Tag Archives: Organizational culture

Evidence-based practice proposal. 2022 Best

Evidence-based practice proposal.

Throughout this course, you have developed a formal, evidence-based practice proposal. The proposal is the plan for an evidence-based practice project designed to address a problem, issue, or concern in the professional work setting.

Evidence-based practice proposal.

Throughout this course, you have developed a formal, evidence-based practice proposal. The proposal is the plan for an evidence-based practice project designed to address a problem, issue, or concern in the professional work setting. Although several types of evidence can be used to support a proposed solution, a sufficient and compelling base of support from valid research studies is required as the major component of that evidence. Proposals must be submitted in a format suitable for obtaining formal approval in the work setting. Proposals will vary in length depending upon the problem or issue addressed (3,500 and 5,000 words).

Evidence-based practice proposal.

The cover sheet, abstract, references pages, and appendices are not included in the word count. Section headings for each section component are required. Evaluation of the proposal in all sections will be based upon the extent to which the depth of content reflects graduate-level critical thinking skills. This project contains seven formal sections: Section A: Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment Section B: Proposal/Problem Statement and Literature Review Section C: Solution Description Section D: Change Model Section E: Implementation Plan.

Evidence-based practice proposal.

Section F: Evaluation of Process Each section (A-F) will be submitted as a separate assignment in Topics 1-6 so your instructor can provide feedback (refer to applicable topics for complete descriptions of each section). The final paper submission in Topic 7 will consist of the completed project (with revisions to all sections), title page, abstract, compiled references list, and appendices. Appendices will include a conceptual model for the project, handouts, data and evaluation collection tools, a budget, a timeline, resource lists, and approval forms, as previously assigned in individual section assignments. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required. https://youtu.be/Ev3tpsnlTpo

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Successful Change Management. 2022 Best

Successful Change Management.

This assignment focuses on successful Change Management.  Paper details: Competency Examine leadership’s role in executing successful change. Instructions Delta Pacific Case Study Click for more options As the change leader for Delta Pacific Company (DPC), you know certain elements need to be in place by leadership for a change to be successful.

Successful Change Management.

Paper details: Competency Examine leadership’s role in executing successful change. Instructions Delta Pacific Case Study Click for more options As the change leader for Delta Pacific Company (DPC), you know certain elements need to be in place by leadership for a change to be successful. DPC wants to change the culture from the more traditional manufacturing environment to one of a contemporary consulting environment. Now it’s time for you to help the leaders execute a successful change: Determine how leadership impacts the organizational culture during this change Examine elements that are critical to making this change sustainable.

Successful Change Management.

Assess the top mistakes leaders make and determine the best way to avoid those mistakes As the change leader, it is your responsibility to help ensure a successful change in the shift of DPC’s organizational culture. Part of this includes alerting leadership to how their own behavior impacts change and how change can be sustainable. Conduct academic research and create a plan to present to the CEO and board in which you complete the following successful change management plan: Explanation of leadership behaviors that impact organizational change. Description of critical factors that ensures this cultural shift will be sustainable.

Successful Change Management.

Examination of the top mistakes leaders make during a change. Explanation of your recommendations as to the best ways the leaders can avoid making those mistakes. Remember that this is a proposal. Make sure to format your paper properly for your proposal. A proposal is a persuasive document, so make sure to use proper language and tone. Remember, you are the change leader, and you are writing to the CEO. So use a tone in your proposal that is specific to your audience (the CEO). Include your APA-formatted reference page with at least two credible sources.

Successful Change Management.

A note about credible sources: Credible sources are reliable, accurate, and trustworthy. These sources are written by authors respected in their fields of study. You want to identify sources where the author of the article is listed if they’ve referenced other information. The sources should be cited so that you can check for the accuracy of and support what they have written. https://youtu.be/ohK6n2TWcxE

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Analysis of a media corporation – 2022 Best

Analysis of a media corporation

This assignment involves writing an analysis of a media corporation. Your analysis should cover the following components: History: the origin, development, and current status of the corporation.

Analysis of a media corporation

Choose a media corporation that 1) has a global audience, and 2) is NOT a module topic in our class, and write an analysis of the media corporation. You can use the Sony article (by Gershon & Kanayama) in our course readings as a sample for the analysis. Your analysis should cover the following components: History: the origin, development, and current status of the corporation. Organizational culture of the corporation: What is the corporation’s organizational culture? What are the key features that make the corporation similar to or different from other media corporations? Global business strategies: What are the corporation’s strategies for global markets?

Analysis of a media corporation

How are they similar to or different from global business strategies of other media corporations? Audience acceptance: How are domestic and international audiences responding to the corporation? Future directions: What are the future directions for the corporation? Conclusion: What have you learned from the analysis? Write a five-page paper on this analysis. Use the materials we cover in the class when they are relevant to your analysis, and use at least three external sources (e.g., scholarly articles, scholarly books, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Economist) to back up your analysis. You will need to have at least six in-text citations following APA format. https://youtu.be/QkdGxlkt-9o

Analysis of a media corporation

Do NOT cite sources such as Wikipedia or Yahoo Answers. Cite more credible sources instead. Please feel free to check with me if you are not sure about a source. The paper should be double spaced using 12 pt. Times New Roman font. You will also need a cover page and a reference page for the paper. So the total length of the paper, including the cover page and the reference page, should be seven pages. Read SAS for how to format your in-text citations, cover page, and reference page.

Analysis of a media corporation

Save your paper with the name 3356-SP21-CaseStudy1-YOUR LASTNAME Submit the paper through Assignments. Grading Rubric: Worth 35 points Cover page: 2 points History: 3 points Organizational culture: 5 points Global business strategies: 5 points Audience acceptance: 5 points Future directions: 3 points Conclusions: 3 points Reference page: 2 points In-text citations: 3 points Grammar and spelling considerations: 4 points the topics cannot be Disney, MTV, Netflix, sony, news corporation.

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