Tag Archives: religion
Thirty-nine Articles 2022 Best

Write a 15-20 page paper on the following question: “What is the proper role of the Thirty-nine Articles today?” To adequately answer this question you should examine such related issues as the historical context of the Articles
Thirty-nine Articles
Assignments Rev. Dr. Charles Erlandson Required Reading (read these 2 books in their entirety): Browne, Harold. An Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion. Packer, J.I. and Beckwith, R.T. The Thirty-Nine Articles: Their Place and Use Today. Required papers 1. 4-page paper comparing and contrasting what Browne has to say with what another commentary has to say (for example, Griffith Thomas; Bicknell; Burnett, Boultbee, or Litton) on Article 9, 11, 17, or 19. Focus on the range of interpretations – don’t get bogged down in Scriptural or historical support. If you do not choose one of the commentaries listed above, you will need to clear it with me first. https://youtu.be/CzRuRT9xp7M
Thirty-nine Articles
2. 4-page paper comparing and contrasting what Browne has to say with what another commentary has to say (for example, Griffith Thomas, Bicknell, Burnett, Boultbee, or Litton) on Article 25, 27, or 28. 3. Final Paper – Write a 15-20 page paper on the following question: “What is the proper role of the Thirty-nine Articles today?” To adequately answer this question you should examine such related issues as the historical context of the Articles, the variety of interpretations of the Articles and limits on a proper interpretation of them, the authority of the Articles, and challenges to the Articles.
Thirty-nine Articles
In this paper, you must demonstrate that you have interacted with the Other Requirements: 1. Study the order of the Articles of the 39 Articles. You will need to write down the order of the Articles in the presence of a proctor (the priest of your local parish or some other parishioner would be ideal) who can verify that you have written the order of the Articles in their presence without the aid of notes. 2. Send a note stating that you have read the required texts in their entirety and watched all of the videos. Paper 1 = 20% Paper 2 = 20% Final Paper = 55% Memorization of Articles = 5%
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Death and Bereavement. 2022 Best

This paper explores human encounters with Death and Bereavement. The reflection paper must highlight the following three questions. (1) Do religion and spirituality play a role in mourning?
Death and Bereavement.
Human Encounters with Death and Bereavement. The reflection paper must highlight the following three questions. (1) Do religion and spirituality play a role in mourning? (2) What are the psychological, cultural, and personal factors that influence an individual or society’s response to loss and trauma? (3) What are the ethical considerations for death educators?” Instructions: This is a formal written assignment for a college-level course and will be graded as such. Spelling, punctuation, grammar, and writing ALWAYS count. You must write in full, properly punctuated, sentences. Sentences must be actual sentences, rather than sentence fragments.
Death and Bereavement.
Paragraphs must contain topic sentences. Points will be automatically deducted from your grade if there are excessive and serious spelling, grammar, and/or writing issues. ● You must properly cite each data source, both in text and in a reference section at the end of the paper, per American Psychological Association (APA) style (6th edition). ● The paper should be typed, double spaced, with 1- inch margins and 12-point and Times New Roman font ● The reflection paper should be at least 2 pages ● All pages must be numbered. Points will be automatically deducted from your grade if your assignment is not formatted as instructed. https://youtu.be/q5ZUMUgRzTc
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Cultural Identity Reflection 2022 Best

This assignment entails writing a cultural Identity Reflection Paper. This assignment should thoughtfully and innovatively demonstrate the ways you understand your identity and social location.
Cultural Identity Reflection
Assignment Description BASIC GUIDELINES/EXPECTATIONS This assignment is worth 200 points This paper needs to be 6-7 well-written and concise pages that draws on a minimum of 3 academic sources. This assignment provides an opportunity for you to reflect on and apply the concepts discussed in class to a particular issue or question regarding intercultural communication in your life. For this assignment I am asking you to reflect on your intersecting cultural identities and the experiences you have had with intercultural communication, demonstrating critical reflection and invoking readings from class to support your observations.
Cultural Identity Reflection
This assignment should thoughtfully and innovatively demonstrate the ways you understand your identity and social location. Please plan to write this paper as a well-developed academic journal entry meant to provide the instructor with a sense of your individual identity and how it influences (or is influenced by) communication. To begin generating some ideas, consider: How has a particular cultural institution (e.g., education, religion, family) shaped your identity? What is the role of communication (or discourse, more broadly) in facilitating this identity “work”? In what ways have you, potentially resisted? What happened?
Cultural Identity Reflection
Describe a memorable intercultural encounter when your own cultural identity became particularly pronounced/apparent. What did the interaction look like? What, additionally, made it intercultural? What did you learn? How has it influenced future interactions/encounters? Be critical and reflective of your behaviors/observations. How have mediated representations of difference (e.g., stereotypical representations of gender, race, sexuality, etc.) influenced how you understand your identity? Do you find these representations oppressive, empowering? How have you resisted dominant categories or essentializing notions of who you should be? If appropriate, describe a communicative interaction where you “felt” the power of these cultural norms.
Cultural Identity Reflection
After considering each of these prompts, please select one to which you will respond. For the purposes of this assignment, plan to situate your discussion within an interpretive-critical theoretical framework. In doing so, you should strive for a balance between description and critical reflection. You are writing/reflecting under the assumption that communication shapes and influences culture in powerful ways. Using yourself as a text/artifact, consider the ways in which your cultural identity has been shaped by particular kinds of communication. https://youtu.be/EwnW7A92us0
Cultural Identity Reflection
An “A” paper will demonstrate that you can draw specific concepts from the course material and apply them meaningfully in order to analyze and assess communication’s impact on your identity and social location. Your critical reflection paper should be between 6-7 pages excluding a words cited page (no more, no less). You should plan to cite a minimum of three sources (consider drawing on the readings from class to get you started – the textbook can count as one source). Your final document should have 1” margins and be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font; double-spaced.
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The oppression of women 2022 Expert Analysis

The patriarchy, the oppression of women, women’s rights on a global scale. Paper details BOOK CHOSEN: The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood TOPIC: The patriarchy, the oppression of women, women’s rights on a global scale
The oppression of women
TOPIC: The patriarchy, the oppression of women, women’s rights on a global scale. Paper details BOOK CHOSEN: The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood TOPIC: The patriarchy, the oppression of women, women’s rights on a global scale. Research Paper Instructions The goal of this paper is really quite simple: for you to choose, research, and analytically explore an international political problem that you find interesting. As our sessions will illustrate, the many and varied issues at play in today’s world are complex, heavily debated, and confusing. The point is discovering what you critically think about your chosen problem.
The oppression of women
In addition, you must compare something – typically how different countries or organizations address the issue, or how the issue has changed over time (i.e., comparing two time frames in different places). Once you have gathered and thought about all your information, analyze the data carefully, with the goal of explaining and understanding. Think of this as a puzzle, and your job is to attempt to explain why or how a specific problem or issue came to exist in the way it does (or, why attempts to address and/or resolve the issue have worked, or not worked).
The oppression of women
As is obvious from a quick glance at the syllabus and literature there are many major issues at play – problems of democracy, interstate relations, endemic poverty, terrorism – just to name a few. Each of these issues is complex and confusing in itself, and many of them inevitably – or naturally – interact (hence the concept of intersectionality). Furthermore, each contains related subtopics we might not address directly in the course, which you are free to pursue (pending approval of your topic). https://youtu.be/nvdUgLEoNEk
The oppression of women
Your goal is to focus on a very specific subset of one of these major issues and attempt to analyze and explain something about it. For example, human rights is an extremely broad category. One type of highly visible human rights is women’s rights. Women’s rights entail a whole host of specific problems – sexual assault, education, work/career opportunities (including fair pay), partner/marriage rights (or freedom from!); the list of problems is nearly endless. And it should be obvious already that women are treated differently depending on race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.
The oppression of women
So the problems a Nigerian lesbian emigrant to Europe faces are likely different from those faced by a female cisgender native-born United States citizen of Chinese descent. Your job is to explore and analyze an issue at this specific level of intersectional detail. Develop a topic of your own and research it, focusing on professional source materials, primarily books and acceptable journal articles (academic journals, official government and international organizations’ publications, and other similar sources – i.e., not just anything off the web or from some newsstand magazine).
The oppression of women
Information obtained off transparent and vetted websites, such as government and internationally recognized news sources (Reuters, BBC, NYT, etc.) is acceptable as well, but academic-level sources must be the basis of your research. As a side note, Wikipedia does not count as a valid site in and of itself. It is a reference or starting point only, but if used the citation links must be followed and cited. However, please be clear to make the proper citations if quoting a source (and remember to limit your quotations, this is to be in your words, not someone else’s!), and provide a bibliography at the end.
The oppression of women
This paper is expected to be in the 10+ page range, not including the bibliography or endnotes/appendixes (if applicable). Standard formats are to be observed (double-spaced, page numbers, standard margins and typewriter-font size).