Tag Archives: neoliberalism

Malm on the Future of Capitalism – 2022 Best

Malm on the Future of Capitalism

For this assignment we will focus on Stiglitiz, Magdoff & Foster, and Malm on the Future of Capitalism and the Environment. Preface: Within the last forty years, the U.S. economy has experienced reduced rates of growth, deindustrialization, declining wages, and increased levels of economic inequality.

Malm on the Future of Capitalism

Stiglitiz, Magdoff & Foster, and Malm on the Future of Capitalism and the Environment. Paper details ESSAY PROMPT Preface: Within the last forty years, the U.S. economy has experienced reduced rates of growth, deindustrialization, declining wages, and increased levels of economic inequality. Joseph Stiglitz attributes the transformation of the U.S. economy to globalization and neoliberalism, and proposes a return to Keynesian-style economic policies and reforms to globalization, which he argues would produce increased economic growth, full employment, and reduced inequality.

Yet Fred Magdoff and John Bellamy Foster as well as Andreas Malm argue that given environmental degradation and the crisis of climate change, an ecological revolution is necessary to sustain human life, which requires a sustainable form of human and economic development that overcomes the destructive aspects of capitalism.

Malm on the Future of Capitalism

INSTRUCTIONS Write an essay that responds to the essay prompt above. Firstly, your essay should be 5-7 double-spaced typed pages of text, not including the cover page, footnotes, and/or bibliography. Secondly, your essay should be coherent and well organized. It should state clearly your understanding of the question to be answered and set out briefly and in your own words the most important point or central argument (thesis) in your answer. Finally, you should provide evidence for your interpretations, reasons for your critical assessments.

Citations where you are relying on someone else’s ideas or writing, and references to the required texts. https://youtu.be/LS0OUv6eiO4

Malm on the Future of Capitalism

This assignment requires knowledge only of the required primary texts. Which means that the essay must engage and make reference to the works of Stiglitz, Magdoff and Foster, and Malm assigned in the course. A part of the essay grade is based upon the level of knowledge and engagement of these texts. You must cite references when you rely upon an author’s words or ideas, and you must provide a bibliography. If you read secondary commentaries, you must cite them in your footnotes and/or bibliography.

“Essay Requirements.” Follow the “Essay Requirements” below for formatting. Due Date: Sunday, June 13 at 11:59 p.m. Submit an electronic copy of essay on Canvas.

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