Tag Archives: public health

Opioid crisis as a problem of criminality 2022 Best

Opioid crisis as a problem of criminality. This paper explores whether the opioid crisis is best understood as a problem of criminality, or a problem of public health.

Opioid crisis as a problem of criminality

This paper explores whether the opioid crisis is best understood as a problem of criminality, or a problem of public health. Explain your answer. Prompts (choose one) During a pandemic, measures like lockdowns and mask mandates may be implemented. It is sometimes argued that such measures infringe on personal autonomy. Are such measures morally justified? Why/why not? Which of the eight principles for the allocation of medical resources do you find most convincing? Why? Does Judith Jarvis Thompson’s “famous violinist” thought experiment prove that abortion is ethically permissible? Do her other thought experiments? Justify your answer.

Opioid crisis as a problem of criminality

What is Don Marquis’s argument for the immorality of abortion? Does it provide a convincing rebuttal to Judith Jarvis Thompson’s arguments in defense of abortion? What is “reproductive justice”, and why do its advocates think it is important to move beyond the language of “pro-life” and “pro-choice”? Do you agree? Is the American healthcare system just? Why or why not? How does it compare with other leading alternative healthcare systems? Provide evidence to support your claims. Is the opioid crisis best understood as a problem of criminality, or a problem of public health? Explain your answer.

Opioid crisis as a problem of criminality

Writing Criteria Length: 600 words minimum, excluding work cited page, name, date, etc. (~3 pages) Format: Calibiri, 12 pt. font Due Date: November 17, 2020 Citations: As long as you are consistent you may use the citation style you are familiar with (APA, MLA, Chicago Style, etc.). Sources: You must use a minimum of two sources (they may all come from the Vaughn textbook). For example, you may cite the Vaughn reading from Abortion (pp. 339-351) and Thomson’s article “A Defense of Abortion” (pp. 357-367). Hint: A good ethics paper will engage with three things, (1) the prompt, (2) concepts and (3) moral theory (e.g., utilitarianism or Kantian ethics).

Opioid crisis as a problem of criminality

Furthermore, you should clearly state your position in the opening paragraph. This could be that you agree, disagree, or that you take some other third approach. Grading Rubric Clear thesis statement Clearly explains relevant concepts Accurately outlines moral theories Answers the question(s) in the paper prompt. Clear argument supported by textual sources. Spelling, grammar, and proper citations. Things to Avoid Fallacious Reasoning Appeals to emotion, Anecdotal Data or Experiences, etc. Do not fall into the trap of legal justification. This is an ethics paper, not a law paper. Plagiarism A bad or late paper is better than no paper, but a plagiarized paper is inexcusable and may result in an F for the entire course. https://youtu.be/tJeW70fel_E

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Incidence of HIV/AIDs infection rate 2022 Best

Incidence of HIV/AIDs infection rate

This assignment focuses on reducing the incidence of HIV/AIDs infection rate amongst MSM living in Atlanta. Paper details Program Plan: 25 pages AMA format. I. Title Page. Title of paper; Submitted by: Your Name in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master of Public Health Degree

Incidence of HIV/AIDs infection rate

Paper details Program Plan: 25 pages AMA format. I. Title Page. Title of paper; Submitted by: Your Name in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master of Public Health Degree, Milken Institute School of Public Health, The George Washington University. Please see sample in the CE1 Coursework area, Week 4. III. Background.  What public health problem are you addressing in your chosen community/site? Why was this issue chosen? What do we know about the prevalence/incidence, risk factors, or trends in this health problem – in general, and specifically in relation to your targeted community/site?

Incidence of HIV/AIDs infection rate

Define and describe the community or site that is the focus of the program. How was it chosen? Provide an extensive review the literature – structured by explicit use of the PRECEDEPROCEED planning model – to convey what has been learned about this topic and to provide a rationale for your program plan, showing how your program is addressing the health/behavioral issues.  Describe the overall conceptual model, and explain the potential significance of your program plan to the chosen community. IV. Program Objectives. What is the ultimate purpose of your program plan? What health outcomes, behaviors, and cognitions will be targeted?

Incidence of HIV/AIDs infection rate

Utilizing SMART objectives, students must have at least 1 health objective, 1 behavioral objective, and 2+ immediate objectives (i.e. educational, psychological, communication oriented, etc.).  How were objectives were established and how will they be measured? V. Methods. Describe in detail the literature review conducted, and any organizations that were consulted to assess the state of the evidence. Which programs were investigated and referenced when developing this program plan? Describe this program’s innovation and its role in “filling a gap” within the field.  VI. Program Proposal.

Incidence of HIV/AIDs infection rate

a. Describe the programmatic activities in full, including evidence supporting each activity, and explicit description of the integration of behavioral theory into the intervention. If based on an existing program, what adaptations or modifications were made?  b. How will this program be implemented at the site? This requires a comprehensive discussion of all logistical elements such as engagement of community partners, staffing, work/management plans, resources required, timeline, and an overall statement of the program budget and major budget categories (full budget/justification is a required appendix.).  https://youtu.be/CQ0Y0wRstFs

Incidence of HIV/AIDs infection rate

c. How will this program be evaluated, both process and outcome components? Specifically discuss the assessment of all SMART objectives. d. How are barriers to success being addressed? Please comment on sustainability/long-term maintenance. 12 VII. Discussion. Fully analyze the program plan in terms of its limitations, ethical concerns, impact on your target population and the health condition broadly, and future programming and policy implications. What is the expected program “impact” (reach, magnitude of effect, etc.)? What, if any, additional community benefits do you anticipate (e.g., community engagement, economic improvements, etc.)?

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Dispute Resolution in Asia. 2022 Best

Dispute Resolution in Asia.

This assignment is about dispute Resolution in Asia. Part A Ozco is a Sydney-incorporated company that invests A$3m in 2018 to established a joint venture company in Bangkok (owned in equal shares with a private Thai company

Dispute Resolution in Asia.

Assignment with short answers -answer part A Part A Ozco is a Sydney-incorporated company that invests A$3m in 2018 to established a joint venture company in Bangkok (owned in equal shares with a private Thai company), ThaiJVco, to produce and distribute home medical testing kits primarily for Thai, Australian and Japanese end-users. A month after the WHO declares the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, the Thai government orders ThaiJVco and some other producers to limit all kit supplies only to domestic users, declaring that this is essential for public health management of the pandemic.

Dispute Resolution in Asia.

Ozco is unhappy as this reduces the joint venture’s profits considerably and some other producers (with closer connections to the government, such as State-Owned Enterprises) do not seem to be subjected to such restrictions. As set infections spread, in June 2020 the government announces that it plans to nationalize ThaiJVco to ramp up production of the kits and produce other medical supplies to address the pandemic. It offers to pay Ozco A$3m in compensation, but the latter voices discontent because by end-2019 an independent valuation of its investment was $5m.

Dispute Resolution in Asia.

After fruitless negotiations, in August 2020 the government publically alleges that that Ozco bribed some officials to facilitate establishment of the JV, which Ozco completely denies. Question A.1 Advise OzCo about its best options and related procedural law and practice issues to resolve this dispute with the Thai government. In September 2020, ThaiJVco’s exclusive distributor of the kits in Japan, Jco incorporated in Osaka, notifies termination of the distributorship contract. As grounds for termination Jco points to the Thai corruption allegations, as well as non-delivery of the medical kits, resulting in Jco becoming close to bankruptcy. https://youtu.be/8YC1sAdpua8

Dispute Resolution in Asia.

After ThaiJVco counter-argues force majeure for non delivery, in October 2020 Jco adds as another ground for termination that some of its own buyers (consumers of the kits) are reporting that they contain serious defects causing personal injury and/or emotional distress. Jco also refuses to make payments for some kits delivered before the April 2020 export ban from Thailand, and threatens to seek the freezing of some ThaiJVco funds held in Japanese bank accounts. The written distributorship contract states that “all related disputes must be resolved by mediation administered in Kyoto, then if necessary subject to arbitration administered in Osaka”.

Dispute Resolution in Asia.

2 Question A.2 Advise ThaiJVco about its best options and related procedural law and practice issues to resolve this dispute with Jco. In November 2020, some Thai consumers read news about the Japanese consumer complaints about defective kits sourced via Jco, and they start to complain to ThaiJVco about similar defects in some of their kits. A few file product liability claims in the Bangkok Civil Court. Thailand’s main NGO, the Foundation for Consumers, starts hearing about and publicizing these claims. D

Dispute Resolution in Asia.

Discussion emerges across print and social media about a possible class action, and that news also reaches some smaller NGOs and other consumer groups in Japan. Question A.3 Advise ThaiJVco about the risks and issues around dispute resolution processes for such consumer complaints in both Thailand and Japan.

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Camp Pocono Trails 2022 best

Camp Pocono Trails

This assessment focuses on Camp Pocono Trails Assessment.  Assignment instructions Overview Program evaluation is an important component of public health.

Camp Pocono Trails

Assignment instructions Overview Program evaluation is an important component of public health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that “Evaluation encourages us to examine the operations of a program, including which activities take place, who conducts the activities, and who is reached as a result. In addition, evaluation will show how faithfully the program adheres to implementation protocols. Through program evaluation, we can determine whether activities are implemented as planned and identify program strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.”

Camp Pocono Trails

1 Summer camps are a practical way to help overweight and obese children feel normal and better learn to manage their weight. However, some camps are better equipped to meet the multi-faceted needs of an obese child than others. In this assignment, you will assume the role of a public health professional in conducting an assessment of a summer camp for children. Use the Camp Assessment Template to evaluate the effectiveness of a summer camp program in meeting the physical, psychological, and intellectual needs of overweight/obese children. Your evaluation should include substantive remarks regarding program details and recommendations for improvement.

Camp Pocono Trails

You will then compare your findings to a peer-reviewed article that studied the effects of a summer camp on improving weight loss and self-esteem in obese children. Instructions 1. Complete a program evaluation of Camp Pocono Trails · Access the Camp Pocono Trails website on the Camp Assessment Assignment page under Camp Assessment Resources and use the instructor-provided assessment tool to evaluate the camp. · Make sure to include substantial comments in the Evaluator’s Comments section of the assessment tool and be as specific as possible in providing improvement recommendations or commenting on areas of strength

Camp Pocono Trails

2. Compare Camp Pocono Trails to Kamp K’anna · Read the article on Kamp K’anna by Wong et al. on the Camp Assessment Assignment page under Camp Assessment Resources. · Write an Evaluation Summary. Select 3 assessment criteria from the assessment tool (e.g., nutrition education, physical activity, goal setting) and compare/contrast your findings from Camp Pocono Trails to the Wong article describing Kamp K’aana. Comment on whether or not one camp’s approach seems better than the other and provide a brief conclusion paragraph summarizing the strengths/weaknesses of each camp.

Camp Pocono Trails

Your essay should be 400-550 words in length and should follow AMA formatting. Please review the grading rubric for this assignment prior to finalizing your work. References 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Introduction to program evaluation for public health programs: A self-study guide. https://www.cdc.gov/eval/guide/cdcevalmanual.pdf. Published 2011. Accessed July 2020. 2. Wong WW, Abrams SH, Mikhail C, et al. An innovative summer camp program improves weight and self-esteem in obese children. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2009;49(4):493-497. doi:10.1097/MPG.0b013e31819b5da2. https://youtu.be/7pPDvP6BZO8

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Healthcare delivery system of Taiwan – 2022 Best

Healthcare delivery system of Taiwan

For this assignment we will explore features of the healthcare delivery system of Taiwan.  How citizens access services across the spectrum of health care; Areas of health disparities and any special/priority populations.

Healthcare delivery system of Taiwan

A Tale of Two Countries’ Health Care Delivery Systems.  Firstly, briefly describe Taiwan in terms of geography and any important cultural, economic, geographic, or other distinguishing traits that may impact views of health and/or public health. Analyze the following features of the healthcare delivery system of Taiwan: The extent to which prevention services are offered. How citizens access services across the spectrum of health care; include any services that are not available. Areas of health disparities and any special/priority populations.  Financiers of the  services and by whom (government, consumers, insurers, etc.) Predominant health issues for each nation. Also, discuss what the United States is doing well and what lessons we can learn and incorporate from Taiwan.

Healthcare delivery system of Taiwan

Provide a clear, comprehensive desсrіption of areas in which the U.S. healthcare delivery system performs better than Taiwan and an area in which Taiwan’s system does better. In addition, remember that this is a formal research paper. Your paper must include the following resources: At least three credible Excelsior College Library articles (current, peer-reviewed, and directly related to the state/federal reform initiative) At least three credible governmental, policy, or NGO (non-governmental organization) websites. https://youtu.be/VARM2U1Yc5E

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