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Research paper on Shark hunting. 2022 Best

Research paper on Shark hunting.

This assignment involves writing a research paper on Shark hunting. Class Theme: The Sea. For this assignment, please choose a topic and write a proposal (see detailed instructions below) that relates in some way to the idea of the sea.

Research paper on Shark hunting.

Shark Hunting is corrupting the Ocean’s Ecosystem.. Final Research Paper & the Research Proposal Assignment Class Theme: The Sea. For this assignment, please choose a topic and write a proposal (see detailed instructions below) that relates in some way to the idea of the sea. We have already looked at various ways this can be considered (through ecology, technology, exploration, trade, culture, economics, social media, etc.) and through different media (YouTube video and essay article) – but don’t let this limit your thinking about the topic. As your preliminary research should be suggesting to you, there are endless ways to consider the topic of “the sea.”

Research paper on Shark hunting.

This proposal is the first step in writing the research paper that is the capstone assignment in the course. All significant work that we do for the rest of the course will be directly related to this research paper/part of the research paper. Your final research paper for this course is comprised of the following parts: Research Proposal 10% Annotated Bibliography 10% Presentation/Infographic (first draft) 15% Argumentative Research Paper (with graded second draft) 30% Grade for all parts of Final Research Paper Project: 65% (See revised syllabus posted on Moodle for entire grade breakdown of course) This handout deals with details of the Proposal only.

Research paper on Shark hunting.

Additional handouts will be provided for the other parts of the Final Research Paper Project. The Proposal: A research proposal helps a writer narrow a topic to form research questions and/or working thesis. It will help you express your research questions, explain why they are important, discuss your methodology and begin identifying sources. Remember, the final research is not a cut and paste job using MLA style – it is a synthesis of your research and critical thinking about your fully and clearly articulated research question. DIVIDE YOUR PROPOSAL INTO THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS:

Research paper on Shark hunting.

1. A Working Title of Your Paper: Give it an interesting title that suggests the topic and attracts your reader – do NOT use a title like “Research Paper” or “Global Warming” – these are NOT interesting – this is only a working title, you will probably need to change it once the paper has been completed 2. Working Thesis: Although this is only a working thesis (and will change as you refine your research and analysis) it should contain a clear focus for your argument and a “so what” component. 3. Research Questions: State a series of questions that you have about your topic after you have done some preliminary research.

Research paper on Shark hunting.

These questions should not be simple factual questions (like what is the capital of Peru?). You will probably find as the research progresses that you are able to answer these initial questions in just a few sentences. But as you explore your topic and begin to analyze information that you have gathered, you will find yourself asking more complex questions of your topic and your material. Include 5 well-developed research questions on your proposal. 4. Background: Explain your interest in this particular topic.   https://youtu.be/50j-I2A6III

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