Tag Archives: philosophy
No country for old men 2022 Best

This essay is on a book called “no country for old men” And these are the instructions given by my teacher: Explore the opposing philosophies of determinism and natural law as presented in the text. Focus on characters as well as their actions.
No country for old men
This essay is on a book called “no country for old men” And these are the instructions given by my teacher: Explore the opposing philosophies of determinism and natural law as presented in the text. Focus on characters as well as their actions. Prove which philosophy is presented as stronger. Length: 700 word minimum. Essays under 700 words will be returned, minus 50%, to be corrected within one day. Organization: Introduction, body, and conclusion. Note, no specific paragraph number given. Include logical, meaningful transitions. Grade: Focus, content, organization, style, and grammar.
No country for old men
Note: emphasis on notes from earlier this semester. Notes are attached to this assignment. Each mistake equals -1 point unless listed on board earlier this semester. Points: 100 Mistakes: Extra-special ways to lose points: Not = -2 Quotations = -2 → -15 Content mistakes = -3 Passive voice = -2 You (one) = -5 Very = -2 Poor verbs: Goes = -2 Shows = -2 Gets = -2 “ . . . to be . . .” = -2 Makes = -2 Dude = -2 A lot (spelled correctly) = -2 Run on sentences and fragments = -3. https://youtu.be/HecxXlx1NG4
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New venture development and planning. 2022 Best

This assignment is about new venture development and planning. Paper details Individual project: A business plan of 3500 words (90%) to be submitted via Canvas.
New venture development and planning.
Business Plan. Paper details Individual project: A business plan of 3500 words (90%) to be submitted via Canvas. This individual work will be based on each student’s perspective relating to the team’s discussions on the project. Each plan needs to be written individually without input from other team members (no matter, whether, in the end, results are similar). Each team’s work will be checked carefully to make sure that each submission is individual, and this is particularly the case in relation to the financials which will evidence the individuality of the work.
New venture development and planning.
3500 word business plan The individual project of 3,500 words should follow the format of an expanded business plan. The word count does not include the appendices. You should include the following: MAIN STRUCTURE OF THE INDIVIDUAL PROJECT: 1) Executive Summary max 100 words [Here you can summarize the most important aspects of your business idea. In a few words, try to explain WHY your idea is good and why people should invest in your business. The executive summary is a synopsis of the key points of your entire plan. That’s why, even being the first to read, it makes sense to write it last.
New venture development and planning.
It should include highlights from each section of the rest of the document – from the key features of the business opportunity through to the elements of the financial forecasts.] 2) Venture Overview: [What business will you be in? -What will you do? -Company Goals and Objectives -Business Philosophy -Describe your industry -Company strengths and core competencies] 3) Financial Plan Overview [Here you should present the pricing strategies for your products and services. Be prepared to answer what the competition is charging for similar products. 2 Here you start making assumptions about the business figures.
New venture development and planning.
You know what you are selling and at what price. But how many units do you think you can sell? Here you have to discuss and justify the assumptions you are making. You can also make quick calculations about an average month…] 4) Business objectives 5) Source of competitive advantage 6) Critical risks/threats and opportunities 7) Market analysis (overview) 8) Competitor Analysis (overview) [This section shall highlight the competitive advantages of your competitors, what do they offer and what they do not offer? From this, it shall emerge a gap for your business to fill. https://youtu.be/Ovp2czsX5Rg
New venture development and planning.
You shall focus on the main competitors and describe their source of competitive advantage, their market share and any relevant information. You can use the appendix to provide more details if needed] 9) Management Team [this section shall outline the management team you identify and can this can be different from the one described in the group coursework] 10) Operations plan [In this section you shall try to address as many questions as possible as recommended in the relevant lecture on Operation Plans; this section will suit your specific idea, so not all questions apply equally to all new venture creation;
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Writing an artist statement. 2022 Best

This assignment involves writing an artist statement. A well-thought-out statement allows people to find out more about you, offers your audience another way to connect with you, and increases their appreciation and value of your work.
Writing an artist statement.
Writing an artist statement. This writing assignment builds on the information you have been gathering. Your major selection, skills assessment, and autobiography. Now is the time to begin thinking about writing your artist statement. This writing assignment will help you in further discovering what you want your artist statement to say. This is your time to reflect on what matters most to you in your art. An artist statement is an essential part of a good portfolio. Those you meet will respect the professionalism of a good statement.
Writing an artist statement.
A well-thought-out statement allows people to find out more about you, offers your audience another way to connect with you, and increases their appreciation and value of your work. Use the information we went over in class as well as the following questions as prompts for your writing: • Treat your artist statement with the same respect that you treat your art. This statement describes who you are as an artist and what you feel your art is about. • Include the aesthetics of your work, the philosophy that drives your work.
Writing an artist statement.
Describe your own unique style and the medium(s) you perhaps prefer to work with. Include experiences, such as internships, travel, or anything that contributes to the development of your art. Consider the information discussed in class as you complete this writing assignment. In class, you will write your draft. However, you will then formalize this assignment. Your statement should be approximately one full page in length. You must include your notes page as well. https://youtu.be/cGXrCCGb_S4
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Justice and Political Science 2022 Best

For this assignment we will explore justice and Political Science. Guidelines for Papers Goal: Your goal should be to construct a clear, persuasive argument that appeals to the reader’s reason. Avoid the use of loaded language, which appeals to emotions in ways that may not be rationally defensible.
Justice and Political Science
Guidelines for Papers Goal: Your goal should be to construct a clear, persuasive argument that appeals to the reader’s reason. Avoid the use of loaded language, which appeals to emotions in ways that may not be rationally defensible. Example: Calling a practice or policy “barbarous” may add an emotional spin to your appeal, but it usually contributes nothing of substance to the argument. Thesis: Every paper you submit should have a clear, meaningful thesis. If the paper is a response to an assigned question, be sure to answer the question. Avoid waffling. Process: Writing is a painstaking process, but for writers who have attained at least a moderate level of skill, it is often enjoyable, too.
Justice and Political Science
You should compose a draft, proofread and analyze your work, and rewrite. If possible, have someone else read the draft for you and point out places where your argument needs improvement. (Do not ask or allow anyone else to write the paper, or any part of it, for you!) Argument: Your argument is the substance of your paper. A good argument combines reasonable premises, strong evidence, sound logic, and clear rhetoric. Premises. No argument can be good if its premises are seriously flawed. Your premises should be at least plausible, and at best compelling. Be careful to distinguish the premises (assumptions) of your argument from its conclusions. https://youtu.be/kBdfcR-8hEY
Justice and Political Science
In political philosophy, it is also important for you to distinguish empirical premises (i.e. premises about matters of fact) from normative premises (i.e. premises about values or, put differently, about criteria for making judgments). Evidence. In everyday life, people’s beliefs are often shaped strongly by anecdotal observations and personal experiences, but this kind of evidence is seldom strong enough to support a good argument. If you deploy examples to prove your point, you should normally cite several of them. If you cite statistical information, try to become aware of some of the ways in which statistics can mislead.
Justice and Political Science
(Please read the article accompanying these guidelines, “Numbed by the Numbers.”) Be critical when using sources of information. Many factual claims in print and other media are either false or misleading. Seek informed and impartial sources, and be especially careful when you use sources on the internet. Please note two exceptions to the general rule that when you deploy examples, you should cite several of them. First, a single example is sometimes sufficient to disprove a strong claim.
Justice and Political Science
(For example, to disprove the claim that all Americans like steak, it would be sufficient to produce a single example of an American who dislikes steak.) Second, if you are using an example to illustrate your argument—that is, to make it clearer to the reader—rather than to prove it, then there may be no purpose in citing