Tag Archives: policy initiatives
Youth and Substance Abuse. 2022 Best

This paper focuses on native American Youth and Substance Abuse. Paper details A fact sheet is a one-page document that provides basic information on a specific topic in an easy- and quick-to-read format.
Native American Youth and Substance Abuse.
Paper details A fact sheet is a one-page document that provides basic information on a specific topic in an easy- and quick-to-read format. Your Fact Sheet should present facts on the nature of the issue or problem (incidence, prevalence of this population), discuss current research and/or relevant policy initiatives, and evidence-based practice interventions to improve the outcomes for these specific children and families. Fact Sheet Guidelines A fact sheet is a single sheet of paper (front and back) listing important facts about an issue. Your fact sheet should cover an issue or topic related to children’s well-being.
Native American Youth and Substance Abuse.
Your fact sheet should include graphics that draw the attention of the audience who will read it. Your fact sheet should include current facts about the issue chosen, relevant research or policy and evidence informed interventions or services to improve outcomes. 1. Select a current and relevant issue related to children, youth and families that is important to you or that you are passionate about. 2. Make sure to include current facts and statistics on the issue identified. 3. Identify the population/s and their demographics that this issue or problem impacts as well as how they are impacted. 4. Identify the evidence informed interventions/services that are being used to address the issue/problem.
Native American Youth and Substance Abuse.
5. Based on your research, what suggestions or recommendations can you make to advance progress in resolving this social issue. General guidelines for this fact sheet: Cite sources for all factual information Be no more than two pages in length Have a balance of readable text, images, and white space Be well-organized and free of spelling and grammatical errors 1. Title – The title contains the subject of the fact sheet followed by the words ‘Fact Sheet’. 2. Introduction – A brief summary (typically 1-3 sentences) describing the goal or main point of the fact sheet, followed by a bulleted list or outline of the key concepts or issues that will be addressed in the fact sheet. https://youtu.be/6fmhLcYSn-Y 3
Native American Youth and Substance Abuse.
3. Body – Divide the fact sheet into distinct sections. Present each section with a clear, informative heading followed by the most important facts about the topic. Remember that facts must be verified and relevant to the topic. Your sections should include; issue facts, populations impacted, evidence informed interventions, recommendations for change. 4. References – Make sure to use reputable sources and cite all sources used Productive formatting for a fact sheet: • 2 columns with 1” outside margins and 0.5” column margin. Block paragraphs according to topic. (Be as concise as possible).
Native American Youth and Substance Abuse.
Single spaced with double space between headings and sections. Use fonts that contain easy to read characters. Use color, italics, bolded text to organize and highlight information remembering that more isn’t always better. • 1-2 pages in length. If the fact sheet is longer than 2 pages, consider breaking up the information into two separate fact sheets. Cubon-Bell, V. (2019). Teaching – Fact Sheets. Kent State University Center for Teaching and Learning. Retrieved [December 10, 2020] from [https://www-s3-live.kent.edu/s3fs-root/s3fs-public/file/Teaching%20Tools%20in%20a%20Flash%20-%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20Final.pdf].
Native American Youth and Substance Abuse.
Suggestions for presenting content in a fact sheet: • Keep text brief • Write in active voice. Define key words or concepts • Create graphics to reinforce information. Keep graphics simple and easy-to-understand. Use bulleted lists, tables, and charts instead of narrative text. (Weiler, 1998)