Tag Archives: secondary sources.
Traditional Research Essay 2022 Best

This assignment involves writing a traditional research essay focusing on the Toughest Indian in the World and Junot Diaz, “Miss Lora”. . Firstly, choose an issue that came out of our shared texts or one that interests you deeply (please run it by me first) and write a paper where you analyze that issue in relation to at least two texts that we’ve studied.
Traditional Research Essay
The Toughest Indian in the World and Junot Diaz, “Miss Lora”. Paper details Research Project 150 5-7 pages; (25%)—you must write at least 6 full pages, the base-level requirement, or you’ll earn a zero. 1. Traditional Research Essay: Choose an issue that came out of our shared texts or one that interests you deeply (please run it by me first) and write a paper where you analyze that issue in relation to at least two texts that we’ve studied. These are your two primary texts. Read some articles about the issue that you’re exploring. These are your secondary sources. Briefly comment on what you think are the important points raised by your secondary sources.
Traditional Research Essay
Then you’ll have to position yourself in the critical conversation that your secondary sources are engaged in (i.e. critics A and B say this; I’m saying that, or I agree/disagree/both with critic A or critic B). The rest of the essay will show how well you support your thesis/main point. Feel free to bring back the outside sources into the conversation as/if you see fit. One suggested outline for this option: A. Introduction/Thesis (properly introduce your topic and set up your thesis/argument—1 to 2 paragraphs) B. Brief summary of and engagement with your four outside, secondary sources (per source: short summary—2 sentences—and then a longer analysis—3 to 4 sentences—about 1 paragraph in total per source)
Traditional Research Essay
C. Close, specific analysis of your two primary texts in support of your thesis/main point (you may bring in your outside sources again here if you want—this is the heart of your essay, where you forward your ideas and where you shine) D. Conclusion: short and sweet! After writing your first draft, see if your thesis is indeed better articulated in your conclusion than in your introduction, where it might be vague since you hadn’t done the work of writing through your ideas yet. If this is the case, then cut/paste and make your conclusion part of your introduction.
Traditional Research Essay
2. Expanding Online Work: Choose a topic that you wrote about in one of your shorter online writing assignments on our Discussion Forum and expand that topic into a longer, formal essay. Again, you will need to engage with four reputable outside sources that speak to your topic and write 5-7 pages. You may find the above outline helpful here. 3. The Review: write a review of an album, film, tv program, podcast, café, restaurant, museum exhibit, etc. https://youtu.be/-nCDlyN-kEI