Tag Archives: isolation

Dignity in Social Care. 2022 Best

Dignity in Social Care.

This paper explores dignity in Social Care. This assignment will use academic resources from the United Kingdom (UK) to help you to understand further the modern concept of ‘dignity’ in social care

Dignity in Social Care.

Paper details This assignment will use academic resources from the United Kingdom (UK) to help you to understand further the modern concept of ‘dignity’ in social care, a theoretical perspective developed in Europe, which is gaining traction in the United States. The resources are predominantly from the UK because of the advanced stage of ‘Dignity in Social Care’ concepts, largely due to more widespread and integrated social care systems in the UK and Europe. In the assignment, you will review the UK resources and then respond to the prompts for the body of your research paper, which will provide details for application of ‘Dignity in Social Care’ concepts in the US.

Dignity in Social Care.

While the concept is at an earlier stage in the US, there are resources in the Ashford Library which cover the US – be sure to seek these out using ProQuest to support your paper. To access the ProQuest database, click on the Journal Articles button on the library homepage. Select the ProQuest (Search All ProQuest Databases) link. To limit results to the U.S. try using United Sates as an additional search term, or you can use the location limiter on the left side of your search results page to filter your results to those pertaining to the U.S. [Be sure to present your paper according to the ‘Assignment requirements’ listed below.] https://youtu.be/y63-qtsfolo

Dignity in Social Care.

Step 1 – Review the Resources: UK-Based Articles Anderson, L. (2008, Oct 22). Aging more complicated for gays; many fear discrimination in health care, social isolation and no family download . The Province Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/269506746?accountid=32521 Kinnear, D., Williams, V., & Victor, C. (2014). The meaning of dignified care: An exploration of health and social care professionals’ perspectives working with older people download.

Dignity in Social Care.

BMC Research Notes, 7 doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1756-0500-7-854 Saltus, R., & Folkes, E. (2013). Understanding dignity and care: An exploratory qualitative study on the views of older people of african and african-caribbean descent download . Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 14(1), 36-46. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/14717791311311094 US-Based News/Opinion Dingell, D. (2015, Jul 12). Aging with dignity out of reach for many in America download . Detroit Free Press. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1695502378?accountid=32521

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The Reason I Jump 2022 Best

The Reason I Jump

Drawing from at least two specific examples from Naoki Higashida’s book The Reason I Jump, discuss the links you see between the author’s description of the way he sees the world and the ways in which you are processing your own isolation

The Reason I Jump

Critical Review of The Reason I Jump. The essay you write should be typed, 3-4 pages, double-spaced, and using a 12-point font.   Be sure to respond to ONE of the prompts below, to cite sources in the body of your text, and to include a stand-alone works cited page.   Though it is not necessary that you sources other than the assigned reading The Reason I Jump, you might find it helpful to do so.  But, remember, part of the evaluation of your essay is based on your demonstrated command of the assigned reading.

The Reason I Jump

Prompt #1:  The Covid-19 isolation orders have generated stress, anxiety, and reminded us about the importance of routine in our lives.  For children on the autism spectrum, and for parents and educators of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, recognition of “sticking to a routine” is already a daily organizing principle. Perhaps, then, the Covid-19 moment offers us a chance to understand and empathize with those with ASD in greater ways.  Drawing from at least two specific examples from Naoki Higashida’s book The Reason I Jump, discuss the links you see between the author’s description of the way he sees the world and the ways in which you are processing your own isolation and disruption in routine during the state-mandated shutdown.

The Reason I Jump

Has the shutdown at least offered us a chance to re-think our understanding of ASD?  If so, how?  If not, why not? Prompt #2:  The title of the book – The Reason I Jump – refers to a specific aspect of Higashida’s understanding of the world.  How do you relate with this concept?  To put it another way, what’s the reason you “jump”?  Have you found yourself in a position “as if struck by lightning” if not regularly, then at least once?  If jumping allows Higashida a sense of release, then perhaps this is a concept with which all of us can connect.

Compare your form of “release” with Higashida’s “jumping.”  Then, draw from at least one other concept in the book that helps you understand his situation.  https://youtu.be/b0zGIBZgpsM

The Reason I Jump

How might this book lead to more effective interaction between those with autism, and those without, whether in the classroom or elsewhere? Prompt #3: In a review in The New York Times, author Sallie Tisdale, herself the parent of a child with autism, contends that the translation and reception to The Reason I Jump might be problematic.  Tisdale says we “have to be careful about turning what we find into what we want.”[1]  Considering that this book was written and released to raise awareness about autism, pick up the challenge Tisdale is setting for us.

The Reason I Jump

What is your gut feeling about this book, its relevance for understanding autism, and – for those in education – for working with children with autism?  Build your response and analysis around two specific examples from the book.

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