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Robot Dreams by Isaac Asimov 2022 Best

Robot Dreams by Isaac Asimov

For this essay assignment you can compare Robot Dreams by Isaac Asimov  and  The Little Goddess  by Ian McDonald. Compare and contrast the chosen works based on a shared theme you discern in the various works, utilizing specific literary terms and concepts for a text-based analysis.

Robot Dreams by Isaac Asimov

Essay Assignment Overview & Instructions Goals: This assignment asks you to demonstrate systemic thinking in that you need to unpack the stories and/or the novella we have read in this class and engage in a kind of cognitive dismantling to show how the stories work and the deeper issues with which they engage. Can you read deeply? Can you write analytically? Can you provide meaning when your read? These are the questions I will ask as I read your paper. Task: For this essay assignment you can compare ““Robot Dreams,” by Isaac Asimov”, “The Little Goddess” by Ian McDonald.

Robot Dreams by Isaac Asimov

In this essay, you must compare and contrast the chosen works based on a shared theme you discern in the various works, utilizing specific literary terms and concepts for a text-based analysis. Excellent projects will have a clear main idea that links the works and the theme, proper use and definition of literary terminology, sufficient textual support, correct use of MLA or APA documentation, and adherence to conventions of academic writing. Audience and purpose: Your objective is to use direct evidence from the short stories or the novella to support your analysis of the texts, including correct quoting of lines from the works. https://youtu.be/Tv-nmzz11xQ

Robot Dreams by Isaac Asimov

Your audience is your classmates and instructor. Research and evidence: You must use a minimum of one NON-FICTION source, not assigned in the course, to illuminate and expand on your analysis of the theme. Requirements: Length: 3 (minimum) to 4 pages, typed, double-spaced Sources: For this project, you must find, and integrate into the text of your essay, one (minimum) outside, non-fiction source. References should be cited in MLA style (lines from the poems are enclosed in quotation marks with the line numbers cited in parentheses. You can use more outside sources, if you choose.

Robot Dreams by Isaac Asimov

Point of View: Third person POV (she, he, it, they)Steps toward success: RESEARCH WISELY. Find and use a high-quality source that speaks to your theme directly. ANALYZE & SYNTHESIZE. DO NOT merely summarize the plot of the works. CLEAR THESIS. Make a statement that guides the writing of this essay. AT the beginning of the essay. An what it taught you at the conclusion. STRUCTURE WELL. Organize the writing clearly so that the essay demonstrates clear thinking and self-generated learning. Essay that presents one story per paragraph or section will be graded down. THE TEXT CHOSEN ARE ““Robot Dreams,” by Isaac Asimov”, “The Little Goddess” by Ian McDonald

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