Tag Archives: Social class status in society
Racial discrimination 2022 Best

In this literary analysis research paper we will focus on racial discrimination. Directions: Choose one or no more than two of the issues from the list below to anchor your research on Their Eves Were Watching God.
Racial discrimination
Topics for Five Page. Literary Analysis Research Paper Directions: Choose one or no more than two of the issues from the list below to anchor your research on Their Eves Were Watching God. All of these issues surfaced in the novel in some way or another, but you’re only choosing one or two to explore in more details, using information from at least ten credible outside sources. This requires putting together a Working Bibliography of sources (at least 10) that you will peruse to find the information that you need on your issue or issues.
Racial discrimination
The issue(s) cannot be explored in full if you are not fully familiar with the relevant issues in the novel, hence the reason why you need to read the entire novel before you start the research process. Please use the spring break to get most or all of the reading out of the way. You should have an idea of where you are headed, that is, issue(s) you are going to choose, compiling working bibliography (at least 15 sources), etc. done by the due dates (see Pacing Calendar posted on Blackboard).
Below are the topics for the research paper: • Racial discrimination • Social class status in society •Gender roles •Betrayal • Adultery •Marital status .Fate • Sexism •Relationships • Jealousy • Survival • Domestic issues •Religion • Justice •Revenge • Greed •Morality •Masculinity. https://youtu.be/p6uKkjkoRt8