Tag Archives: fraud
Types of research misconduct. 2022 Best
For this assignment we will explore different types of research Misconduct. Paper details: You must support your response with at least three new peer-reviewed articles, but can also cite any of the provided resources.
Types of research misconduct.
Paper details: You must support your response with at least three new peer-reviewed articles, but can also cite any of the provided resources. For this particular assignment, using McNamee, M. J., Olivier, S., & Wainwright, P. (2006). Research ethics in exercise, health and sports sciences. Routledge. Chapter 6 (pp. 108-129) Scientific misconduct: authorship, plagiarism and fraud, and blowing the whistle on it and Chapter 10 Research and society: is bad science ipso facto bad ethics? (pp. 181-195). , and the other provided sources and ones listed below, respond to the following topic: Discuss different types of research misconduct, and possible reasons that research misconduct occurs.
Types of research misconduct.
Differentiate between research misconduct, as defined by federal policy, and questionable research practices. Discuss responsible and ethical data management as it relates to your final assignment topic ((effect of daily vs. weekly check-ins for adherence in an online fitness & nutrition coaching program). Identify the considerations that must be made to ensure that your data management plan is comprehensive and follows ethical best practice standards based on the scholarly literature. Explain how participants’ anonymity, confidentiality and privacy will be protected prior to, during, and after the research data is collected.
Types of research misconduct.
The expectation for satisfactory work is 400 – 500 words per topic with at least 3 current peer reviewed references utilized. Textbooks, blogs, magazine or internet articles, book chapters, or special reports, do not count toward the peer-reviewed minimum. Connections to the peer reviewed references should be used throughout your writing with in-text citations and matching reference citations. Additional Resources: http://www.robertjsternberg.com/ethical-reasoning https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-00733-5. Here are the places that you should be getting your peer-reviewed sources from: Journal of Ethics Journal of Medical Ethics Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal
Types of research misconduct.
Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics Ethics and International Affairs Ethical Theory and Moral Practice Public Health Ethics American Journal of Bioethics The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics Journal of Information Ethics Journal of Applied Philosophy Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics Neuroethics Clinical Ethics Perspectives in Biology and Medicine Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics Ethics and Information Technology. https://youtu.be/cINMxIreLMw
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Fair healthcare system 2022 Best
Explore what your ideal and fair healthcare system would look like and support why you feel this is the way we should administer healthcare in this country. You should explore topics like whether in your system patients would have a right to privacy, would your system include HIPAA or something else entirely different.
Fair healthcare system
Your final paper will be a non-traditional synthesis of the information we have covered in this course. This paper should be between 8-10 pages long. With this paper I am asking you to explore what your ideal and fair healthcare system would look like and support why you feel this is the way we should administer healthcare in this country. You should explore topics like whether in your system patients would have a right to privacy, would your system include HIPAA or something else entirely different. Does your system include EMTALA? How does your system combat fraud, waste and abuse? What about informed consent.
Fair healthcare system
What system would you use when patients were harmed by healthcare providers? How is your system regulated? While you do not have to tackle every aspect of healthcare we have covered this semester, you need to provide a framework for how your ideal healthcare system would function. Your paper should prove that you have an understanding of what is needed for a functioning healthcare system in this country. Key Areas to Address RegulatoryPrivacyEMTALAPayor-Who pays and how?Malpractice, i.e. who pays when a patient is harmed?End of Life Decision Making-Who gets to decide. https://youtu.be/Eth8IDVTAFE
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liable for failure to find fraud – 2022 Best
“Discuss whether you believe auditors should be liable for failure to find fraud, especially collusion. Provide support for your opinion. ”
liable for failure to find fraud
Accounting: Response. The two responses below are from a discussion board. The prompt was “Discuss whether you believe auditors should be liable for failure to find fraud, especially collusion. Provide support for your opinion. ” Please respond to these two responses..1) I believe the auditors should not be financially held responsible for failure to detect fraud. The article states, “if owners of the corrupt enterprise are allowed to shift the costs of its wrongdoing to the auditor. Their incentives to hire honest managers and monitor their behavior will be reduced.”…. This statement sums it all up in my opinion.
liable for failure to find fraud
If the auditors are responsible financially, why would people and companies not commit fraud? Think about it. If this is the case… The entire company would have no deterrent to committing fraud, because they can get the money back in court. https://youtu.be/nr8a453-1yo For the auditors, I believe as long as they were in accordance with GAAP, they should have no repercussions from this. Sure, the public will criticize by them and will likely have client contemplating a change in accounting firm… But this is the most that should come of it for them.
liable for failure to find fraud
It is tough for auditors in my little experience as an audit intern… Because you have to walk the line so closely. You do not want to seem like you are out to get your clients while still performing the procedures required for the engagement. 2) I do not believe auditors should be held liable for failure to find fraud, especially collusion, if the auditors performed their duties in good faith, in line with GAAP, and professional auditing standards, and as any reasonable auditor would.
liable for failure to find fraud
The Center for Audit Quality recognizes that the prevention and detection of fraud cannot be the job of external auditors alone. Therefore, if collusion is present, liability should not fall on the auditors alone. With that said, professional auditing standards require auditors to plan and perform an audit that will detect material misstatements.