Tag Archives: foreign country.
Marketing across Cultures 2022 Best
This assignment focuses on marketing across Cultures. Objective: To critically examine how the social and cultural factors of a selected foreign country could influence consumer behavior towards a particular product or service, and evaluate the strategic implications this may have on the marketing mix.
Marketing across Cultures
Assignment: 3000 word (+/- 10%) critical, structured business report is required on the key issues contained within the module, based on an organisation of the student’s choice. This assessment specifically relates to Learning Outcomes 2 and 3 (weighting 70%) building on the Learning Outcome 1 covered in the CW1 assessment and particularly the findings of CW1. Note: exceeding the word limit may cost marks. Learning Outcomes 2 and 3 are: “on successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Marketing across Cultures
(Learning Outcome 2) Critically examine how the social and cultural factors of a selected foreign country could influence consumer behavior towards a particular product or service, and evaluate the strategic implications this may have on the marketing mix. · (Learning Outcome 3) Critically evaluate the various international market entry strategy options available to the company seeking international expansion to a culturally-different destination, and make justified recommendations for the market entry strategy that the company should adopt.”
Marketing across Cultures
The assignment is detailed as follows: Taking the role of an international marketing consultant, commissioned by a company (marketing an organization’s product or service of your choice), prepare a detailed report for the organization’s marketing director with a recommendation for the company’s next international market (of your choice). Alternatively your choice of destination market may be selected on the basis that international market entry has previously been affected but with little or no success. https://youtu.be/fUpR_0waEjQ
Marketing across Cultures
Marking Scheme: Having evaluated the different approaches in the first assessment (the literature review), you should select the one specific cross-cultural analysis method discussed in coursework 1, and use the method chosen to conduct an in-depth analysis into the specific countries cultural differences. 1. Social and Cultural Factors and the Marketing Mix (30%): examine and explain how the social and cultural factors of your target country could influence consumer behavior towards your product or service, together with an evaluation of the strategic implications this may have on the marketing mix.
Marketing across Cultures
Marking Scheme: An understanding of the different social-cultural factors that will be encountered in different geographical locations/cultures needs to be identified. This should include social factors such as social class, the role of family etc., and an understanding of the cultural factors that are the “norm” in the particular location selected. Beliefs, values and customs should be explored and their influence on the construction of the marketing mix should be identified, e.g. Bikes in UK and China!
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Intercultural organization 2022 Best
For this assignment, you will choose two intercultural organization doing business in at least one foreign country. provide a review and arguments for and against each of the two organizations. At the end of your submission, recommend which one of the two organizations and which one of its products you would like to use for your culture and subculture studies.
Intercultural organization
Problem 1: For this assignment, you will choose two candidate organizations. The selection must be an intercultural organization doing business in at least one foreign country. In your submission, provide a review and arguments for and against each of the two organizations. At the end of your submission, recommend which one of the two organizations and which one of its products you would like to use for your culture and subculture studies. Use the body section of the Sample Research Paper as a guide. The submission must include sections for the discussion of each of the two countries supported by viable current sources.
Intercultural organization
Using the internet for your search tool is recommended. The concluding section should include the corporation of your choice, and it should be supported by your arguments and analysis. Document your sources and relevant notes for use when formatting in-text citations and references. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract and title page are required. Be sure to write two full pages. Not counting the references and cover page if you have one. 2-3 sources minimum.
Intercultural organization
Problem 2: The organization, the culture or subculture, and the product that you chose in Unit I will be the subject for basic research for the remainder of the course. Research will be required to form a solid base for matching one of the two populated areas to your organization’s product with focus on the culture and subcultures of your selected country and populated area. For deciding on a populated area, you will review, at a minimum, two cultures or subcultures. Take into account the selected product’s compatibility. For each of these, you should research a minimum of two sources with divergent views.
Intercultural organization
The review will require a focus on the outcome, but not an outcome that you predetermine. Let the discussions used in comparing material from one source against the other sources guide you to a conclusion. You may use the Assignment Template to assist you in formatting. It is important to ensure the absolute separation of what writing comes from your brain and what information comes from your sources. There must never be any doubt in the reader’s mind regarding what is original information and what is referenced material. To do this, the in-text citations must be impeccable. In the Unit II Required Unit Resources section, you will be able to access the Sample Research Paper.
Intercultural organization
Use this model to prepare your in-text citations and references. The body for this assignment will provide a detailed description of the process used to select the organization and the product. Your submission must be a minimum of two pages in length, although you should not limit the thoroughness of your research and discussion based on this minimum requirement. The format will include, but is not be limited to, the elements listed below. Utilize at least two sources. Discuss source material that is supporting your final decision for culture or subculture and product compatibility.
Intercultural organization
Restate the issue, question, or task that the document will be analyzing, which—in this case—is narrowing choices to two countries with one recommendation and selecting one product. Provide pros or cons, good and bad ideas, and poor and excellent results (i.e., do not prejudge the outcome). Provide an analysis of your research from all sides; once again, do not slant the analysis toward a specific flow. Now, provide the Board of Directors with conclusions and recommendations. Include in-text citations and references. https://youtu.be/l-Yy6poJ2zs