Tag Archives: Globalization
Digital Culture 4AAVC100 best

This assignment involves answering questions on digital culture in a form of essay. To do this effectively, you’ll need to use descriptive language to explain things as you have understood them – don’t assume your understanding on Twitter, a digital game, a film (etc.)
Digital Culture
4AAVC100 Essay Questions on Digital Culture ESSAY 1: General Guidance: Choose 1 out of the following questions and respond to it in an academic essay of 2000 words (maximum). When approaching these questions, do you best to consider your point of view on the subject and see the essay as an attempt to convince your reader of your opinion. To do this effectively, you’ll need to use descriptive language to explain things as you have understood them – don’t assume your understanding on Twitter, a digital game, a film (etc.) is the same as everyone else’s; also, a particular description of something can help get your point across by highlighting particular elements over others.
Digital Culture
Each essay question includes a quote from one of your module readings – start with that. Beyond this, one way to help get your opinion across is to appear confident in your understanding of the wider context of an issue: as such, in each question you will be expected to draw on a range of sources in your answer: at least 3 academic sources along with more popular sources (blogs, newspapers, social media) if required. This quite often requires more than just mentioning a source but instead engaging with a source, discussing its strengths and weakness and using this understanding of sources to help frame your opinion.
Digital Culture
It can be a good idea to draw on personal experiences to help make your point, but you must take the time to relate your experiences to a wide audience – imagine attempting to explain what it’s like to use TikTok to an alien… While this information can seem insignificant, personal experiences often form the basis of research. Above all, never forget, we can read the published articles whenever we want: we want to see your informed but unique opinion on a question! Essay questions: 1. In a widely read essay in the Atlantic (2008), Nick Carr posited that Google is “making us stupid.”
Digital Culture
To what extent do you feel Google (or some other recent technology) has the ability to impact human beings? 2. In 2002 Stiglitz asked “why has globalization, a force that has brought so much good – become so controversial?” Do you believe globalization remains a controversial idea in 2020 and to what extent is this feeling justified? 3. In 1981 the Scarman report stated, “The directions and policy of the Metropolitan Police are not racist. I totally and unequivocally reject the attack made upon the integrity and impartiality of the senior direction of the force.”
Today, it is easy to access data relating to police stop and search statistics along with other data. Has this digitization of London as a digital city helped instigate social change? https://youtu.be/wQpQTIuaoNo
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Citizenship in the EU. 2022 Best

This paper explores Globalization and Citizenship in the EU. Critically evaluate and analyze a current or historical topic covered in the course, either in the class forums or the class text, that is that is related to the European Union,
Citizenship in the EU.
Critically evaluate and analyze a current or historical topic covered in the course, either in the class forums or the class text, that is that is related to the European Union, conflict prevention and peace strategies Headings in bold letters Intro: (1) Introduce topic and discuss why important topic to analyze, (2) thesis statement, (3) statement that tells reader where you will go in your paper (i.e., “This paper will take a closer look at…”) Body of paper that speaks to and supports your thesis statement; prove your thesis statement!
Citizenship in the EU.
Double-spacing / Indent each paragraph / No extra spacing between paragraphs Analysis of and in-text reference for each source listed in your References Page Conclusion: (1) Final thoughts, (2) brief summary of key points in your paper, (3) restatement of thesis to ideally match thesis from intro References Page; sources listed in alphabetical order w/ Hanging Indent Please omit: Abstract, Running Header The use of headings adds a great organizational touch to your papers and it makes it easier for the reader to follow along with your main points. https://youtu.be/9sTusNGgZbU
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Malm on the Future of Capitalism – 2022 Best

For this assignment we will focus on Stiglitiz, Magdoff & Foster, and Malm on the Future of Capitalism and the Environment. Preface: Within the last forty years, the U.S. economy has experienced reduced rates of growth, deindustrialization, declining wages, and increased levels of economic inequality.
Malm on the Future of Capitalism
Stiglitiz, Magdoff & Foster, and Malm on the Future of Capitalism and the Environment. Paper details ESSAY PROMPT Preface: Within the last forty years, the U.S. economy has experienced reduced rates of growth, deindustrialization, declining wages, and increased levels of economic inequality. Joseph Stiglitz attributes the transformation of the U.S. economy to globalization and neoliberalism, and proposes a return to Keynesian-style economic policies and reforms to globalization, which he argues would produce increased economic growth, full employment, and reduced inequality.
Yet Fred Magdoff and John Bellamy Foster as well as Andreas Malm argue that given environmental degradation and the crisis of climate change, an ecological revolution is necessary to sustain human life, which requires a sustainable form of human and economic development that overcomes the destructive aspects of capitalism.
Malm on the Future of Capitalism
INSTRUCTIONS Write an essay that responds to the essay prompt above. Firstly, your essay should be 5-7 double-spaced typed pages of text, not including the cover page, footnotes, and/or bibliography. Secondly, your essay should be coherent and well organized. It should state clearly your understanding of the question to be answered and set out briefly and in your own words the most important point or central argument (thesis) in your answer. Finally, you should provide evidence for your interpretations, reasons for your critical assessments.
Citations where you are relying on someone else’s ideas or writing, and references to the required texts. https://youtu.be/LS0OUv6eiO4
Malm on the Future of Capitalism
This assignment requires knowledge only of the required primary texts. Which means that the essay must engage and make reference to the works of Stiglitz, Magdoff and Foster, and Malm assigned in the course. A part of the essay grade is based upon the level of knowledge and engagement of these texts. You must cite references when you rely upon an author’s words or ideas, and you must provide a bibliography. If you read secondary commentaries, you must cite them in your footnotes and/or bibliography.
“Essay Requirements.” Follow the “Essay Requirements” below for formatting. Due Date: Sunday, June 13 at 11:59 p.m. Submit an electronic copy of essay on Canvas.
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Cost profit and investment center : 2022 Best

For this assignment we will distinguish among a cost profit and investment center. Provide an example of each for a multi-hospital corporation. The decision-making authority assigned to managers within the different responsibility centers (cost, profit and investment) will differ based on the type of center because the role of management’s responsibilities also differs.
Cost profit and investment center
Part 1 assignment details The decision-making authority assigned to managers within the different responsibility centers (cost, profit and investment) will differ based on the type of center because the role of management’s responsibilities also differs. Therefore, the accounting information required for planning, control, and performance evaluation differs according to the nature of these responsibilities. In 400 words address the following: Firstly, distinguish among a cost center, a profit center, and an investment center. Also, provide an example of each for a multi-hospital corporation.
Cost profit and investment center
Secondly, what are some of the uses that management may make of accounting information about individual responsibility centers of the business? Part 2 Assignment Details Globalization is a continuous process whereby managers become aware of the impact of international activities on their companies. This process takes place in stages that include exporting, licensing joint ventures, wholly owned subsidiaries, and global sourcing. Also, each stage has implications for the type of accounting information reported. Striking Furs imports furs from Canada. In the space provided below, prepare journal entries to record the following events.
Cost profit and investment center
Dec. 11, 2017: Purchased furs from Capable Trappers, Ltd. A Canadian corporation, at a price of 25,000 Canadian dollars, due in 60 days. The current exchange rate is $0.85 U.S. dollars per Canadian dollar. (Striking uses the perpetual inventory method; debit the Inventory account.). Dec. 31, 2017: Striking made a year-end adjusting entry relating to the account payable to Capable Trappers. Also, the exchange rate at year-end is $0.89 U.S. dollars per Canadian dollar. Feb. 9, 2018: Issued a check for $21,750 (U.S. dollars) to National Bank in full settlement of the liability to Capable Trappers, Ltd. The exchange rate at this date is $0.87 U.S. dollars per Canadian dollar. https://youtu.be/UYIfyZpva7s
Cost profit and investment center
2. Explain ways in which Striking Furs can protect itself against the losses that would arise from a sudden increase in the foreign exchange rate. Part 3 Assignment Details Globalization is a continuous process whereby managers become aware of the impact of international activities on their companies. This process takes place in stages that include exporting, licensing joint ventures, wholly owned subsidiaries, as well as global sourcing. Each stage has implications for the type of accounting information reported. So, using the information from above in Part 2, in 2 pages, explain ways in which Striking Furs can protect itself against the losses that would arise from a sudden increase in the foreign exchange rate.