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Direct Practice Improvement 2022 Best

Direct Practice Improvement

This assignment is aimed at supporting your successful navigation of timeline components for your Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project.  In a single page, double spaced, please answer the following: 1. Describe the personality of Ivan Ilyich and his relationship to his illness (so far).

Direct Practice Improvement

Assessment Description This assignment is aimed at supporting your successful navigation of timeline components for your Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project. General Requirements: YOU HAVE TO READ THIS YOURSELF AND WRITE THE ESSAY YOURSELF NO OUTSIDE SOURCES. Answer these two questions For this week, you should read up to, but not including, chapter VI in The Death of Ivan Ilyich. In a single page, double spaced, please answer the following: 1. Describe the personality of Ivan Ilyich and his relationship to his illness (so far).

Direct Practice Improvement

2. What do you think Tolsoy is trying to teach us with a character like this? Just give me your own analysis and opinions. quote the text with quotation marks and the page number. in order to back up your insights. Nothing here should be taken from a website or any other outside source. Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment: Locate the “DPI Project Timeline” resource associated with this assignment. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. https://youtu.be/xr1q-uBtIH4

Direct Practice Improvement

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Directions: Use the “DPI Project Timeline” document to help you develop a timeline for the completion of your DPI Project Proposal and activities associated with completing your project. Enter your expected dates for completion of the milestones and deliverables. Keep in mind this is a plan for your timeline through the final three courses of the program. Actual timelines may vary. Attachments DNP-955-RS-DPI-ProjectTimeline.docx

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Citizen voice and participation. 2022 Best

Citizen voice and participation.

This paper explores citizen voice and participation. As American citizens, we can use our voices to communicate to our authority figures about how their decisions can impact society.

Citizen voice and participation.

As American citizens, we can use our voices to communicate to our authority figures about how their decisions can impact society. One of the ways that we as citizens can participate in the creation of a future where all citizens are treated equitably is to voice our collective needs to those that we have placed in positions of authority. Before we do so, we should understand the relationship among power, privilege, and other socio-structural factors and the life circumstances of individuals from different groups.

Citizen voice and participation.

This paper will give you space to think through these ideas and to better prepare you to make your voice heard and have a positive impact on the world. Requirements Read the chapter Privilege, Power, Difference, and Us, pp. 69–78. Answer the following in a 2–3 page paper: Summarize the chapter: Define the concepts of power and privilege and how they relate. Discuss the chapter in light of your textbook readings (especially Chapter 2: Analyzing Economic Inequalities): What is your perspective on the relationship between power and privilege and social problems? Use specific examples to support your ideas.

Citizen voice and participation.

If you could have a conversation with a person in a position of authority about the relationship between power, privilege, and current social problems, what would you discuss? What advice or tools would you suggest to help them gain more social intelligence in this area? Use two sources from this week’s readings to support your writing. Cite the sources listed at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides. https://youtu.be/VpYtexXzc1U

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Importance of Happiness. 2022 Best

Importance of Happiness.

This paper explores the Importance of Happiness. Essay Prompt: So much of our discussion, study, and writing in this class has been about the difficulties we have in the world.

 Importance of Happiness.

Essay Prompt: So much of our discussion, study, and writing in this class has been about the difficulties we have in the world. For this essay, I want you to discuss happiness. What is happiness? Is happiness possible? How do you become happy? How can you tell if you’re happy, or not? How many people are actually happy in your world? What do you do to create happiness in your life? Can you create happiness for other people? Now, go deep. What makes you happy, if anything? What do you do to make yourself happy? If you’re not happy, what do you usually do about it? Do you think that there really such a thing as happiness?

The Importance of Happiness.

Is it a permanent state or is it fleeting? Please don’t just answer these questions. They’re given to help prompt some introspection on your part, so you can look inside and write about your relationship to happiness. Discuss your relationship to being happy, creating happiness for yourself and others, and what you can do to fill yourself up with more positive and happy thoughts. Give examples, discuss thoughts, examine possibilities—all about happiness.

 Importance of Happiness.

Must write a 2-page, well-organized, carefully thought-out, college-level essay using the following prompt. Organize the essay using the following: hook, thesis statement, introduction, body, conclusion, main ideas/topic sentences, supporting details, and concluding sentences for each paragraph, evidence and examples. https://youtu.be/M6XAmM_gACw

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The ADDIE model. 2022 Best

The ADDIE model.

For this assignment we will focus on applying the ADDIE model. Assignment Overview Overview of Case 4: EVALUATION You are just about to complete the last of the four Case Assignments in this class.

The ADDIE model.

Assignment Overview Overview of Case 4: EVALUATION You are just about to complete the last of the four Case Assignments in this class. Congratulations on preparing, section by section, a training project where you are applying the ADDIE model. To start with evaluation, it is crucial to understand the overall process. The use of varied and multiple forms of evaluation throughout the design cycle is one of the most important processes for an instructional designer to employ. To that end, this first section of an evaluation section attempts to explain what evaluation is in terms of the varying types of evaluation, and the evaluation’s overarching relationship throughout the ADDIE model.

The ADDIE model.

Evaluation is the process of determining whether or not the designed instruction meets its intended goals. In addition, evaluation helps to determine whether or not learners are able to transfer the skills and knowledge learned back into long-term changes in behavior and skills required. Evaluation also provides the opportunity for instructional designers to ensure stakeholders are in agreement that the developed instruction is meeting the organizational goals. When a new program has been endorsed and accepted by an organization, there emerges the need for an evaluation. The instructional designer normally is a key player in the task of evaluation.

The ADDIE model.

It is significant for the implementing organization to realize that the achievements of the new program are aligned to the goals and purposes of the program. For this evaluation, an instructional designer might conduct three layers of evaluation respectively: formative, summative, and confirmative. When a teacher or a designer develops a lesson plan, one must keep in mind that what seems plausible as an idea in the initial stages might not work out the same way when put to a full-blown program. Here, formative assessment takes a significant role in the instructional design process of the lesson plan.

The ADDIE model.

The purpose of this assessment by the instructional designer is crucial because it evaluates whether or not it is it working as needed before a lot of valuable time and resources are spent. For more information, read the article, ADDIE explained: Evaluation. Sources of the above information: Ritzhaupt, A. (2020). ADDIE explained: Introduction. http://www.aritzhaupt.com/addie_explained/. An Open Educational Resource for the Educational Technology Community. Wilson, M., Sahay, S., & Calhoun, C. (2020). ADDIE explained: Evaluation. http://www.aritzhaupt.com/addie_explained/evaluation/ . An Open Educational Resource for the Educational Technological Community.

The ADDIE model.

Case Assignment Continue with the training topic you selected for Case 1. (The ADDIE steps are explained in the videos and readings presented on each of the Module’s Background pages). Walk through, step by step, the Evaluation phase of the ADDIE model. Be as specific as possible. If there is unknown information, make logical assumptions to fill in the information needed and include a section in your paper showing the assumptions you made. In your paper discuss the following types of evaluation that should be utilized to evaluate your training course: a. Formative Evaluation b. Summative Evaluation – apply the four steps of the Kirkpatrick model.

The ADDIE model.

c. Develop a numerical example of return on investment (ROI) and discuss how those components of the ROI help to evaluate the value (or lack of value) of your training program. Make recommendations on what changes you could make to the training to improve its ROI. Once you have completed this last phase of the ADDIE Model (including your ROI computations), combine it with the other three case assignments, submitting one cohesive paper to the Case 4 Dropbox by the assignment due date.  https://youtu.be/JB6aDdq3HTI

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Civil unions and domestic partnership – 2022 Best

Civil unions and domestic partnership

In this family lay paper we will answer questions on civil unions and domestic partnership . Question 1: Giles (male) and William (male) have been together for 15 years.

Civil unions and domestic partnership

Section A: Please answer one of the following problem questions. You should use approximately 1,500 words on this piece Question 1: Giles (male) and William (male) have been together for 15 years. They are not married or in a civil partnership, but they live together and have cohabited for the last ten years. They own the house together, and have a child who they both adopted a year ago (Faith, aged four).

Civil unions and domestic partnership

Two years ago William had a one-night stand with Angel (male). Giles found out about this shortly afterwards and was furious – he screamed at William, and punched a hole in the living room wall. Giles walked out the house and stayed away for a week, refusing to speak to William. On his return Giles was much calmer and told William he wanted to sort out their relationship and go back to how things were.

Civil unions and domestic partnership

After talking about this, William apologized for cheating and Giles said he was sorry for ‘getting a bit het up’. Giles moved back into the house. Since then, Giles has become more controlling. Whenever William goes out, Giles insists on knowing where he has been and who he has been with. He regularly accuses William of having an ongoing affair with Angel and insists on checking William’s Facebook and WhatsApp messages.

He has told William that he has to have his ‘location’ switched on on his phone so that Giles knows where he is at all times. William didn’t want to do this, but whenever he tries to challenge Giles, Giles says ‘I still can’t trust you’ and becomes angry. Since adopting Faith, Giles has insisted that William quit his job to look after her so as to save on nursery costs.  https://youtu.be/9cIkWL4SRjU

Civil unions and domestic partnership

Giles is the only wage earner and insists that all money that the family gets goes into his bank account. William has to ask Giles every time he wants money for shopping or things for Faith. A few weeks ago Giles found William had bought a cheap mobile phone. On that phone were messages from William to his sister saying that he was scared of Giles and that Giles won’t let him go out. Giles is furious. He confronts William and throws the mobile phone at the wall, smashing it. He pushes William onto the floor and then stands over him shouting and threatening to hit William.

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