Tag Archives: natural resources
The story of Easter Island 2022 Best

The story of Easter Island is often used as a metaphor for global development. The irrational consumption and over utilization of natural resources led to social and environmental problems for the inhabitants of Easter Island.
The story of Easter Island
Due Date: Week 5 Description: The story of Easter Island is often used as a metaphor for global development. The irrational consumption and over utilization of natural resources led to social and environmental problems for the inhabitants of Easter Island. The Earth, like Easter Island, has limited resources to support human activities and demands on nature. For this assignment, write a response to the ideas expressed in the final paragraphs of “The Lessons of Easter Island” by Clive Pointing. Reflect on the concepts of sustainability and our present-day practices around the use of earth’s resources, and consider the following questions:
The story of Easter Island
1. Have modern societies been more successful than the Easter Islanders in living in a way that does not exhaust the limited available natural resources? 2. How has the environment of the world shaped human history, and how have people shaped and altered the planet in which they live? 3. Have other societies fallen into the same trap as the islanders? Requirements: 2 – 3 pages long, typed, and double-spaced • Include a clear introduction to the concepts of sustainability.
The story of Easter Island
In your introduction paragraph, include a purpose statement that clearly presents your ideas and opinions on Easter Island as a metaphor for global development. (Be sure to underline or bold your statement so it is easily identified by the reader.). Use 3 secondary sources to support your ideas/opinions with examples and supporting details. Include a reference list of your sources and use proper in-text citations. https://youtu.be/R_r228ilv6Y
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Economic development between two countries 2022 Best

This paper explores economic development between two countries. Format: Your paper needs a title page with the title of the paper, your name, and the date. Students are required to use Times New Roman Font, double spacing, proper paragraphs, and one-inch margins.
Economic development between two countries
1. Format: Your paper needs a title page with the title of the paper, your name, and the date. Students are required to use Times New Roman Font, double spacing, proper paragraphs, and one-inch margins. The paper should be approximately 7-8 pages long (although I care more about substance than an exact page count). The work cited page and title page are NOT part of the page count. The paper also needs to be handed in on time.
2. Introduction: Your paper needs to have an introduction where you explain your research question, the reasons why the research question is important, and what will be discussed in the rest of the paper. (See part one of the project) 10%
Economic development between two countries
3. Body–You need to do the following in the body of this paper although I leave it up to you to decide how to organize it: a. Explain your choice of case studies: Why did you choose your particular case studies? Remember, you choose relatively similar countries that differ on the dependent variable, so explain the similarities between these countries and the differences 10% b. Explain how your case studies differ on the dependent variable: use statistics and qualitative information to show how your case studies differ (Ex: If you are comparing a democracy and a dictatorship, explain how each political system works and make use of Freedom House data) 10%
Economic development between two countries
c. Identify and describe two political science theories that explain why your countries differ on the dependent variable 15% d. Apply those two theories to your case studies (ex. If you are using rentier theory, show how one of those countries is dependent on natural resources in comparison with the other country, and how the dictatorship uses their control of natural resources to stay in power). 15% 4. Conclusion: End with a conclusion where you summarize the main findings of the paper.
Economic development between two countries
5. Work Cited Page: Your paper needs a proper work cited page with the data sets use used in part two and the resources you used in Part Three as well as any other resources you used in the paper. I recommend using APA style since it is what Political Scientists generally use, but you can use MLA or Chicago Style if you prefer. 10% 6. In text citation: You are required to cite the information you used in the paper with in text citations. To do this, place the last name of the author (or the name of the website or resource if there is no author) and the date of publication in parenthesis at the end of the sentence.
Economic development between two countries
You can also use footnotes if you choose to do so. Any quotes, data, or information you obtained should be cited. I fully expect that you will all of the resources you gathered in previous parts of the project in this paper. https://youtu.be/WSKLrGJyELE