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Philosopher Values and Ethics – 2022 Best

Philosopher Values and Ethics

The purpose of the Philosopher Values and Ethics Assignment is twofold. The first purpose is to identify dispositions displayed by various educational philosophers throughout history.

Philosopher Values and Ethics

Paper details The purpose of the Philosopher Values and Ethics Assignment is twofold. The first purpose is to identify dispositions displayed by various educational philosophers throughout history. The second is to discuss how educators may apply the dispositions in a current-day context in such a way as to impact education and society. Candidates will provide historical examples of how educators in the past have displayed specific values and ethical dispositions. Then, considering factors regarding current social and cultural issues.

Philosopher Values and Ethics

Candidates will also provide examples of how educators today may impact culture through the dispositions of social responsibility, commitment, reflective practice, integrity, and professionalism. As candidates identify various dispositions displayed by historical figures, they are indicating the relevance of specific ethical beliefs and actions. Candidates apply the lens of Biblical truth and their own educational philosophy as they analyze the dispositions of various philosophers I attached the assignment instructions, the template to do the assignment on title Philosopher Values & Ethics-Hale, the grading rubric, and 2 sample student submissions from prior classes. https://youtu.be/zvLRq5e67jQ

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Children growth and learning. 2022 Best

Children growth and learning.

For this assignment we will plan developmentally appropriate activities and schedules, which promote all children growth and learning. Design curriculum that is inclusive and represents the diversity of children and families.

Children growth and learning.

This assignment meets the following course outcomes: Plan developmentally appropriate activities and schedules, which promote all children’s growth and learning. Design curriculum that is inclusive and represents the diversity of children and families. Design curriculum that supports children’s language/communication, cognitive, social/emotional, fine/gross motor and creative development. You will create a weekly lesson plan to support school age children enrolled in a before and after-school program. You will need to review the following documents before beginning: Preparing a School Age Curriculum.docx School Age Plan Example_.docx.

Children growth and learning.

You will use the attached template to create your plan. Before beginning, you will want to spend some time brainstorming a developmentally appropriate topic for school age children. School Age lesson-plan.docx In a separate document respond to the following: 1. How do you know your topic has integrity? Use the “Does it Have Integrity” document to frame your answer. This should be 5-7 sentences. 2. What are the different considerations when planning for school aged children versus preschool aged children?  3. What are the benefits to a planned school age curriculum? Why not just have no plan at all? After all, they are in school all day, right? https://youtu.be/gIZ8PkLMMUo

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War and Peace 2022 best

War and Peace

For this assignment we will focus on understanding War and Peace  relating to Tolstoy’s War and Peace.  Length: 6-8 pages. Format: Please submit your paper as a Word doc (preferred), or PDF.

War and Peace

Length: 6-8 pages. Format: Please submit your paper as a Word doc (preferred), or PDF. Use Times New Roman font, size 12, 1-inch margins. Your paper should be double-spaced EXCEPT for block quotations (which should be single-spaced and indented ½ inch from the left margin). If you are using a web-based program to write your paper (e.g. Google docs), please double check the formatting before you submit. Don’t forget to spell-check! Your paper will be evaluated using the same rubrics as for Short Papers 1 and 2.

You should build directly on the skills that you practiced in those papers, using your close readings of specific passages and specific scenes to explore a concrete argument about the novel as a whole.

War and Peace

Remember to include: – Your name, the course name, and the date, plus a title for your paper. – A “Work(s) Cited” section, in correct MLA bibliography format. For a reminder, consult https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/, or the Powerpoint slides posted on the home page of our course site. – A statement of academic integrity, as follows: “I certify that this assignment represents my own work. I have not used any unauthorized or unacknowledged assistance or sources in completing it.” Without this statement, your work will not receive credit.

War and Peace

– You are also encouraged to include an “Acknowledgements” section to indicate any consultations with a classmate (or tutor, parent, roommate, etc.), or any other informal resource that helped you write the paper. Here, as in all of your papers for your course, you are strongly discouraged from using any secondary sources. If you find that you have broken this rule, keep scrupulous records of any Internet searches or other research, and cite and/or acknowledge any sources that contribute to your final paper. Please do not undo your hard work this semester by including the uncited ideas, opinions, or words of others in your final paper. https://youtu.be/H-BCmUeHE5c

War and Peace

Suggested Topics Choose ONE of these topics to guide your initial thinking about your paper. As you are beginning to think about your paper, remember: – All the following topics are starting-points. It’s your task to narrow them down so that you can arrive at a specific question you’d like to address, and eventually, the specific argument of your paper. – A 6-8-page paper may feel long – but it’s not as long as you think! A specific, focused topic is better than a broad and general one.

You will need to use your space in the paper efficiently to make an argument that explores concrete passages and details from the text(s) you are discussing, and you almost certainly will need to write more than one draft to arrive at an argument that you can lay out in the space you have.

War and Peace

After reading your paper, a reader should be able to answer the question: what has your paper revealed that helps you and us understand War and Peace better? 1. Design your own topic related to Tolstoy’s War and Peace. Other works we have discussed in class (“Sevastopol in May,” What Is Art?, “Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet…,” various film or TV adaptations, etc.) could also be a focus of your paper, though your topic must be directly related to Tolstoy’s War and Peace in some way. You are welcome to draw on ideas that you’ve explored in a short paper and want to expand further; or on themes that have been raised in class or in reading questions.

War and Peace

Note: If you plan to formulate your own topic, I recommend that you e-mail me about your ideas well before the April 22 deadline for your topic proposal and outline. This will give you the time to revise your topic if necessary. 2. Write a paper making a specific argument about the character you have been tracing through War and Peace (or a different character, if you prefer!). Your paper should both: – reflect on the character’s path and development through the novel. (

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