Tag Archives: media law
Law reform submission : 2022 Best

This assignment involves writing a law reform submission on how entertainment reporters invade the privacy of celebrities. Each student will use the genre of their choice – academic essay or law reform submission
Law reform submission
Entertainment reporters invade the privacy of stars or personal lives of celebrities. Description: Write one fully referenced 1500 word critical essay or law reform submission. Each student will use the genre of their choice – academic essay or law reform submission – to take up an area of media law of importance to a journalist, lawyer or professional communicator. The piece of writing will need to conform to the requirements of that genre in all aspects explained in the criteria rubric below. The task involves exploring that area of media law and showing through your research and writing you are offering your audience a fresh perspective and analysis addressing some problem arising from that area.
Law reform submission
Possible topics will be floated as the deadline approaches. More information on this is provided on the learning website. The assignment requires full referencing throughout – but you can use the academic referencing system with which you are most familiar. Objectives The purpose of this assignment is to enable you to achieve a deeper level of learning in an area of Media Law. It offers a broad scope for you to write in a style of your preference about a topic of interest in the field you intend to enter. It is an opportunity to explore areas of law that are evolving, debates that are current in Australia and issues that are impacting on professional communicators. https://youtu.be/JEEqQPEZS4s
Law reform submission
In addition to identifying and explaining legal concepts, you are being asked to develop skills in research, writing and referencing. Essay (Media law reform submission) Style: A standard essay totalling 1500 words Topic: Find a topic of media law that is currently subject to review by a law reform body or a parliamentary committee at state or Commonwealth level. Equally suitable would be a topic that has been subject to a recent review, such as racial discrimination, privacy, journalists’ shield laws, computer game classification, or anti-terrorism laws. Read any discussion and issues papers associated with the topic, and the submissions made to the reform body by interested parties.
Law reform submission
Select one aspect of the reform proposals that interests you and draft your own submission to this reform body in the form of an academic essay developing your argument for or against the particular proposal. For example, the proposal for a shield law protecting journalists from having to reveal their confidential sources in court has been passed recently in some states and at Commonwealth levels. A key issue was whether such a shield law should protect news bloggers/citizen journalists in addition to journalists working for the traditional media.
Law reform submission.
You might wish to support the extension of such a privilege to bloggers, so your essay would explain the problem, review the arguments and selected submissions, refer to academic sources, and outline your preferred reform. (You are not required to detail the exact wording of any proposed legislation.)