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HIPAA Basic Training 2022 Best
The human resource department is updating its HIPAA Basic Training for Privacy and Security course. As a security analyst for the hospital, you have been tasked with covering the topics in the training related to the HIPAA security rule
HIPAA Basic Training
Paper details The human resource department is updating its HIPAA Basic Training for Privacy and Security course. As a security analyst for the hospital, you have been tasked with covering the topics in the training related to the HIPAA security rule and the information that hospital staff need to know regarding personally identifiable information (PII), personal health information (PHI), and electronic personal health information (ePHI) to comply with federal regulations. This week, you will submit your presentation.
HIPAA Basic Training
The presentation should include voice overlays as narrative for each slide. Include one to two slides for each bullet below (4-8 slides total) explaining the following: HIPAA Security Rule HIPAA, PII, PHI, and ePHI Definitions Safeguarding of PII, PHI, and ePHI Disclosures of PII, PHI, and ePHI You may want to refer to the HIPAA Learning Resources from last week. How Will My Work Be Evaluated? In this training guide, you will demonstrate how to integrate your IT skills in an organizational setting. You’ll be combining your technical skills with effective communication techniques to provide learning resources for the client/customer.
HIPAA Basic Training
You will not be evaluated on the voice recording quality. The following evaluation criteria aligned to the competencies will be used to grade your assignment: 1.2.2: Employ a format, style, and tone appropriate to the audience, context, and goal. 1.3.3: Integrate appropriate credible sources to illustrate and validate ideas. 1.4.2: Use vocabulary appropriate for the discipline, genre, and intended audience. 2.3.3: Explain inferences and deductions that follow logically from the evidence provided. 12.1.3: Communicate policies, processes, and/or procedures to stakeholders.
HIPAA Basic Training
12.3.1: Select controls. 12.3.2: Describe the implementation of controls. 12.3.3: Explain how to assess controls. 12.9.1: Describe organizational compliance with government legislation that impacts technology. 12.9.2: Explain organizational compliance with industry regulations. https://youtu.be/CRQwUlXMoqM
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Arab Women and Literature. 2022 Best
This paper explores Arab Women and Literature. Review Instructions: • Write a (Group: 2,000-4,000 Individual: 1200 -1500) word book review on a fiction/nonfiction book of your own choosing.
Arab Women and Literature.
Review Instructions: • Write a (Group: 2,000-4,000 Individual: 1200 -1500) word book review on a fiction/nonfiction book of your own choosing. The book has to be related to topics that are listed in the course syllabus. – If you are hesitant about your book selection and topic, please come speak to me so I can approve your choice. – The book review is due on the 7th of May and must be submitted electronically via Moodle. – The cover page should include your name, university number, and title of the paper, name of the course, your thesis statement, the date and the word count.
Arab Women and Literature.
The essay must be typed in Times New Roman 12 font and double-spaced. – Bibliography is not included in the words count. Footnotes are included in the words count. – The Book review should follow the following structure: Introduction (250 -750 words). o Write a General description of the book (author, title, subject/Topic/ book format/ themes discussed in the book). Discuss the author’s position in the genre and field the book belongs in. o Introduce the author’s main argument and thesis statement. Highlight the main audience of the book.o Introduce your own thesis statement/argument on how you intend to review the book.
Arab Women and Literature.
Summery of the book’s content (500 -1000 words). Summarize the content of the book by highlighting the main ideas/themes of each chapter. Specify more on the areas that support the purpose of you book review argument. Critical Analysis (500- 1000 words). Analyze the book’s content based on your argument that is stated in your introduction. Conclusion (250 -750 words). o restate your thesis statement and write a general statement about your final opinion about the book. https://youtu.be/EWBHCepqC94
Arab Women and Literature.
Write your own recommendation (who do recommend this book to and why). – Students must format citations in a consistent fashion. – The book review should be well constructed and serve the purpose of the book review. – Any book review that lacks of structure and clear argument will be considered deficient. Any plagiarism found in the book review will result in an automatic F for the course. Quoting short passages without citing sources will result in a 0 for the essay.