Tag Archives: legislation
Reducing health disparities. 2022 Best

This assignment is about reducing health Disparities. As an advocate for your selected health issue, discuss how stakeholders would advocate for legislation to reduce health disparities through state, city, or community laws.
Reducing health disparities.
Ongoing development of and support for state-level legislation to eliminate racial and ethnic health disparities, achieve health equity, and improve population health across the United States should be a priority for public health advocates, researchers, and policy makers. As an advocate for your selected health issue, discuss how stakeholders would advocate for legislation to reduce health disparities through state, city, or community laws. Response Guidelines Read and respond to the posts of your peers according to the guidelines in the FEM.
Reducing health disparities.
What suggestions can you offer your peers to advocate for their selected health issues? Use current APA style and format for all in-text citations and references. Learning Components This activity will help you achieve the following learning components: Analyze the work of peers and compare and contrast health program evaluation methods. Support the chosen policies of a selected health issue. Describe how a health program or policy affects a selected population. Apply master’s-level skills in critical thinking, research, and writing. Cite and reference resources in current APA style and format. https://youtu.be/y_RcQrUUQZM
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Transportation and Logistics Management. 2022 Best

This paper is about transportation and logistics management. The Outline will consist of 4-5 pages. The Title Page and Reference Page are not included in the page count.
Transportation and Logistics Management.
Paper details: Many Parts and due dates to this paper. Please ask questions Part #1 due 3/9 – Project Outline This week (week 1) you will choose your topic and submit your proposed Problem Statement for your research paper as well as an outline. The Outline will consist of 4-5 pages. The Title Page and Reference Page are not included in the page count. The paper/outline describes your final research project. Each major section within your final project should be covered in this paper. The Project Outline must be in narrative form, and be descriptive enough that explains each element of your project.
Transportation and Logistics Management.
The use of graphics and charts is highly encouraged. References must come from google scholar – Once I know which topic the write will be doing I can provide the peer reviews. Part#2 Due 8/16 – Brief Report Brief Report – APA format Using your outline from week 1 as a guide, submit a minimum of 5 pages of the research you have completed on your topic to date. You should have an introduction and a beginning of a Literature Review for this assignment. You must include a Cover Page, and list of References (not included in 5 page count). Part #3 Literature Review Due 8/23 Literature Review – This week you will expand your part 2 by adding more sources and evaluation of each source to develop a literature review.
Transportation and Logistics Management.
1.Collect, organize, analyze, and critique 15 + peer-reviewed research articles that are related to a topic area and problem statement. 2.Write an introduction to your topic and the overall problem you are addressing. 3.Write a literature review. 4.Conclude your literature review with a summary of the gaps in the Literature and how this aligns with your research area of interest. 5. Your writing should follow the standards established in the course and in-text and end-of-text references should follow APA style manual format. Website on how to write a review of literature – https://writing.wisc.edu/handbook/assignments/reviewofliterature/
Transportation and Logistics Management.
Part #4 is the Research Paper – Due 9/4 The Final Research Project will be 20-25 pages and due in week 8. The project must include a title page, table of contents, abstract, and a reference page. The project will demonstrate the knowledge acquired through course work completed to date. The project is an application of this knowledge and requires the student to analyze and interpret the topic of interest. The use of graphics and charts is highly encouraged. This report must be original work. This report cannot include papers submitted in previous courses. Format APA cover page Abstract (1/2- 1 page) 2. Introduction to the topic, problem or thesis statement. https://youtu.be/GjWZZLjqv5M
Transportation and Logistics Management.
3. Literature Review Background Research on the topic (use from week 5) 4. Discussion of your ideas on the topic and problem 5. Discussion of new solution(s) to the problem 6. Conclusion The final paper must have the following key sections, clearly identified, though they can be titled creatively to reflect your question and interests: I. An introduction that states the problem and why your topic is important. The research question, clearly and concisely stated as a question. What do you hope to answer with this research? This section should also include definition of terms. II. Literature Review – background research on this topic
Transportation and Logistics Management.
III. The results/ discussions, describes what you have learned that helps answer the research question. What are you ideas about this topic? IV. The discussion of potential new solutions. V. The conclusion, which summarizes the key points of the paper and suggests further research needed on this topic. VI. A list of references in APA format. Topics for the course project include but are not limited to: 1) The convergence of transportation congestion and transportation security at a U.S. seaport. 2) A review of past Transportation legislation while developing a new proposal to address past weaknesses and omissions.
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Climate of Doubt 2022 Best

This paper explores two examples from the Climate of Doubt video that illustrate how the media may help promote or help refute pseudoscience. 2) How do the skeptics “diminish the credibility of the scientific consensus” and “spread the message of doubt?”
Climate of Doubt
Question and Answer. Using the following video clips and/or readings, answer the questions below using complete sentences. Please number your answers. PART A: Video #1 – PBS: Climate of Doubt http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/climate-of-doubt/ (Links to an external site.) Watch from start to around 7:20 – background Watch from 15:20 to 21:50 – manipulation of data, “going down the up escalator” and the Oregon Petition Watch from around 36:55 to about 44:45 – North Carolina climate change legislation on sea level rise and discussion of use of tactics used by the tobacco industry in claiming second-hand smoke is not harmful; oil industry ties.
Climate of Doubt
1) Give two examples from the Climate of Doubt video that illustrate how the media may help promote or help refute pseudoscience. 2) How do the skeptics “diminish the credibility of the scientific consensus” and “spread the message of doubt?” Include analysis of “going down the up escalator” and the Oregon Petition as pseudoscience. 3) What do you think are the motivations behind climate denial, based on the video? Who are the key players seen in the video and what are their credentials? What industries are cited as being heavily involved, and who are some of the key players with ties to industries? http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/climate-of-doubt/
Climate of Doubt
4) Discuss the failed North Carolina legislation to “legislate climate change out of existence.” How did the skeptics win, even though the legislation was not passed (what is the next step)? PART B: Video #2 – Senator Brian Schatz talking about the Web of Denial: https://twitter.com/SenBrianSchatz/status/755492348407058432 (Links to an external site.) (If that does not work, go to this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz-72_kjsnI Then read the Senate Concurrent Resolution (found here): http://www.whitehouse.senate.gov/download/?id=14B7203D-50FE-4BA9-82FC-B76756B70503&download=1 (Links to an external site.)
Climate of Doubt
Answer the following question: 5) What is the Web of Denial? Why are US Senators taking action by supporting the Senate Web of Denial Resolution? PART C: link to Video: https://www.ted.com/talks/pamela_ronald_the_case_for_engineering_our_food (Links to an external site.) From TED2015 – Pamela Ronald, “The Case for Engineering Our Food” (17:40) 6) Briefly describe two or three techniques breeders have traditionally used to manipulate the characteristics of agricultural plants. Hint: these are techniques that do not require a scientific laboratory and have been in use for a long time. https://youtu.be/kqBodx5iXRM
Climate of Doubt
7) What are some of the arguments for (in favor of), and/or benefits of, genetic engineering of plants in general? 8) Describe 3 specific examples of crops successfully enhanced by GE – what were they, what was the issue, and how were they engineered to fix the issue? 9) What is the scientific consensus (conclusions from scientists) regarding the safety of GE foods? 10) Provide some of your own reflections regarding the speaker’s arguments. Suggestions: Do you agree or disagree with any of these main points? To what extent do you find the arguments persuasive? Was there anything you learned that was new or surprising? Anything you would want to ask the speaker? Can you think of any arguments against these conclusions?
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Declaration of Independence : 2022 Best

The fundamental values that inform how are democratic government is legitimated and organized are enshrined on the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution of the United States.
Declaration of Independence
You must write an essay (1000 words minimum) in which you address the following two questions or topics: The fundamental values that inform how are democratic government is legitimated and organized are enshrined on the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution of the United States. Identify and discuss the basic ideals and principles of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government. Those ideals and principles are discussed in the first and second chapters of your textbook. You can also visit the following websites to read the original document in which these fundamental values were first stated and how they were later incorporated in the American Constitution:
Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence: http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/document/ The Constitution of the United States: https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/constitution-transcript Identify the most important Supreme Court cases and executive actions and their impact on law and on our society. How and why are they the most impactful? The history of the United States has been marked by the progressive expansion of voting rights and the protection of its citizens through legislation and Supreme Court decisions. At the same time, executive orders, particularly in periods of crisis led to the violation of individual rights.
Declaration of Independence
Throughout this module these issues are covered. In chapters 3 and 4 you will find the information you need to answer this question. You are also encouraged to visit the following websites for further details. Supreme Court Landmarks – http://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/educational-resources/supreme-court-landmarks 15 Supreme Court Cases that Changed America – https://www.cnn.com/2012/10/10/justice/landmark-scotus-cases/index.html Executive Orders – The American Presidency Project NAACP was instrumental in the landmark case of Brown v Board of Education. Visit the web site to find information on the case that led to desegregation. http://www.naacp.org. https://youtu.be/LKJMWHCUoiw
Declaration of Independence
Instructions on Writing Your Essay: All essays must be written using proper English grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Points will be deducted for grammatical, punctuation, syntax, capitalization, etc. errors. Essays are automatically submitted to SafeAssign. Work that SafeAssign identifies as having more than a 10% rate of similarity (plariarism) after quoted material and small matches (10 words or less) are excluded will not be read and will received a grade of 0.