Tag Archives: similarities
Technology and Co-Teaching. 2022 Best

This assignment focuses on collaboration, Technology and Co-Teaching. General education teachers are an integral part of the process when it comes to executing the IEP and meeting the needs of students with disabilities.
Technology and Co-Teaching.
Field Experience C: Technology, Collaboration, and Co-Teaching.. General education teachers are an integral part of the process when it comes to executing the IEP and meeting the needs of students with disabilities. Special education teachers and general education teachers must collaborate closely when planning instruction, and in the documentation, store, and communication of student information. Ensuring this is done efficiently and with regard to legal and ethical standards is essential. The use of technology can play a significant role in implementing collaborative and co-teaching strategies and in completing required documentation.
Technology and Co-Teaching.
Allocate at least 1.5 hours in the field to support this field experience. Because this course does not require you to have a fingerprint clearance card, your field experience must be completed before or after school, or during another designated time when students are not present. In person or via phone, interview a certified general education teacher specific to a grade range relevant to your program of study. Be prepared to take notes, as these will be submitted as part of the assignment deliverable. In the interview, address the following. Discuss the similarities and differences among students with and without disabilities. https://youtu.be/ToGUD5rz7lo
Technology and Co-Teaching
Describe the characteristics of various disabilities and their educational implications for students at your school. Explain the effects disabilities can have on students’ academic and social development, attitudes, interests, and values. Describe how factors such as cultural diversity and human issues affect students with disabilities. Explain how you address the unique learning needs of students with disabilities in the classroom, including those students with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Explain strategies you use when collaborating and co-teaching with special education teachers.
Technology and Co-Teaching.
Include discussion of why it is important to view the special education teacher as a co-teacher rather than a behavior enforcer or aid in the classroom. Describe how you use various types of technology to support students with disabilities. Describe the legal responsibilities you have to protect the rights and privacy of students with disabilities. Include discussion of IDEA, procedural safeguards, FERPA, HIPAA, etc. Include examples of some dilemmas associated with upholding these standards. Discuss how you collaborate with special education teachers to communicate, create, and store student documentation.
Technology and Co-Teaching.
Describe one or two of your favorite co-teaching strategies. In 250-500 words, consider what you learned from the interview and discuss the following: Describe how technology can be used to facilitate collaboration, co-teaching, and recordkeeping between special education teachers and general education teachers. Provide real-world examples to support your ideas. Discuss legal and ethical challenges that special education teachers and general education teachers must consider when collaborating and sharing student information. Describe strategies that can be employed to ensure that you maintain confidentiality and legal guidelines in your personal professional practice.
Technology and Co-Teaching.
Describe a co-teaching strategy you would like to apply in professional practice and explain how it supports effective collaboration and learning for students with disabilities. Provide real-world examples to support your ideas. Consider all of the interviews you completed for your field experiences. Summarize what you learned about applying collaboration and co-teaching strategies in professional practice to meet the needs of students with disabilities. Submit your interview notes and reflection.
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Illness as a metaphor 2022 Best

For this assignment we will explore illness as a metaphor in “The Tale of Plagues and Carnivals,” and Station Eleven). Describe in detail what the metaphor is and how it works. Some questions to consider: what aspect(s) of disease does the writer represent?
Illness as a metaphor
General Instructions: The essay exam will consist of four questions, each of which you should answer in the form of an essay. For the questions in Part 1, you will write a short (+/-250 words) essay in response to each prompt. For Part 2, you will write one longer (+/-500 words) essay. For each essay, you will need to provide textual support, including direct quotes, from the relevant course readings. You do not have to include the text of the questions, but be sure to number your responses clearly. § Part 1: 3 questions, 5 points each For each question in this part of the exam, write approximately 250 words.
Illness as a metaphor
1. Analyze a metaphor for disease used in one course reading of your choice. ( The Plague, “The Tale of Plagues and Carnivals,” and Station Eleven) Describe in detail what the metaphor is and how it works. Some questions to consider: what aspect(s) of disease does the writer represent? what metaphor is used to depict them? does the metaphor change or develop over the course of the text? how is the metaphor introduced (e.g. in the speech of a character or by a narrator)? 2. How do you think the future ten years from now will be different because of COVID?
Illness as a metaphor
Be as specific as possible in your descriptions: what areas of life do you think will be affected most, which least? Will change be felt equally in different parts of the world or among different social groups? If you think things will largely stay the same, that’s fine—but be specific about why; why won’t an event on the scale of the COVID pandemic leave a lasting mark? Use at least two course readings (these may—but do not have to—include items posted to the COVID forums) to support your predictions.
3. Choose one older or “pre-modern” text, and one more recent or “modern” text from the list below and compare the depiction of disease and the social response to it across the two texts. https://youtu.be/7rdnUk8kxG4
Illness as a metaphor
Are you more struck by the similarities or the differences between the older and more modern societies depicted in these texts? Some areas you might look at, depending on the texts you choose: How is the mechanism of disease understood in each text? What kinds of causes are assigned to each plague or pandemic? Does the outbreak of disease lead to social division or cohesion? Pre-modern: Modern: Thucydides Camus Sophocles Sontag Boccaccio Wojnarowicz Defoe Delany Poe Mandel Part 2: 1 question, 10 points For this question, your response should be roughly 500 words.
Illness as a metaphor
Choose two of the three novels we read this semester ( The Plague, “The Tale of Plagues and Carnivals,” and Station Eleven) and compare the writers’ choices about whose stories to include or emphasize, and which to exclude, or minimize in importance. Whose voices dominate each story? What decisions does each writer make to steer the story towards certain characters or types and away from others? How might they have told their stories differently?
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Social constructs of race 2022 Best

This report will cover the topics of social inequality, stratification, and the social constructs of race, ethnicity, and gender. Using the information you learned thus far, you will complete a chart to provide examples of each construct and how they affect individuals within a society.
Social constructs of race
Directions This report will cover the topics of social inequality, stratification, and the social constructs of race, ethnicity, and gender. Using the information you learned thus far, you will complete a chart to provide examples of each construct and how they affect individuals within a society. After you complete the chart, you will write a narrative that describes the similarities and differences between each construct and how it impacts the individual, as well as ways in which it may affect the individual within the workplace. An example is provided in the chart, but please do not use it as one of your responses. Your narrative should be 550 words minimum.
Social constructs of race
A brief overview of your narrative. (It should be about 100 words.) Body In your own words: Describe what social inequality is. Then, outline the similarities and differences between the social constructs of race, ethnicity, and gender. Summarize how each construct can affect an individual within the workplace. (It should be about 350 words and organized into paragraphs.) Conclusion Summarize and restate your main points. (It should be about 100 words.) SOSC102 – Grading Rubric Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Points Chart Content 45 points 45 points
Social constructs of race
The information and examples provided for the social inequality, stratification system, and our society in each category is very detailed and well thought-out. 30-44 points The information and examples provided for the social inequality, stratification system, and our society in each category is detailed. 0-29 points 1 or more cells of the chart are missing, and the information is not relevant to the topic. Narrative 45 points 45 points The narrative exceeds the 550-word minimum. The narrative goes above and beyond to describe the similarities and differences as well as how each construct affects the individual. 26-44 points The narrative meets the 550-wordminimum.
Social constructs of race
The narrative briefly describes the similarities and differences as well as how each construct affects the individual. 0-25 points. The narrative is incomplete and less than 550 words. The narrative is missing information about the similarities and differences as well as how each construct affects the individual. Grammar/Mechanics/ Language 10 points 10 points The response contains no errors in grammar/ mechanics/language. 5-9 points The response contains 1-5 errors in grammar/ mechanics/language. Errors do not distract the reader from the overall meaning of the presentation. 0-4 points The response contains 6 or more errors in grammar/ mechanics/language. Errors distract the reader from the overall meaning of the presentation. https://youtu.be/-_Ko_uFviD8
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A philosophical question, 2022 Best

This assignment asks you to compare the thought of two philosophers on a philosophical question, and then position yourself personally in relation to this question based on the elements acquired in the comparison.
A philosophical question,
You will have to compare the thought of two philosophers on a philosophical question, and then position yourself personally in relation to this question based on the elements acquired in the comparison. The purpose of this document is to provide you with the essential tools to carry out this test. Formal structure of the comparative dissertation Introduction (a) The subject brought: introduction announcing the question (b) The subject asked: 1. Wording of the question 2. Brief description of the thesis of the two authors (c) The divided topic: announcement of the development plan Development (a) The report
A philosophical question,
1. Problematization 2. Presentation of the first thinker’s answer to the question 3. Presentation of the second thinker’s answer to the question (b) Benchmarking 1. Important similarities between the two philosophers 2. Important differences between the two philosophers (c) The position taken 1. Critical appreciation of philosophers’ conceptions 2. Presentation of your personal position: I. First argument II. Second argument Conclusion (a) Reminder of the position of the two authors and your personal position (b) Opening the text to further reflection or deepening The report
A philosophical question,
The purpose of the report is to accurately set out the concepts and arguments presented by philosophers that can help you provide a reasoned answer to the philosophical question you ask yourself in your text. In order to get off to a good start on your question, you must propose a problem, i.e. a presentation of the essential philosophical issues of your question. In other words, explain how you understand your question and why it is philosophically important. The report itself is a paragraph presenting a reasoned reformulation of the philosopher’s thought on the topic under discussion.
A philosophical question,
It consists in selecting and presenting the essential elements of each philosopher’s reflection on the question in such a way as to suggest a faithful reflection of their reflection. You will have to write two reporting paragraphs (one for each thinker). To properly prepare your account of each philosopher, follow these steps to prepare your plan: • Step #1 : Identify the relevant parts of the philosopher’s thinking in relation to your question. • Step #2: Identify important concepts related to the philosophical issue of your work. Make sure you understand the philosopher’s definition of it.
A philosophical question,
Step #3: Locate the philosopher’s reasoning on the issue you’re concerned about, and make sure you understand the scope of each of these events. • Step #4: Synthesize the relevant concepts and arguments you have uncovered so that the philosopher’s answer to your question is felt. Do not hesitate to use the technical vocabulary of the philosopher you are presenting. Benchmarking Comparative analysis consists of comparing the answers that each philosopher brings to the question that is the subject of your work in order to see what they have in common and what they differ in. https://youtu.be/GDgxntmve0o