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Tag Archives: racism

Social Media and Body image. 2022 Best

Social Media and Body image.

This assignment explores social media and body image. Task: you will first need to conduct an analysis of the bodies you interact with from the media you consume. Please follow these steps before you start your discussion post:  Choose 3 forms of media to analyze throughout the week.

Social Media and Body image.

Content Analysis of Bodies in the Media. Task: you will first need to conduct an analysis of the bodies you interact with from the media you consume. Please follow these steps before you start your discussion post:  Choose 3 forms of media to analyze throughout the week. It could be the news, an episode of a tv show you watch, a movie you watch, a magazine you look through, an advertisement, a video game you play etc (but it must have human bodies in it). As you interact with your chosen forms of media (watch, read, play, etc), pay attention to the bodies you see.

Social Media and Body image.

Specifically, keep track of the bodies you see both in terms of quantity (how many times do you see different types of bodies) and quality (how are these bodies portrayed).  The following table could help you keep track of the bodies Apply sport sociology theories and research to analyze how sport and physical activity can promote, and hinder, personal and community health and wellbeing. Examine the role of sport and physical activity in (re)producing as well as combatting social inequities such as racism, sexism, and ableism ·

Social Media and Body image.

Once you’ve completed a content analysis of the media using the table above, reflect on and answer the following questions in your discussion post: o o What are the 3 forms of media you analyzed this week? State their names and post your content analysis table too o What body patterns did you notice in the media you analyzed this week? o What messages about the body did you receive from the forms of media you interacted with this week? In other words, what does the media imply about bodies?

For example, which bodies are considered good/popular/hero/healthy/beautiful bodies? o How do the body messages vary by media form, if at all? o What (else) did you learn from performing this content analysis of the media? https://youtu.be/bqmkqM8lmgg

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Organizational capacity assessment 2022 Best

Organizational capacity assessment.

For this assignment, you will conduct an organizational capacity assessment of your practicum site and determine how effectively the site is building capacity to address the needs of the community.

Organizational capacity assessment.

Organizational Capacity.  At this point in your practicum, you are discovering the importance of our community public-health work to ensure optimal health and well-being of all people through a process that respects diversity, addressing the structural biases, social inequities, and racism that undermine health and create obstacles to health equity at organizational, community, and societal levels. Public health organizations and professionals achieve this in part through organizational capacity building, which strengthens characteristics that promote community health and well-being through the planning, development, and implementation of community programs.

Organizational capacity assessment.

For this assignment, you will conduct an organizational capacity assessment of your practicum site and determine how effectively the site is building capacity to address the needs of the community. You will save this assignment in your ePortfolio. Instructions Meet with your preceptor to discuss this assignment. Obtain permission to conduct the organizational capacity assessment at your practicum site. You will also use data available to you through various databases and a literature review. For this assignment you should specifically: Discuss the baseline level of core public health and environmental health services provided by the practicum organization to the community, especially to underserved and culturally diverse populations.

Organizational capacity assessment.

Describe baseline level of core public health and environmental health services. Define underserved and culturally diverse populations. Analyze your practicum organization’s gaps and areas of strength in relation to the services offered to diverse populations in the community. Describe the services offered, including strengths and service gaps. Identify data that support your description of the service gaps and areas of strength. Compare your practicum organization’s gaps and areas of strength to similar organizations and programs in other areas, regions, states, or countries.

Organizational capacity assessment.

Provide examples of the services offered, gaps, and strengths of other organizations researched. Discuss how and where the organization or program can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of core services being offered to the community as a whole. Analyze how your agency applies the principles of community-based participatory research to improve health in diverse populations. Define community-based participatory research. Provide examples of CBPR projects and initiatives your practicum site is participating in or leading. If they are not involved in CBPR, please explain why. Discuss the systems-thinking tools the practicum site uses to address a public health issue or community problem.

Organizational capacity assessment.

Describe the systems-thinking tools used at the practicum site. Discuss how the practicum site uses these systems-thinking tools to address a community public-health issue. Evaluate the communication system in place among the partners, staff, and community. Discuss how the practicum site communicates internally and externally. Describe how the practicum site uses technology to communicate. Describe ways in which the practicum site is doing well or can improve with their internal and external communication. Analyze ways capacity can be built by influencing public health policy or resource allocation. https://youtu.be/D7uEXsfEFiI

Organizational capacity assessment.

Enumerate the data, resources, and activities that have been collected on current staffing, collaborations, resources, and funding. Identify resource strengths and deficits of the practicum site and discuss ways to address those deficits. Identify public health policies that exist or can be proposed to legislation to increase agency capacity to address community public health concerns. Write following APA style for in-text citations and references. Determine the proper application of APA formatting requirements and scholarly writing standards.

Organizational capacity assessment.

Apply the principles of effective composition. Write clearly and logically with correct use of spelling and grammar. Determine the proper application of the rules of grammar and mechanics. Assess the relevance and credibility of information sources. **ORGANIZATION IS SARATOGA HOSPITAL IN NEW YORK**

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Sociology Race and Ethnicity. 2022 Best

Sociology Race and Ethnicity.

This is an interview paper for Sociology Race and Ethnicity.  The central questions for the interview project are as follows: 1. How do people experience race and racism in their everyday lives? 2. How do people learn about race and racism.

Sociology Race and Ethnicity.

Interview paper for Sociology Race and Ethnicity.  The central questions for the interview project are as follows: 1. How do people experience race and racism in their everyday lives? 2. How do people learn about race and racism? 3. How do experiences in everyday contexts shape racial identity? Upload the transcript to Blackboard Capsule Component Due Date Possible Points Interview Reflection Paper May 15, 2022 40 points Total points 50 points The Interview Reflection Paper includes the following components: Pt I: Introduction 5 points In this section, you will provide a brief overview of your interview experience.

Sociology Race and Ethnicity.

Who did you interview? Briefly discuss some of the topics you discussed during your interview. Pt II: Answering a guiding question 20 points In this section, you will respond to one of the guiding questions by using data points/excerpts from the interview.  What is the guiding question you chose to focus on in this section?  What did your interviewee say about this topic? o Present two (2) data points from the interview that illustrate the interviewee’s perspective on this topic. o Explain how each data point provides insight on your topic.

Sociology Race and Ethnicity.

See note below about presenting qualitative data in writing Pt III: Reflections: 10 points In this section, you will reflect on two items • Briefly summarize what you learned about race and racism in this person’s life.  If you had the opportunity to do this interview again, what would you do differently? Why would you make this change? How would this change affect the interview? Are there any questions you’d ask differently? Writing Requirements 5 points • Interesting title for the Interview Capsule.  Free from spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors • Word count: 750 – 1,000 words • Double-spaced, 12-point font. https://youtu.be/7myLgdZhzjo

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