Tag Archives: Potential Risks and Obligations
The UAE Commercial company Law. 2022 Best

For today’s assignment we will focus on the UAE coMmercial company law. Describe the role and importance of law in the UAE society with particular reference to federal legal and judicial system. Lo2. Identify the elements required for a contract to be valid and the various methods of discharging a contract in the UAE.
The UAE Commercial company Law.
LEARNING OUTCOMES BEING ASSESSED: Lo1. Describe the role and importance of law in the UAE society with particular reference to federal legal and judicial system. Lo2. Identify the elements required for a contract to be valid and the various methods of discharging a contract in the UAE. Lo3. Explain differences between various forms of business organizations regulated under UAE commercial companies’ law, 1984. Lo4. Describe and apply the UAElaws of agency, sale of goods in business organizations.
The UAE Commercial company Law.
BRIEF: You need to develop a legal report, advising a local entrepreneur (In United Arab Emirates) about the main concepts provided in the e-book mentioned at the end of this page which are Business Forms, Agency Law, and Intellectual Property. All the aspects mentioned in the slides attached for you should be examined in this exploration. THE PROJECT INCLUDES THE BELOW INTRODUCTION & 3 TASKS: Introduction: (150 word) Small paragraph Task 1- Business Ownership: (Minimum of 1,600 words) You need to describe and analyze the business proposal that your client submit to prepare and summary of all the suitable types of business ownerships according to the UAE Commercial Companies Law.
The UAE Commercial company Law.
After the summary, your legal advice to your client should be brought together potential consumer benefits of that type of ownership. This section supposed to be concluded with and overall preview of the potential risks and obligations that your client may face together with legal effectiveness evaluation. (Refer to e-textbook Ch20 Business Organizations pages 296-304) You should make sure to mention: Business Proposal Description, Legal Comparison & Selection, Consumers Benefits, Potential Risks and Obligations, & focus more in Effectiveness Evaluation Task 2- Agency Law: (Minimum of 1,100 words)
The UAE Commercial company Law.
Based on your understanding of the Agency Law, analyze the general features of agency, and differentiate between the different types of agents. Assume that your client is planning to act as an agent for one of the corporations listed on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX). What would you suggest as a way for this agency to be created? (Refer to e-textbook Ch19 Agency pages 279-289) In order to complete this task, the selection of the agent corporation should be retrieved from the “Market Watch” page within the ADX website or through the following link: https://www.adx.ae/english/Pages/marketwatch.aspx?isdlg=1 then viewing the company profile to retrieve the required information. https://youtu.be/klJvqNosh3Q