Tag Archives: strategies
Leadership practices 2022 Best

This paper examines leadership practices that support organizational effectiveness. Scenario You are a Senior HR Representative, and your task is to hire a new regional HR manager.
Leadership practices
Scenario You are a Senior HR Representative, and your task is to hire a new regional HR manager. You are responsible for conducting the interviews, and you want to know about the candidate’s experience and success as a leader. You want to know their leadership style and how effective they were in previous positions. You have concluded your interview and now must create a hiring report from the interview. Instructions Select a leader you know from personal experience or one that you have researched to serve as your interviewed candidate.
Leadership practices
Evaluate the candidate for their leadership and how effective they were for their organization. Write a hiring report that includes the following: Summarize your leader for your audience (avoid using the first person). Describe their leadership style and how effective their motivational practices were for their organization. Discuss their leadership strategies used in building and maintaining trust in leader-follower relationships. Review any ethical leadership practices that contributed to overall organizational success.
Leadership practices
Based on your research and analysis, what would be your recommendation for hiring this candidate? Provide attribution for credible sources used in the hiring report. For research guidance, consider scheduling a research appointment with the Business Librarian: https://rasmussen.libanswers.com/faq/167429. https://youtu.be/szCfjdkz7_g
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The elements of Freytags pyramid. 2022 Best

This is a discussion on the elements of Freytags pyramid. What you need to do: Read through the case study and the accompanying resources. Reflect on what you’ve learned in the course and how the information applies to the scenario.
The elements of Freytags pyramid.
Discussion 1 What you need to do: Read through the case study and the accompanying resources. Reflect on what you’ve learned in the course and how the information applies to the scenario. Select which solution you think is best for the given scenario. Compose a discussion post by clicking on the “Comment” button. Your first post should include the following information: a. and family. Jeffrey wants to begin reading a work of fiction, and he comes to you for advice on strategies he should use to give him a bet… Which option you selected (You can say A, B, C, or D.) b. A brief statement as to why you selected that option
The elements of Freytags pyramid.
c. An outside source that supports your conclusion; this can be a reference to a book, website, journal article, etc. Your post can be no more than 800 characters and no fewer than 600 characters. Your post should be in your original words, not in quotes or citations. In-person discussions are short, so your challenge is to be concise and articulate to demonstrate your understanding of the course. You can use additional discussion posts to further support your position if needed. If you go below or over the character limit, you will not be able to post your reply. If you prefer to write your post first in a word processor, check your character counts first.
The elements of Freytags pyramid.
6. Once you have submitted your initial post, read through what others have posted. Find someone who has selected a different solution than you and has really made you think about your choice. Reply to their post with a thoughtful question. These should not be “who, what, when, or where” types of questions. They should be substantive “how and why” types of questions that seek to understand why someone chose the solution they did. Case Study and Resources Jeffrey does not enjoy reading because he has a hard time understanding and remembering what he reads. He also struggles with applying what he reads to various areas of his life.
The elements of Freytags pyramid.
Jeffrey becomes upset when this happens because he wants to be able to absorb the things he reads so he can talk about them with Friendster understanding of the work. He can’t shake the feeling that reading does not have much of a purpose and yields no meaningful benefits for him. Recommend a book that you have read for Jeffrey to try, and use the resources below to inform your decision: Elements of Fiction Guide Freytag’s Pyramid How to Read a Lot More Books (Especially if you don’t enjoy reading).
The elements of Freytags pyramid.
The purpose of this exercise is to use the information you’ve learned in this course to evaluate a scenario and determine a best case solution based on the selections given. To complete this activity, you will need to: (1) post one response about your selected solution, and (2) ask someone else a question about why they choose a solution different from the one you selected. For more information about how to properly engage in online discussions, refer to the lesson on discussions in the orientation course.
The elements of Freytags pyramid.
Using the material you learned in the units on Drama, Prose, and Writing about the Human Experience, how would you best assist Jeffrey? Option A: Elements of Prose Explain to Jeffrey what the seven elements of prose are, and advise him to write down everything he needs to look out for when reading. Use your book recommendation, specifically, to show examples of how the elements of prose can be used for better understanding as he reads. Option B: Freytag’s Pyramid Explain to Jeffrey what the elements of Freytag’s Pyramid are, and how to look out for dramatic structure while reading.
The elements of Freytags pyramid.
Use your book recommendation, specifically, to show examples of how Freytag’s Pyramid adds interest and structure to a work of fiction. Explain to Jeffrey how this may help him to enjoy reading personally. Option C: Love of Reading Explain to Jeffrey that if he wants to develop a greater love of reading, he needs to find what about it interests him. Recommend the book that sparked your love of reading, and explain the elements of plot and structure that made it meaningful to you. Address some of Jeffrey’s issues with reading, and explain why you think this book would help to solve them. https://youtu.be/REma28Zg7r8
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An Issue of Patient Privacy 2022 Best

This paper explores an issue of patient privacy. Consider the following points and write a 2-3-pages proposal addressing privacy issues: – Identify 2-3 issues related to patient privacy and confidentiality in your current organization.
An Issue of Patient Privacy
HIPAA: An Issue of Patient Privacy… Consider the following points and write a 2-3-pages proposal addressing privacy issues: Identify 2-3 issues related to patient privacy and confidentiality in your current organization. If you are not currently working in a healthcare organization, consider one that is in your community or one with which you are familiar. -Describe strategies your organization (or one with which you are familiar) might use to safeguard patient information from the use of mobile devices (e.g., smartphone, iPad, etc.).
An Issue of Patient Privacy
Explain the use of mobile devices for patient care in your organization (or one with which you are familiar) and any organizational policies related to mobile devices. Specifically, address the use of text messages to communicate patient care information and explain what happens to a message after it is sent. Analyze your personal strategies used to protect patient health information. Do your personal strategies adequately protect information in a patient care setting? Provide examples of alternate or additional methods that could be used to ensure patient privacy and confidentiality is maintained. https://youtu.be/7LRrFMHOWws
An Issue of Patient Privacy
Include a minimum of three resources from the professional nursing literature in the assigned course readings and other references in the Walden Library. Resources used must be no older than 5 years. If they are relevant, you may use one or two professional web sites in addition to the literature references. Be sure to use 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and double space your paper.
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Assessing a faith-based organization 2022 Best

This assignment focuses on assessing a faith-based organization and understand how it is unique. Faith-based organizations play an important role in global health given their holistic approach to serving the whole person and community,
Assessing a faith-based organization
A faith-based organization (FBO) is an organization that has a faith or religious component as its foundation and motivation for its work. The purpose of this assignment is to assess a faith-based organization and understand how it is unique. Faith-based organizations play an important role in global health given their holistic approach to serving the whole person and community, especially among vulnerable groups. Identify an example of a faith-based global health organization or ministry. Research the institution by reviewing annual reports, websites, papers, program documents, or conducting in-person or phone interviews.
Assessing a faith-based organization
The organization should be at least five years old, work in multiple countries, and have an explicit faith-based foundation. Write a 1,000-1,250-word case study on the selected organization in which you assess the following aspects of the organization: Mission Assess how the mission of the organization aligns with its strategies and work: 1. How does the mission of the organization match its strategies and activities in serving vulnerable or low-income populations? 2. How does the organization integrate faith into its public health activities and programs? Comment on how the organization balances its mission to share its faith with its goal to improve health.
Assessing a faith-based organization
3. Are the values of the organization unique compared to other global health organizations? Populations 1. Assess the populations served by the organization or ministry: How does the organization or ministry identify a population or individuals to serve? 2. Does the organization have specific eligibility criteria? Funding Mechanism Review a funding report for the organization. Assess the funding mechanism of the organization: 1. What are the primary sources of support for the organization? 2.Do the local populations being served by the organization help support the organization (time, talents, or treasure)?
Assessing a faith-based organization
Partnerships Assess the partnerships of the organization within public health to develop innovative and appropriate public health models: 1. List the organizations that the selected faith-based organization partners with. 2. How does the organization work or partner with other organizations, churches, or groups in the communities where the organization works? Is this effective in promoting health and environmental stewardship and reducing poverty? 3. Does the organization partner with governmental public health agencies? 4. How could the organization improve the effectiveness of its “aid” and support in the communities within which it works? https://youtu.be/a3mWX8RNrug