Tag Archives: standards and procedures

CIKR Research Project 2022 Best

CIKR Research Project

The requirement for the CIKR Research Project is to produce a research paper on one of the 16 critical infrastructure and key resource (CIKR) sectors. At a minimum, the paper includes the: policies that direct and guide the sector structure and function of the sector regulatory instruments that determine the standards and procedures;

CIKR Research Project

The requirement for the CIKR Research Project is to produce a research paper on one of the 16 critical infrastructure and key resource (CIKR) sectors. Part I (16 points): Provide a thorough understanding of the sector that you have chosen. At a minimum, the paper include the: policies that direct and guide the sector structure and function of the sector regulatory instruments that determine the standards and procedures; include changes to sector regulation in the post-9/11 era the vulnerabilities of the sector and its potential threats against Part II (16 points): The second part of the paper is to research a historical incident that affected the sector.

CIKR Research Project

At a minimum, this research should describe the incident and its impact on the sector. It should also identify lessons from the incident that have implications for infrastructure protection and resiliency. Finally, based upon all of the analysis, data, and information resulting from your research, discussions, and conclusions, make thoughtful recommendations about how you would propose changes within the sector to increase protection and security. These recommendations could take the form of new policies, regulations, organizations, and strategies.

CIKR Research Project

Be creative and bold. The finished product must be a minimum of ten (10) double-spaced pages, and adhere to the stated policies for assignments. It is suggested you have a balance between both sections, so that each section is about 5 pages, followed by a conclusion that ties both parts of the paper together. The 16 Critical Infrastructure Sectors can be found at https://www.dhs.gov/critical-infrastructure-sectors. https://youtu.be/rhdJrG2U7cQ

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