Tag Archives: microorganism
CDC Noticeable Disease 2022 Best
This paper focuses on a CDC Noticeable Disease—– Cholera. Paper details: For this assignment, you will present information about the CDC Notifiable Disease that you signed up for earlier in the semester
CDC Noticeable Disease
Paper instructions: For this assignment, you will present information about the CDC Notifiable Disease that you signed up for earlier in the semester. The presentation should be in the form of a power point which will be presented in a discussion assignment as a recording. There are several options for recording. You may record using “Studio”, available in the green left hand menu of the course shell. Youtube is another option. You might also use Videothread. One of the simplest approaches to to record within the power point application. There are video tutorials for using these applications in the next page of this module.
CDC Noticeable Disease
If you have questions about how to make your recording, please let me know. After recording, save the file (power point gives you the option to save as an MP4 file). You might also embed the recording (studio) or insert a link (Videothread). Then upload the power point file to this assignment. Note that you must save your power point presentation as a pptx file separately from the power point recording you make and save as an mp4. In Office 365 this means you need to make a copy of the pptx file to record over and save as an MP4 file. The mp4 will be uploaded to the discussion and the power point pptx file to this assignment for grading.
CDC Noticeable Disease
To prepare the presentation use one or more peer reviewed publications and cite these publications either on the slide in which the information is presented or at the end of the presentation. Your presentation should not exceed 10 slides, including the Introduction and summary slides. Remember that you are presenting a summary of what you have learned about this CDC reportable disease/microorganism. You may add details in presentation that are not included on your slides.
Be concise and succinct in preparing your slides. The rubric for this presentation may be accessed by clicking on the 3 little dots in the right hand corner above. https://youtu.be/FjfMGdulEiU