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Philosopher Values and Ethics – 2022 Best

Philosopher Values and Ethics

The purpose of the Philosopher Values and Ethics Assignment is twofold. The first purpose is to identify dispositions displayed by various educational philosophers throughout history.

Philosopher Values and Ethics

Paper details The purpose of the Philosopher Values and Ethics Assignment is twofold. The first purpose is to identify dispositions displayed by various educational philosophers throughout history. The second is to discuss how educators may apply the dispositions in a current-day context in such a way as to impact education and society. Candidates will provide historical examples of how educators in the past have displayed specific values and ethical dispositions. Then, considering factors regarding current social and cultural issues.

Philosopher Values and Ethics

Candidates will also provide examples of how educators today may impact culture through the dispositions of social responsibility, commitment, reflective practice, integrity, and professionalism. As candidates identify various dispositions displayed by historical figures, they are indicating the relevance of specific ethical beliefs and actions. Candidates apply the lens of Biblical truth and their own educational philosophy as they analyze the dispositions of various philosophers I attached the assignment instructions, the template to do the assignment on title Philosopher Values & Ethics-Hale, the grading rubric, and 2 sample student submissions from prior classes. https://youtu.be/zvLRq5e67jQ

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Writing an artist statement. 2022 Best

Writing an artist statement.

This assignment involves writing an artist statement. A well-thought-out statement allows people to find out more about you, offers your audience another way to connect with you, and increases their appreciation and value of your work.

Writing an artist statement.

Writing an artist statement. This writing assignment builds on the information you have been gathering. Your major selection, skills assessment, and autobiography. Now is the time to begin thinking about writing your artist statement. This writing assignment will help you in further discovering what you want your artist statement to say. This is your time to reflect on what matters most to you in your art. An artist statement is an essential part of a good portfolio. Those you meet will respect the professionalism of a good statement.

Writing an artist statement.

A well-thought-out statement allows people to find out more about you, offers your audience another way to connect with you, and increases their appreciation and value of your work. Use the information we went over in class as well as the following questions as prompts for your writing: • Treat your artist statement with the same respect that you treat your art.  This statement describes who you are as an artist and what you feel your art is about. • Include the aesthetics of your work, the philosophy that drives your work.

Writing an artist statement.

Describe your own unique style and the medium(s) you perhaps prefer to work with.  Include experiences, such as internships, travel, or anything that contributes to the development of your art. Consider the information discussed in class as you complete this writing assignment. In class, you will write your draft. However, you will then formalize this assignment. Your statement should be approximately one full page in length. You must include your notes page as well. https://youtu.be/cGXrCCGb_S4

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