Tag Archives: Stanley and Stella
A Streetcar Named Desire – 2022 Best

For this assignment we will explore how differently do the three main characters Blanche, Stanley and Stella in a Streetcar Named Desire film view the world. A major theme of A Streetcar Named Desire is the dichotomy of reality and fantasy.
A Streetcar Named Desire
A major theme of A Streetcar Named Desire is the dichotomy of reality and fantasy. How differently do the three main characters Blanche, Stanley and Stella view the world? In other words, examine the three characters, and determine whether each one lives his/her life based on reality or illusion. Write an argumentative essay on one of the topics listed below. Your essay, which counts 15% of your entire course grade, must have the following… A standard argumentative structure as discussed in class, whereby only one reason/point is given for each body paragraph.
A Streetcar Named Desire
An engaging introduction paragraph with a strong thesis statement. Strong body paragraphs that support your thesis with plenty of details and examples. An engaging conclusion paragraph. A word count between 1,200 and 1,400 (only the words within the essay’s paragraphs make up the word count). Standard English grammar, diction, spelling, punctuation, etc. Correctly-formatted pages, according to MLA standards. Direct quotations from the primary source (that is, the play itself); the primary source quotations must not exceed 20% of the entire paper.
A Streetcar Named Desire
At least one direct or indirect quotation from only one or two secondary sources found at the Chattahoochee Technical College library; the quotation(s) must not exceed 15% of the entire paper. Appropriately-placed parenthetical citations(s) and a fully-sourced works cited page for the two or three total sources, according to MLA standards Remember to write your rough draft first and then find one or two—and only one or two—credible sources to incorporate into your essay in order to enhance and/or support your paper.
A Streetcar Named Desire
Do not conduct research prior to outlining and writing the rough draft because any ideas that you take from a source in the form of a direct or indirect quotation must be documented. Now, since the paper assignment requires only one or two sources that make up no more than 15% of your essay, you cannot incorporate very much of other people’s ideas into your paper, so use your source(s) sparingly. https://youtu.be/vVKzmuai768