Tag Archives: Legislature
Latina women and the Congress. 2022 Best

This assignment focuses on Latina women and the Congress. Explores how Latina women are progressing in Congress. Paper details: Talk Women in Congress but also about the gender gaps that are in between congress women and men.
Latina women and the Congress.
Explores how Latina women are progressing in Congress. Paper details: Talk Women in Congress but also about the gender gaps that are in between congress women and men. Focus on the sociological representation of the broader population. How women are underrepresented in the United States either in the house or the senate. White people are over represented because they are wealthy. Then we can look at wealth, ethnicity and gender gap etc. Another term to use is descriptive representation, Agency representation and term limits.
Latina women and the Congress.
A prominent scholar that studies this topic that can be useful for my research paper is Jennifer Lawless and her work can be found in JSTOR.org. Focus on the California state legislative body, how they can become more diverse and reflect on the growing Hispanic Latino demographic that we see increasing. In 1940 California was 90% white and overtime immigration took root in California Immigration laws made it easier for immigrants from the Pacific Rim and Mexico to migrate to the USA. As demographic change in the state of California our state Legislature remains white and male. https://youtu.be/tcS4nTLXjBA
Latina women and the Congress.
In my research paper the sources should come from scholarly Articles and google scholars. Found in JSTOR.org Include the following sections: introduction, literature review, argument, and a short conclusion. Use headings for each section of your paper. Your thesis statement must be in bold. A reference list should also be included Article that can be helpful: https://www.ppic.org/blog/diversity-in-the-california-statehouse/