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Children growth and learning. 2022 Best

Children growth and learning.

For this assignment we will plan developmentally appropriate activities and schedules, which promote all children growth and learning. Design curriculum that is inclusive and represents the diversity of children and families.

Children growth and learning.

This assignment meets the following course outcomes: Plan developmentally appropriate activities and schedules, which promote all children’s growth and learning. Design curriculum that is inclusive and represents the diversity of children and families. Design curriculum that supports children’s language/communication, cognitive, social/emotional, fine/gross motor and creative development. You will create a weekly lesson plan to support school age children enrolled in a before and after-school program. You will need to review the following documents before beginning: Preparing a School Age Curriculum.docx School Age Plan Example_.docx.

Children growth and learning.

You will use the attached template to create your plan. Before beginning, you will want to spend some time brainstorming a developmentally appropriate topic for school age children. School Age lesson-plan.docx In a separate document respond to the following: 1. How do you know your topic has integrity? Use the “Does it Have Integrity” document to frame your answer. This should be 5-7 sentences. 2. What are the different considerations when planning for school aged children versus preschool aged children?  3. What are the benefits to a planned school age curriculum? Why not just have no plan at all? After all, they are in school all day, right? https://youtu.be/gIZ8PkLMMUo

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