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Visual Analysis on a work of art.

Visual Analysis on a work of art.

This assignment involves carrying out a visual analysis on a work of art. A visual analysis does not require any research. The assignment is an exercise in using your eyes and previous knowledge to understand any given art object.

Visual Analysis on a work of art.

Paper details A visual analysis does not require any research. The assignment is an exercise in using your eyes and previous knowledge to understand any given art object. It is NOT a mere written description of the object. Try to determine why the object was made and for whom. The artist created the object for a specific reason and with a specific audience in mind. The object itself provides clues for the answers to these questions. The object must come from a culture and time period to be covered in class. (Early Buddhist Art in India or Early civilization in India)

Visual Analysis on a work of art.

All museums now have some sort of online exhibition available to the public. You will select the object of your analysis from an online museum virtual exhibition that includes artwork from anywhere but Europe or the United States. Since you will not be able to experience the object in person, go to an online museum outside of the Los Angeles area, preferably one on another continent. You will need to cite the online museum exhibition that includes the object of your analysis. Before submitting the assignment, be sure to look at the rubric. You can find the rubric by clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner of this assignment.

Visual Analysis on a work of art.

Directions The visual analysis is to be written as a formal essay. It is to be typewritten, double-spaced, 12 point Arial or Helvetica font, and no longer than three pages of text with one-inch margins. The attached rubric for grading the final paper. Plagiarism will result in ZERO POINTS for the entire assignment. It may also be cause for expulsion, suspension, or probation. The visual analysis is due online on Thu Apr 29 at midnight. Note! You must include at least two photographs of the object you are analyzing as the last pages of your submitted paper.

Visual Analysis on a work of art.

One photo shows a full view of the artwork, the other photo shows the scale of the artwork. Either find an interior shot of the where the piece is on display, or find a photo of the artwork next to people/furniture, etc. You must cite the sources of your photos or you will be committing plagiarism. You will have to include a cover/title page. You should follow the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) formatting. For citations, you are to use the NB (Notes Bibliography) Style as outlined in the Chicago Manual of Style (Links to an external site.) for form.

Visual Analysis on a work of art.

You will need to cite all sources including the exhibition and the photographs used in your paper. This is the reason for the Citation Form assignment due Thursday, April 08. Form: Form includes punctuation, spelling, grammar, incorrect word choice, sentence structure, mechanics of documentation, style, paragraph structure, and general organization of the formal essay format. You must include a photograph of the object you are analyzing as the last page of your submitted paper. A simple printout of a cell phone photo is fine.

Visual Analysis on a work of art.

If you use a photo from any other source, you must cite that source or you will be committing plagiarism. Content: Content deals with how much analysis was provided and whether that analysis was logical and methodologically presented. Did you present the issue and then proceed to cover all parts of it? If you claimed that an object is “beautiful,” did you explain how the object expresses that beauty? https://youtu.be/sM2MOyonDsY

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