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Tag Archives: social practices

Cultural and economic stratification 2022 Best

Cultural and economic stratification

This paper  focuses on cultural and economic stratification in greater Southern California. This week, we will learn about how a new generation of artists adapted cultural spaces in East Los Angeles for the continued development of counter-hegemonic discourses that promoted creativity and the production of diverse art media,

Cultural and economic stratification

This week, we will learn about how a new generation of artists adapted cultural spaces in East Los Angeles for the continued development of counter-hegemonic discourses that promoted creativity and the production of diverse art media, including music, fashion design, performance art, and DIY concert posters and handbills, as forms of community engagement and activism that subverted inequitable social practices such as racism, sexism, and cultural and economic stratification in greater Southern California.

Cultural and economic stratification

Debrief this week’s texts by analyzing and explaining how creative people in East L.A. used subculture and identity to subvert social justice issues such as racism, sexism, and cultural stratification in Southern California. Be sure to incorporate specific evidence and direct quotations from the sources to support your claims, assertions, and analyses. (500 words, revised and edited) Purpose: the purpose of this writing activity is for students to analyze how subcultures in East Los Angeles informed a larger social movements that challenged hegemony and authoritarian ethos locally, and informed subsequent, contemporary social movements.

Cultural and economic stratification

This week’s writing task also allows you flexibility to think critically and explore in writing your own analyses of the sources. Directions: View the video below, then write an analytical response to the writing prompt. Be sure to incorporate evidence from the sources we have read and view these past weeks and analyze it to support your main points. Remember to use appropriate writing conventions, such as paragraphing strategies and APA or MLA citation formats. https://youtu.be/SlkIKCMt-Fs

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