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Tag Archives: Scarman report

Digital Culture 4AAVC100 best

Digital Culture

This assignment involves answering questions on digital culture in a form of essay. To do this effectively, you’ll need to use descriptive language to explain things as you have understood them – don’t assume your understanding on Twitter, a digital game, a film (etc.)

Digital Culture

4AAVC100 Essay Questions on Digital Culture ESSAY 1: General Guidance: Choose 1 out of the following questions and respond to it in an academic essay of 2000 words (maximum). When approaching these questions, do you best to consider your point of view on the subject and see the essay as an attempt to convince your reader of your opinion. To do this effectively, you’ll need to use descriptive language to explain things as you have understood them – don’t assume your understanding on Twitter, a digital game, a film (etc.) is the same as everyone else’s; also, a particular description of something can help get your point across by highlighting particular elements over others.

Digital Culture

Each essay question includes a quote from one of your module readings – start with that. Beyond this, one way to help get your opinion across is to appear confident in your understanding of the wider context of an issue: as such, in each question you will be expected to draw on a range of sources in your answer: at least 3 academic sources along with more popular sources (blogs, newspapers, social media) if required. This quite often requires more than just mentioning a source but instead engaging with a source, discussing its strengths and weakness and using this understanding of sources to help frame your opinion.

Digital Culture

It can be a good idea to draw on personal experiences to help make your point, but you must take the time to relate your experiences to a wide audience – imagine attempting to explain what it’s like to use TikTok to an alien… While this information can seem insignificant, personal experiences often form the basis of research. Above all, never forget, we can read the published articles whenever we want: we want to see your informed but unique opinion on a question! Essay questions: 1. In a widely read essay in the Atlantic (2008), Nick Carr posited that Google is “making us stupid.”

Digital Culture

To what extent do you feel Google (or some other recent technology) has the ability to impact human beings? 2. In 2002 Stiglitz asked “why has globalization, a force that has brought so much good – become so controversial?” Do you believe globalization remains a controversial idea in 2020 and to what extent is this feeling justified? 3. In 1981 the Scarman report stated, “The directions and policy of the Metropolitan Police are not racist. I totally and unequivocally reject the attack made upon the integrity and impartiality of the senior direction of the force.”

Today, it is easy to access data relating to police stop and search statistics along with other data. Has this digitization of London as a digital city helped instigate social change? https://youtu.be/wQpQTIuaoNo

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