Tag Archives: pitch
Kendrick Lamar music. 2022 Best
For this assignment we will focus on analyzing Kendrick Lamar music. City is an excellent example of truly oral narrative. Unlike the other artists we have studied, Lamar’s stories are already packaged in a speech-format that relies on his vocal intonations.
Kendrick Lamar music
Kendrick Lamar’s Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City is an excellent example of truly oral narrative. Unlike the other artists we have studied, Lamar’s stories are already packaged in a speech-format that relies on his vocal intonations. But looking at the lyrics on paper shows that their structures inherently employ poetic devices, like enjambment, that affect the way we receive the delivery of poetic and narrative meaning. But other formal elements functioning here, like the bar structure, are unique to hip-hop. For this paper option pick one of the songs on the album and discuss the way hip-hop formal elements play into narrative construction.
Kendrick Lamar music
How do these formal elements of speech help Lamar construct a narrative? How does hip-hop structure affect story and plot? Some questions to consider as you write: Who is the speaker and/or focalizer of the song? How does the song’s bar structure affect its delivery and meaning? Is there a sample, and if so how is it used in the song? How does Lamar’s delivery (pitch, emotion, intonation, volume, etc.) affect how we perceive meaning? Extra Information: For this project, please push a bit past strictly lyrical analysis. I am requesting this of you because I would like to know your stance on how the structure of a song contributes to its popularity and digestibility to audiences. https://youtu.be/zvRT9MSv4sw
Kendrick Lamar music
What are some elements of music that can impact its social influence on listeners? B*tch dont kill my vibe was a very popular radio song, versus his Real was never played on the radio. Both songs were impactful lyrically and talked about important social issues, why do you think one was commercialized over the other? Why is one a commercialized song and the other is not? Think about your song choice, and the elements that made it more mainstream or not. Think about how that impacts the message and delivery to audiences. Academic sources only please