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Tag Archives: proposal

Social media on society. 2022 Best

Social media on society.

This paper explores the  impact of social media on society. The goal of this assignment is for you to persuade an audience of interested but non-expert readers to adopt your stance or perspective. This means clearly establishing the issue as an important topic and clearly presenting an original argument about it.

Social media on society.

Paper details Assignment Prompt: Research Paper, English 1102 This writing project asks you to present an original and researched argument or perspective on the issue you identified in your Formal Proposal. The length of your paper should be at least 6 pages and no more than 7, and should include a minimum of 5 sources. Overview and Usefulness for Work in Other Courses The goal of this assignment is for you to persuade an audience of interested but non-expert readers to adopt your stance or perspective. This means clearly establishing the issue as an important topic and clearly presenting an original argument about it.

Social media on society.

By itself, this assignment addresses each of our 4 learning outcomes. In short, all of the skills you have developed this semester will be on display in this piece of writing, with the addition of your personal, reasoned stance on an important topic. I see this assignment as the culmination of your work this semester. Due to the complexity of this assignment, you longer to work on it than our other major assignments; take advantage of this extra time and start working early. Use of Research and Citation Format It is important to recognize that there are multiple ways to use sources for an assignment like this.

Social media on society.

A source could exemplify or embody the issue you are studying, serving as an example of the issue you are studying. A source might also be used as evidence to support part of your argument, as a counterpoint or complicating factor for your argument, and more. It is crucial to evaluate your sources as you undertake research: you want credible sources to support your own argument, and ideally also credible sources that make arguments contrary to yours (how useful is it to poke holes in counter arguments that are not themselves represented by well-reasoned and researched arguments?). Think about not just what each sources says, but what it does in your paper: how will you use it?

Social media on society.

Format your paper and cite your sources using MLA format. Originality of Argument You must present an original argument or perspective in this paper; however, this does not mean you need to reinvent the wheel. This requirement is a way of asking you to present your original thoughts as part of the ongoing conversation around your chosen issue. Ask yourself this question as you begin drafting: what will a reader get from your paper that they will not get from your sources? What have you added to this conversation? You should feel free to use the first person, or I, to help differentiate yourself and your views from those of your sources.

Social media on society.

Checklist for Successful Work 6 pages (no more than 7) with at least 5 sources A clear identification of both the issue you are studying and your argument about that issue An brief introduction to the issue being studied An lengthier analysis of the issue in the context of your argument, with the inclusion of sources Engagement in scholarly conversation to defend original perspective An arrangement (organization of ideas) appropriate for a persuasive piece:

Social media on society.

Introduction, body paragraphs in a logical order, and a conclusion; sections with headings may be used if you find them appropriate Demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic and sources Integration of your voice throughout: it should be clear, likely through the use of first-person writing, when your audience is reading your original ideas and when they are reading those from your sources Clear identification of your sources for all paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting, using MLA format, along with a Works Cited page in MLA format. https://youtu.be/yJ9oEi3Yyg0

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The Importance of Nutrition in the world. 2022 Best

The Importance of Nutrition in the world.

This assignment involves writing a proposal on the Importance of Nutrition in the world. Instructions: First: Post your Topic Proposal draft (300+ words); please copy and paste it into a message rather than attaching it. Second: Respond to at least four (4) proposal drafts to be eligible for full credit.

The Importance of Nutrition in the world.

Instructions: First: Post your Topic Proposal draft (300+ words); please copy and paste it into a message rather than attaching it. Second: Respond to at least four (4) proposal drafts to be eligible for full credit. Please spread around these comments, so that everyone receives some feedback. If a draft already has 2-3 comments, find another one! Give detailed feedback, i.e. full sentences. Does the first sentence of the proposal identify a specific, clear research question? Do you immediately understand what issue the writer will be addressing? Is it phrased as a yes/no question?

The Importance of Nutrition in the world.

Does this question appear debatable? Are there reasonable people on both sides of the question/issue? AND, does the student-writer seem to approach the question with an open mind, ready to look at all sides? Does the writer include at least 5 relevant questions they will need to answer, in order to answer their main research question? Come up with at least one additional question for the writer to consider. Does the writer identify specific potential sources they will use? (For example, “.gov” is not specific enough–which government agency?)

The Importance of Nutrition in the world.

Is it evident that the writer has conducted background research? Include at least one suggestion for a source the writer could consult. Does the writer make a persuasive case for why this question matters? Where could they improve? Is the proposal formatted correctly? (Review MLA formatting guidelines.) Is the proposal broken into paragraphs? Where could paragraphing be improved? (Topic sentences, development, etc.). https://youtu.be/lXXXygDRyBU

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Direct Practice Improvement 2022 Best

Direct Practice Improvement

This assignment is aimed at supporting your successful navigation of timeline components for your Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project.  In a single page, double spaced, please answer the following: 1. Describe the personality of Ivan Ilyich and his relationship to his illness (so far).

Direct Practice Improvement

Assessment Description This assignment is aimed at supporting your successful navigation of timeline components for your Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project. General Requirements: YOU HAVE TO READ THIS YOURSELF AND WRITE THE ESSAY YOURSELF NO OUTSIDE SOURCES. Answer these two questions For this week, you should read up to, but not including, chapter VI in The Death of Ivan Ilyich. In a single page, double spaced, please answer the following: 1. Describe the personality of Ivan Ilyich and his relationship to his illness (so far).

Direct Practice Improvement

2. What do you think Tolsoy is trying to teach us with a character like this? Just give me your own analysis and opinions. quote the text with quotation marks and the page number. in order to back up your insights. Nothing here should be taken from a website or any other outside source. Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment: Locate the “DPI Project Timeline” resource associated with this assignment. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. https://youtu.be/xr1q-uBtIH4

Direct Practice Improvement

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Directions: Use the “DPI Project Timeline” document to help you develop a timeline for the completion of your DPI Project Proposal and activities associated with completing your project. Enter your expected dates for completion of the milestones and deliverables. Keep in mind this is a plan for your timeline through the final three courses of the program. Actual timelines may vary. Attachments DNP-955-RS-DPI-ProjectTimeline.docx

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Minorities in special education. 2022 Best

This research seeks to identify patterns in survey data regarding the effects of over representation of minorities in special education. Paper details The Research Proposal will be based on the topic chosen for the Thesis statement.

This research seeks to identify patterns in survey data regarding the effects of over representation of minorities in special education. Paper details The Research Proposal will be based on the topic chosen for the Thesis statement.

Minorities in special education.

This research seeks to identify patterns in survey data regarding the effects of over representation of minorities in special education. Paper details The Research Proposal will be based on the topic chosen for the Thesis statement. This proposal does not need the research to be carried out nor do you need to know the specific statistical analysis. In order to help you, you can use the statistical guide which is located on the Research Proposal Assignment page under Research Proposal Resources.

The assignment is intended to help you begin thinking about appropriate research techniques. Your research must be related to your research question, and you should strive to keep things as simple as possible as this is often your first take on study design.

Minorities in special education.

Your Research Proposal should include an introduction containing an abstract of the literature review that consists of one to two paragraphs with cited references. The proposal should also include a two-paragraph rationale for your study. You should state your research question in the introduction.  the body of your proposal, you should explain the methods for your research. This is where you will describe your participants, the criteria used in the selection of your participants, the setting in which your investigation will occur, and the materials/equipment that will be used. You will also describe the data collection procedures, including relevant data forms.

Minorities in special education.

In this section you will operationally describe your procedures. In general terms, you should describe the experimental design of your study, the reliability procedures, and both the dependent and dependent variables. You will end your Research Proposal with your conclusion and discussion which will summarize the proposal as you do not yet have results. Also, you will provide a summary as it relates to your research question as well as explain implications for future research/teaching. https://youtu.be/ZgBJExyO6Ac

Minorities in special education.

The dissertation portal contains a plethora of dissertations that can be used as guides. If you find one fairly close to your thesis, then that would serve as an excellent guide. A link to these can be found in the Research Proposal Assignment page under Research Proposal Resources, and a Grading Rubric for which your proposal will be measured against is provided. The Research Proposal must be 3–5 pages, written in current APA format.

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