Tag Archives: publication-ready articles
Qualitative textual analysis. 2022 Best
After viewing Food, Inc., you will write a qualitative textual analysis. Consider the ways in which the film conveys ideas about food. There is no “correct” way to review a film. It is your goal as a critic to make an argument that is relayed through a thesis statement that is a key element of the paper’s introduction.
Qualitative textual analysis.
Food, Inc Paper details: After viewing Food, Inc., you will write a qualitative textual analysis. Consider the ways in which the film conveys ideas about food. There is no “correct” way to review a film. It is your goal as a critic to make an argument that is relayed through a thesis statement that is a key element of the paper’s introduction. In order to support the argument that is signaled in your thesis, weave in (at least) two quotes/citations from (at least) two of the essays/articles assigned during Module 4 and/or Module 5.
Qualitative textual analysis.
Remember to use quotes to support your argument, not simply to summarize the author’s argument or to make a comparison between Food, Inc., and the argument made by the author. Your paper must include in-text citations and a reference page with a minimum of three entries (2 essays/articles plus the film), following APA format. Assume a universal reader. In other words, do not address the instructor directly in the paper. Nor should you assume that the reader has read the readings being cited or seen the film being analyzed. Take nothing for granted!
Qualitative textual analysis.
As a Film Reviewer, your paper should reflect: Skills to evaluate food information for general-readership publications, such as newspapers and newsletters. Skills to construct effective written documents for technical and non-technical audiences. Skills to analyze and synthesize information about food’s role in society. Skills to write publication-ready articles reflecting mastery of course information and understanding of communicator’s role of information-gatherer and disseminator. Organize your review as follows: Introduction – Grab the attention of your reader and introduce the text and concept you will be analyzing.
Qualitative textual analysis.
The introduction must include a clear thesis and preview statement. The thesis is a single, concise statement that relays your argument. The preview lays out how you will make that argument. In other words, the preview indicates what each body paragraph will be about. Analysis – Write one body paragraph for each subpoint of your thesis. Include 2-3 specific examples from the text per subpoint. Each paragraph must include a topic sentence introducing the subpoint of your argument, as well as a concluding sentence that ties the examples you have provided back to your overall thesis. Don’t leave the heavy lifting for your reader!
Qualitative textual analysis.
Conclusion – Summarize the paper. Restate your thesis statement and briefly review the supporting arguments. Finish with an overarching statement about what your analysis says about society as a whole. In other words, make sure you address the “So what?” ****MUST HAVE CLEAR THESIS AND HAVE IN-TEXT CITATIONS. The two articles are included to be used in conjunction with the film. Martin, A. (2009, March 22). Is a food revolution now in season? The New York Times. Retrieved from. http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.libproxy.db.erau.edu/hnpnewyorktimesindex/docview/1030606865/33E41ECD50B3434FPQ/1 Pollan, M. (2010, June 10). The food movement, rising. The New York Review of Books. Retrieved from http://www.nybooks.com/articles/2010/06/10/food-movement-rising/. https://youtu.be/W0r076IZAZ0