Tag Archives: mixed methods
Civil Rights and Racial Discrimination 2022 Best
Civil Rights and Racial Discrimination. Introduction: · In one paragraph, explain your research question and summarize prior research to justify your research topic.
Civil Rights and Racial Discrimination
Paper Item: Civil Rights and Racial Discrimination. Introduction: · In one paragraph, explain your research question and summarize prior research to justify your research topic. · Be very clear when succinctly explaining your research question Research Method: · Identify the proposed research method (experiment, quasi-experiment, survey, A-B-A-B, single case design, survey, mixed-methods, etc.) · Explain why you chose the design Human Subjects Considerations: · Describe procedures to be taken to protect research subjects; identify areas of potential harm and specific measures to ameliorate harm.
Civil Rights and Racial Discrimination
Sample: · Describe sampling method (e.g., random, convenience, purposive, stratified, cluster, systematic, mixed, etc.) and explain why you chose the method · Identify study site and anticipated problems in procuring subjects · Describe recruitment and selection process of subjects Measurement and Instrumentation: · Identify dependent and independent variables · Describe operational definition of each variable and how they will be measured · Describe your measures (standardized measures are recommended, provide references for each if used). · Discuss the reliability and validity of the measures used.
Civil Rights and Racial Discrimination
Describe data collection method in detail. (i.e., Will you conduct a survey? Use secondary data? When will individuals be asked?) Trustworthiness of Research Design: Internal and External Validity: · Assessment of Internal and External Validity: Discuss EACH threat and why you think it is or isn’t a threat to your study. How are the threats controlled? Study Limitations: · Discuss the potential limitations of the study (sampling, ethical, political, feasibility) · Focus on methodological limitations Possible Study Conclusions: · What do you think the conclusions of this proposed study will be?
Civil Rights and Racial Discrimination
What are the social work practice and policy implications if your hypotheses are supported? What might be the implications for social work practice and policy if your hypotheses are NOT supported? · What other issues might need investigating when focusing on your research question? · What are your conclusions concerning your proposed research topic, question, and social work practice, policy, and research? Overall quality: · APA 7th style throughout paper · Organization of paper and clarity of statements. https://youtu.be/dtRTvu1RMw0
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Collaborative problem solving 2022 Best
For this assignment we will focus on collaborative problem solving and physical restraints in residential treatment centers for children. Paper details 1. Research Method – Identify and explain the rationale for the research methodology of the study (either quantitative, qualitative, and/or mixed methods).
Collaborative problem solving
Paper details 1. Research Method – Identify and explain the rationale for the research methodology of the study (either quantitative, qualitative, and/or mixed methods). Apply critical thinking and analysis to assess the appropriateness of different research methodology as it relates to your research question (quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods research). (10 points) 2. Operationalization – Identify and provide appropriate definitions for independent and dependent variables in the study. Provide a conceptual and operational definition of the IV and the DV.
Collaborative problem solving
Explain how the DV(s) will be measured. Explain how you would operationalize the IV. If you are conducting a qualitative research, explain the variables of the study and give examples of anticipated DVs or IVs. (10 points) 3. Control variables – What control variables or procedures were instituted for the study? Identify three control variables of the study and explain your choice for the procedures in the study. (10 points) 4. Research Design – Identify and explain the type of research design (non experimental, quasi experimental, experimental) for the study. Name the specific type of research design for the study. Use X O to notate the research design of the study.
Collaborative problem solving
Explain the rationale for your choices in research design. Identify strengths and limitations of the research design. (10 points)Dominican University Graduate School of Social Work SWK 512, Section X, DAY, TIMEpm Social Work Research Methods 22 5. Sampling – Identify the sampling methods (probability and/or non probability) you are using for the study and explain the rationale for the specific type of sampling method (eg availability, snowball, simple random etc) and participant selection criteria (10 points) 6. Setting, study implementation, & participant recruitment – Identify and describe the setting of your study. How will the study be implemented?
Collaborative problem solving
Explain how will participants be recruited in the study. Describe the procedures for subject recruitment and explain the rationale for the recruitment procedures. (10 points) 7. Research Protocol – Describe in detail the specific data collection procedures of the study. What research protocol would you implement for the investigators, research assistants, and participants of the study? How would data be stored? (10 points) 8. Ethical issues – Apply the standards of the NASW Code of Ethics and models for ethical conduct of research, what would you consider to be some of the ethical issues of the study?
Collaborative problem solving
What were some of the choices and decisions that you made in the data collection (eg. research design, research method, sampling, data gathering) that demonstrated your thinking about the ethical issues in the study? Identify any three ethical issues related specifically to the conduct and implementation of this study. Explain how you addressed the ethical risks in the study. (10 points) 9. Consent Form – Develop a consent form for the proposed study which incorporates the essential elements of informed consent form. Attach the informed consent to the appendix. (10 points) 10.
Collaborative problem solving
Instruments – Identify and describe the instruments you have chosen for the research proposal (e.g. name of the survey, focus group protocol, interview questionnaire, observation protocol, etc.) What information did you obtain about the scales you chose for the study? Why did you select those particular scales for the study? If you are developing your own questions for the survey or interview, explain why you chose to include them. Include a copy of the instruments that you are using for the study. Discuss 2 issues of reliability (eg. test-retest reliability, consistency) and 2 issues of validity (eg. construct validity, content validity) as they relate to the instruments or reliability or validity issues of the study (10 points). https://youtu.be/qp0EETYZoJI