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Tag Archives: Policies

CIKR Research Project 2022 Best

CIKR Research Project

The requirement for the CIKR Research Project is to produce a research paper on one of the 16 critical infrastructure and key resource (CIKR) sectors. At a minimum, the paper includes the: policies that direct and guide the sector structure and function of the sector regulatory instruments that determine the standards and procedures;

CIKR Research Project

The requirement for the CIKR Research Project is to produce a research paper on one of the 16 critical infrastructure and key resource (CIKR) sectors. Part I (16 points): Provide a thorough understanding of the sector that you have chosen. At a minimum, the paper include the: policies that direct and guide the sector structure and function of the sector regulatory instruments that determine the standards and procedures; include changes to sector regulation in the post-9/11 era the vulnerabilities of the sector and its potential threats against Part II (16 points): The second part of the paper is to research a historical incident that affected the sector.

CIKR Research Project

At a minimum, this research should describe the incident and its impact on the sector. It should also identify lessons from the incident that have implications for infrastructure protection and resiliency. Finally, based upon all of the analysis, data, and information resulting from your research, discussions, and conclusions, make thoughtful recommendations about how you would propose changes within the sector to increase protection and security. These recommendations could take the form of new policies, regulations, organizations, and strategies.

CIKR Research Project

Be creative and bold. The finished product must be a minimum of ten (10) double-spaced pages, and adhere to the stated policies for assignments. It is suggested you have a balance between both sections, so that each section is about 5 pages, followed by a conclusion that ties both parts of the paper together. The 16 Critical Infrastructure Sectors can be found at https://www.dhs.gov/critical-infrastructure-sectors. https://youtu.be/rhdJrG2U7cQ

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Impact of newer larger aircraft 2022 Best

Impact of newer larger aircraft

This paper explores the impact of newer larger aircraft on airport management. Questions to answer: 1. What are the effects on airport design and the frequency of airport pavement replacement and repairs? 2. What are the effects on taxiway and apron separations?

Impact of newer larger aircraft

Paper details Based on the assigned readings and our interactions throughout week 7 you should have a firm understanding of the future of airport operations. Your assignment is to write a research paper discussing the impact of newer larger aircraft on airport management. Questions that you should answer, but are not limited to include: 1. What are the effects on airport design and the frequency of airport pavement replacement and repairs? 2. What are the effects on taxiway and apron separations? 3. What are the effects on gate capacity and baggage handling operations?

Impact of newer larger aircraft

4. What are the effects on aircraft servicing operations? If you have questions please ask. Based on material covered in the class, the student should identify the problem/situation, provide a resolution/approach, give a rationale to your approach and expected outcome/conclusion. This project will be presented in APA format and the writing requirement described in the Policies section of this syllabus. The project is graded on contents, grammar, and format. Minimum word should be 2000 words with a minimum of 3-5 outside references. References should only be used to enhance your work not replace it.

Impact of newer larger aircraft

As you answer the Discussion questions and the written assignment, try to frame your answers, your writing, to fit in with the following three learning objectives for this week, listed below: 1. Understanding the relationships between airport capacity and delays 2. Gain insight into the impact of the introduction of New Larger Aircraft 3. Develop insight in the challenges posed by UAV’s/Drones on aviation. https://youtu.be/54w6ig3jeWw

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Personal workplace environment 2022 Best

Personal workplace environment

In this assignment, you’ll analyze your personal workplace environment as it connects to ethical issues and standards. You will explore the company/organization’s code of ethics and assess the role of employer and employee in contributing to an ethical workplace environment.

Personal workplace environment

Paper details In this assignment, you’ll analyze your personal workplace environment as it connects to ethical issues and standards. You will explore the company/organization’s code of ethics and assess the role of employer and employee in contributing to an ethical workplace environment. Action Items Reflect on a company/organization you either currently work for or have worked for in the past. You should have access to the company/organization’s code of ethics for this assignment. Analyze the code of ethics in terms of policies pertaining to technology, discrimination, and privacy. What is effective about the policies and what is not?

Personal workplace environment

In a Word document, in 3-4 pages, address the following: Identify the roles of both employee and employer in creating or contributing to an ethical workplace environment. What is the responsibility of the employer? What is the responsibility of the employee? Describe one situation where there was an ethical dilemma and identify how it was handled by employee and employer. Did each party follow the company/organization’s code of ethics? What specific behaviors would you classify as ethical or unethical in the selected situation?  https://youtu.be/zR9O4t2mAcQ

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Total Worker Health 2022 Best

Total Worker Health

For this assignment we will focus on Total Worker Health, Drug Testing, and Worker Privacy. So, to what extent does an employer have a right to know what an employee does after hours?

Total Worker Health

Please read all instructions. So, as you can imagine, this becomes a very complicated issue of at what point does an employer have responsibilities for a worker’s lifestyle outside of the workplace? If, in fact, it is a benefit for workers to eat healthy, get enough sleep, not do drugs, exercise. etc., to what extent is an employer responsible for monitoring employee activity during off-hours? To what extent does an employer have a right to know what an employee does after hours? To what extent do you want your employer knowing what you do after hours?

Total Worker Health

As the safety and health professional for your company, what policies should be put in place to protect the employer, but also protect worker privacy? The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has, for some time now, been promoting a concept call Total Worker Health (TWH) (CDC). (Links to an external site.) TWH is based on both the concept that integrating the protection of worker health and safety with evidence-based health promotion can keep workers safer and healthier on the job, and that exposure to harmful conditions or chemicals does not start and stop at the door to the workplace.

Total Worker Health

Therefore, there has been a push to encourage employers to do more in the way of wellness to integrate health protection and health promotion based on evidence that poor worker health not only affects direct medical expenditures but also productive work output. In other words, many aspects of a worker’s life, such as nutrition, sleep, tobacco or vaping use, psychosocial exposures, and outside environmental exposures, are intertwined with workplace exposures in such a way that the outcomes of these various exposures cannot be separated. This concept is expressed in a relatively new term: “exposome.”

Total Worker Health

NIOSH Exposome and Exposomics (CDC) (Links to an external site.) says: The exposome can be defined as the measure of all the exposures of an individual in a lifetime and how those exposures relate to health. An individual’s exposure begins before birth and includes insults from environmental and occupational sources. Understanding how exposures from our environment, diet, lifestyle, etc. interact with our own unique characteristics such as genetics, physiology, and epigenetics impact our health is how the exposome will be articulated. So, many employers are encouraging wellness programs.

Total Worker Health

But let’s say an employer provides incentives for workers to wear a Fitbit or an Apple Watch to encourage healthy habits. Check out this article, “When your employer gives you a Fitbit, who owns the data?” (Advisory Board). (Links to an external site.) Or how about this article, “Meet ‘Chet.’ His Employer Knows What Time He Woke Up Today” (Wall Street Journal) (Links to an external site.) Medical or Recreational Use of Marijuana Given our discussion of the gig economy and short-term workers, we know that workers can, and often do, work in multiple environments, adding to the question of who is responsible.

Total Worker Health

It becomes even more complicated when you live in a state or country where there is legal medical or recreational marijuana. Clearly, we don’t want impaired workers on the job. Unlike alcohol, there is not yet a definitive test connecting cannabis use and impairment. So to what extent can, or should, an employer have expectations about “legal” cannabis use (medical or recreational) while not on the job? Consider these studies first. In an original study in 1985, “ten experienced licensed private pilots were trained for 8 hours on a flight simulator landing task. https://youtu.be/EukNdiIlYpY



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Our Food Choices 2022 Best

Our Food Choices

This paper explores how our food choices affect society. Assignment Summary Half Draft.  Clearly developed thesis statement that takes a position in response to the class’s closed research theme question.

 Our Food Choices

How Do Our Food Choices Affect Society? How Do Food Policies Affect Us? Assignment Summary Half Draft.  Clearly developed thesis statement that takes a position in response to the class’s closed research theme question.  An introductory paragraph that presents the thesis statement and frames the thesis within the context of a “conversation” related to the class’s closed research theme Arguments in support of the thesis that includes evidence from closed research theme readings, background readings, and/or independent library research, and effective reasoning that explains how the evidence proves the argument, clarifies ideas and perspectives, and/or elaborates on what the writer means.

Our Food Choices

For this half draft, include as many of your arguments you can develop within the word count restrictions. Effective use of transitional words and phrases to show the relationships of ideas between and within paragraphs In-text citations of “They Say” summaries and quotations of the closed research theme readings, background readings, and/or independent library research Use of at least 3 sources, at least 1 of which comes from the Ivy Tech Library databases. The other 2 should be closed research theme readings or background readings from our class.

Our Food Choices

APA or MLA style formatting, as specified by your instructor, with a References (APA) or Works Cited (MLA) page Observation of the conventions of Standard Written English 600-700 words (no more, no less) for the half draft (Works Cited or References list does not count in the minimum word-count requirement) See the assessment rubric in the assignment page “M07 Writing Project 3 Argument: Half Draft” for an understanding of how the half draft will be graded Final Draft Clearly developed thesis statement that takes a position in response to the class’s closed research theme question.

Our Food Choices

An introductory paragraph that presents the thesis statement, frames the thesis within the context of a “conversation” related to the class’s closed research theme and attempts to engage readers, making a case for the importance of the issue or problem being addressed. Arguments in support of the thesis that includes evidence from closed research theme readings, background readings, and/or independent library research, and effective reasoning that explains how the evidence proves the argument, clarifies ideas and perspectives, and/or elaborates on what the writer means A logical organizational structure and effective use of transitional words and phrases to show the relationships of ideas between and within paragraphs.

Our Food Choices

In-text citations of “They Say” summaries and quotations of the closed research theme readings, background readings, and/or independent library research Use of at least 4 sources, at least 1 of which comes from the Ivy Tech Library databases. The other 3 should be closed research theme readings or background readings from our class. Additional readings beyond these 4 may be from any source. MLA style formatting with a References or Works Cited (MLA) page Observation of the conventions of Standard Written English Minimum 1250 words for the final draft (Works Cited or References list does not count in the minimum word-count requirement). https://youtu.be/BnHYHjchn6w

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