://youtu.be/3H_7n_Bqkak

Mid-Range Theory Application

Minimum of two studies which should be generated by nursing. · Articles should be peer reviewed within the past 7 years and made available to other students prior to class presentation. · Provide a summary of each article and how the theory supported or did not support the study conducted. 20 Presentation, spelling, grammar, APA 15 TOTAL POINTS

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policies about adolescent pregnancies – 2022 Best

policies about adolescent pregnancies

In this nursing assignment we will examine international advocacy or lobby group trying to change policies about adolescent pregnancies on a national or international level.

policies about adolescent pregnancies

Paper details Support Group Paper Population for this assignment is Adolescent Pregnancy..  For this assignment, research support resources that are available to your population (Adolescent Pregnancy). Firstly, your paper should include a local (county) support resource, an online resource if available, a national and/or state resource. Secondly, an international advocacy or lobby group trying to change policies on a national or international level. Your paper should be 2 pages in length.

policies about adolescent pregnancies

Thirdly, it should include the history of the organization, any legislative progress it has made to change and better the lives of the population it serves, how much an impact the organization has made to educate and support the population and their issues, and one page for the summary.  In addition, do not forget to use the information from question 1 to fill on the template provided below. Include contact information for the organization, the group’s mission statement..

policies about adolescent pregnancies

What they are trying to accomplish, service provided, if a fee is required for those services or to become a member of the organization and any restrictions the organization has in place. Any additional pertinent information you think is important.  If the organization is supported by a celebrity spokesperson, please include that also in the paper. Also include any deficits to these support groups that you determine- for example, cost to join, access, exclusions to membership etc.

policies about adolescent pregnancies

Please find below the required template for this assignment and use the information obtain from question 1 to fill in the template (local organization in the United State of America) Topic: Adolescent Pregnancy. Name of Organization Official Website: Physical Location: Contact Information Mission or Purpose Services Provided. Emergency Contact Line Or 24 Hour online Link Fees or Funding Any other significant information.  Overall, this assignment is 2-page paper, template, and a one paragraph summary. https://youtu.be/yLDMib6GuoI

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Veterinarian attitude towards euthanasia – 2022 Best

Veterinarian attitude towards euthanasia

For this assignment we will explore the veterinarian attitude towards euthanasia. Paper details Include a title page and an abstract page on separate pages. Write a summary of your project. Include research relevant to your project. Describe what you did and the result of your project.

Veterinarian attitude towards euthanasia

Paper details: Firstly, include a title page and an abstract page on separate pages. Secondly, write a summary of your project, include research relevant to your project. Describe what you did and the result of your project. Does future research need to be done? What? Concluding remarks/summary. Your feelings and thoughts as you worked through this assignment and as you completed it. This is written in first person and is strictly how you felt about the assignment, your insights, and how your thoughts or feelings might have changed as a result of doing the assignment.

Veterinarian attitude towards euthanasia

No research in this section. This is not a summary. A reference section where the first line of each reference is flush with the margin and second/third lines are indented. The reference section should only contain resources that were cited in the paper. You should have at least 3 references, written in APA format. You are to use a 12 font Times New Roman and double-space your paper. No more than 2200 words for the total paper including title page, abstract and references. Points will be deducted for not following this requirement.

Veterinarian attitude towards euthanasia

Use Word for all assignments. No PDF files. The project saved in the correct file format found in the syllabus. Meet the requirements of the Scoring Rubric found in the General Section of the Course Page. Written in APA style. https://youtu.be/-I_YnEu7Abk

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A picture of perception – 2022 Best answer

A picture of perception

For this task we will examine a picture of perception, explore factors related to social psychology and perceptions of others. This assignment follows current APA guidelines.

A picture of perception, social psychology and perceptions.

Discussion: A Picture of Perception.  Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 4, 6 Lesson Images from lesson Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside scholarly source) Initial Post Instructions Let’s revisit the images we looked at in the lesson this week. Share with the class a summary of the notes and thoughts you had when deciding how to perceive the individuals depicted. What was your assessment of them? What factors related to social psychology as well as perceptions of others led you to think that? Also, what other information might you have wanted to know to make a more accurate assessment?

A picture of perception, social psychology and perceptions.

Follow-Up Post Instructions Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Specifically, when responding to peers, consider an alternative way to perceive the person(s) in the picture.  In addition, share what factors might have led to misperceptions about that person? Writing Requirements Minimum of 3 posts (1 initial & 2 follow-up) Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside scholarly source).

A picture of perception, social psychology and perceptions.

Reference Kassin, S. M., Fein, S., & Markus, H. R. (2017). Social psychology (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. This textbook is available as an e-book and can be accessed from the module view. American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2019-59141-000. https://youtu.be/8dgmcRCl9z4

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Photographer’s Life of Love and War – Best 2022

Photographer's Life of Love and War

For this assignment we will focus on “It’s what I do A Photographer’s Life of Love and War” by Lynsey Addario. This assignment follows current MLA format

Photographer’s Life of Love and War.

Paper details (MLA form is important) -Signal phrases -Summary with enough detail for someone who has not read your source. Transitions that not only provide a bridge from one source to another but develop your analysis. Analysis is an act of explaining how one idea works with another. Analysis often takes the form of comparison, cause & effect, argument, re-definition, etc.  Analysis is explicit. In other words, you have to explain it. (You cannot just jump in the deep end. Your introduction should be engaging and provide a context for your ideas.

Photographer’s Life of Love and War.

Sometimes narrative is best. Sometimes history is best, sometimes philosophy is best.). Your introduction sets up the ideas you are going to examine.  A braided essay, especially in the second half, where you are dealing with more than one source at a time, is a goal. An essay that remains in discrete parts is, usually, not as effective. Lastly, your conclusion is a place to make clear statements about your thesis. Proofreading is essential. https://youtu.be/q4RCLVo-hlQ

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