Tag Archives: standard spirogram
Respiratory Physiology. 2022 Best
For today’s assignment we will explore respiratory Physiology. Introduction: This section should provide an overview of the respiratory system and how it works. Sources of information should be cited within the text
Respiratory Physiology.
Paper details 1. Format (10 points): Cover sheet with your name, BIO 240L with lab section, name of the exercise, date that it is due, and name of your lab professor. The lab report should be computer processed and spell-checked, double-spaced, printed font size 11 or 12, with one-inch margins. Skip a space between sections and include the section titles (e.g. Introduction, Results, etc). *Be sure to read the lab report in its entirety before submitting. Points will be deducted for sloppy lab reports with multiple spelling errors, sentences that are not clear, disagreement between subject and verb, incomplete sentences, etc.
Respiratory Physiology.
2. Introduction (20 points): 2 pages maximum This section should provide an overview of the respiratory system and how it works. Sources of information should be cited within the text. If each sentence has information from a different source/reference, place the reference in parentheses after each sentence. If an entire paragraph is from the same source, cite the source after the first sentence and then at the end of the paragraph. Explain how the respiratory system works by describing: i. The components and functions of each component of the respiratory system ii. The path air follows through the respiratory system when you inhale and when you exhale.
Respiratory Physiology.
iii. Whether the air is oxygenated vs. deoxygenated and whether it has low vs. high levels of carbon dioxide when you inhale and when you exhale iv. The action of your intercostal muscles, their effects on your ribcage and the size of your thoracic cavity when you inhale and when you exhale. v. The effect on pressure within your thoracic cavity when it increases in size and when it decreases in size and whether this promotes inhalation or exhalation (and the effect on the lung tissue – when does it expand and when does it contract?). vi. The components of a standard spirogram including descriptions/definitions of each volume and capacity and how they relate to each other.
Respiratory Physiology.
vii. Answer the following question: Did the vital capacity change depending on your level of activity? Should the vital capacity have changed depending on your level of activity? Explain both responses. viii. Labeled diagram of a spirogram. The source of the image must be placed below the image. For example, if the image is retrieved from a Web site, you should type: Retrieved on [date], 2021, from http://www… For this section, you may use your hand-outs, lecture textbook, or other sources of information. Make sure you properly reference any source that you use. Purpose statement: What was the point of the lab exercise? https://youtu.be/0fVoz4V75_E
Respiratory Physiology.
What did we hope to gather information about? 3. Materials and Methods (10 points): 1 page maximum List all materials used for this lab. In the methods section, you should describe what you did (in paragraph format). This section should be in the past tense. Include enough detail so that if someone reads your lab report they would be able to replicate the lab. Include the placement of electrodes, the recording conditions (lying down, seated, etc.) and the duration of each recording.